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Thread: Two weeks in TRT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Two weeks in TRT

    At 43 years old, I wont get into the how I got here as it's probably the same path as most others. Two weeks ago my doctor put me on .5 of 200 Cyp once a week. It was against his judgment as he wanted to do 2.0 of 200 Cyp once a month (I know, bad Idea). He wanted me to re-test at two weeks and follow up. I started at the following numbers:

    TT - 203 (250 - 1100 Range)
    FT - 34.6 (35.0 - 155 Range)
    E2 - 18.5 (0.0 - 39.8 Range)

    Two weeks in:

    TT - 1046
    FT - 214
    E2 - 32.4

    I've been doing the labs independently to keep this as much in my control as possible. I'm worried about the FT number, mostly because I don't want him to freek out and force the once a month plan at me. My question is, was 2 weeks to soon to get a fair base number and will these numbers settle down. Honestly, the first two weeks I felt ALOT more um "manly" than I do now. Any constructive input is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    when did you draw blood in relation to your last T shot? i don't understand what you mean on .5 of 200 and 2.0 of 200. what was your shot in CCs?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I took the shot on Sunday and had the blood draw on the following Friday (5 days out). I'm taking 1/2 a CC of Tes Cyp 200 mg/ml.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Not here.
    Forgive my ignorance - what is this in mg./wk. - 100mg.? When I started my TRT, I was told to wait 2 - 3 mos. for my first BW. We didn't measure free at that time, but total was around 1100. At that time I was at 150 mg. / wk.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Montreal Canada
    0.5/200mg is 50mg shot, taken at 1/week.

    if thats correct then conrats your results look awesome, keep in mind though your testes are still winding down natural production of testosterone and will continue to drop and atrophy as the months wear on. Your peak will also drop, across free and total test, best to do a blood test at the least 6 week in, not two weeks.

    i wouldn't put much credence in these initial results until you level off and become stable ( 2 months)

    recommend you follow this protocol, but dont draw bloods so soon. Your E needs attention, but again only at 6 -8 weeks, and see if it drops.. you may need an AI

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Has the doc actually prescribed the T to you and you self-inject?

    If so, since you are willing to self-test and know where to go, then why not simply adjust the dose and frequency to optimize your lab results? This is what I do, although my dose/frequency is not that far from what I've determined to be optimal.

    Also, I'd recommend breaking the weekly dose up into smaller and more frequent dosing. You will have a much smoother ride (smaller hormonal swings) and lower peak T levels. This is important because high peak levels can drive higher E2 conversion and also mess more with your hematocrit. Another perk of more frequent dosing is that the smaller volume can be delivered with an insulin syringe, which is virtually painless.

    Consider lowering the dose to 0.2 mL every 3 days (or MWF dosing). Measure the effect after about 3-4 weeks and see where you are at. Adjust from there. Always test just prior to your next dose (i.e. before you inject), and it's best to stop HCG (if you are using it) a week or so before testing so that you get a clearer picture of what's happening with the T dose. The small bumps in T from HCG can fluctuate more widely, especially as the HCG ages in the frig.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I have a family doctor prescribing it. I brought up HCG but he laughed it off and said that would only be considered if there were fertility problems. So no HCG at the moment. Honestly Im thinking I'll blow off his request to follow up at the two week point, re-test in a few more weeks, and then set an appointment. If Free T is still out of range I'll just us supplements as an excuse to keep him from lowering the dose.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    East Coast Dungeon
    Straighten us out. You're doing 100 mgs per week, yes, no?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Yes, 100 mg's a week.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Before I started my TRT, my
    Total Test: 381 ng/dL (range: 250-1100)
    Free Test: 89.5 pg/mL (range: 46-224)
    Bioavailable Test: 176.2 ng/dL (range: 110-575)
    Then I was prescribed 200mg Test. Cyp. weekly (100mg, twice a week)
    I did a blood work on week 8 of the therapy and the results were:

    Total Test: 899 ng/dL (range: 250-1100)
    Free Test: 265.7 pg/mL (range: 46-224)
    Bioavailable Test: 511.8 ng/dL (range: 110-575)

    The Estradiol slightly decreased from 29 to 26 pg/mL

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