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Thread: Is this even possible????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Is this even possible????

    Im a fan of Pharmacom labs and had great gains from their oils

    But is this even possible?
    Nandrolone Decanoate 600mg/mL

    They also do test enth 500mg/mL

    The thing i dont get is they do Deca 300mg/mL and 600mg/mL and theres hardly any difference in terms of cost, so why would anyone evn buy the 300mg/mL when you can get the 600mg/mL (more gear for your money)

    Im a bit dubious
    But as i say ive had nothing but good words to say about pharmacom

    Any thoughts ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    I like pharmacom and I have seen independent testing on both from simec. It was submitted by pharmacom customers. I will see if I can dig up the reference numbers so you can check simec for yourself.

    if you do try them I have heard they range from smooth to horrible pip.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Surrounded by wolves
    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    I like pharmacom and I have seen independent testing on both from simec. It was submitted by pharmacom customers. I will see if I can dig up the reference numbers so you can check simec for yourself.

    if you do try them I have heard they range from smooth to horrible pip.
    From what I've read, the higher concentrated gear (500mg and up) is prone to bad pip.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I would rather inject 2 x volume of oil thats less potent (to reach desired mg/cc vol) without any major PIP vs. 1 smaller infection that prevents me to move smoothly

    if great concentration gear does not cause major PIP and labs prove it being highly accurate for its rated potential, means that gear is expensive to buy, because the production of such gear takes much longer to dissolve, less BB and BA, and as in any business - time is money, so why not to add some BB and BA and make them oils 5-10x quicker, "fuck PIP , let them deal with it, its highly potential gear though!" they must be thinking to themselves.

    Some places I read earlier where people brew themselves, they produced some real good concentration test-e something like 300-350mg/ml that has so little BB and BA thus caused zero to minimal PIP. I knowing this would judge gear quality this way, if its 250mg/ml test-e etc, and it causes PIP, its either bad injection method, or fast production gear. doesnt necessarily will mean its not dosed right, just made quicker easier way, dissolves real quick without much effort at all, where as you could spend real long time brewing your own batch of "royal" test-e that has minimal amounts of BB BA and thats the main reason why some folks prefer to play with brewing themselves.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Yeah, it's possible. But you have to be good at brewing to keep them from being really painful.

  6. #6
    Long esters can hold much higher concentration than short esters. I brewed 200mg/ml Test Prop but it crashed every single time. I run it under warm water and it works fine but the PIP kicks my rear. I've brewed 500mg/ml Test E and Test Cyp with no problems. They hold just fine. I find that when I add a little EO, the PIP is much more bearable.

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