just as the title says. please start by shooting from the hip. i want to know what you think. i like to get nerdy though and if you don't don't bother reading all of the rest. -15 weeks with Test Cyp and Deca! Proposing not using HCG on a cycle, but ONCE near the start of a PCT. it will be on hand if balls start shrinking.
i just want to say i've never used HCG, but i've heard a one time shot can do wonders to kick start a PCT program. my plan is to do just that. note: i've never had a problem bouncing back after a cycle, keeping my estrogen low throughout and using Clomid/nolvadex has always done the trick. my last cycle was 12 weeks running deca, tren, and t-sust. quit begining of june, PCT was only about 3 weeks. waking up with boners and i had sex 3 times yesterday. i've also noticed that my balls don't shrink on a cycle anymore. that said, I don't want to run HCG during my cycle. having low estrogen and high test keeps my dick hard!
1 week cycle of Test Cyp and Nan Deca
while on cycle i'll use aromasin EOD to ED with some prami on hand for the 19-nor. i don't like taking to much suicide AI, so i might have a little Nolvadex here and there, but not if it's pointless because i've read things that say a little novladex on a cycle is ok and will help one feel better if estrogens becoming a problem, but most of the time i've found aromasin to be effective. i know a lot of guys will wonder why the hell i'm considering nolvadex while on a cycle as it also slightly lowers gains, (but hey I'm on AAS and size really isn't really the ultimate goal. body recomp and muscular development is. (yes that means size, but i've got the time to spare. this isn't a race) I am however favoring development.
Anyway, after the half life of my gear starts tapering down i'm going to begin clomid/novladex dosing, after substantial tapering of the gear. i'm going to use a one time shot of HCG.
-The half-life of Testosterone Cypionate when injected intramuscularly is approximately eight days.
-nan deca half life is dependant on factors i didn't completely research. it's about 6 days, or 21 days for complete removal, but can be in the system for months. i.e. tough shutdown
how long should my Nolvadex/Clomid PCT be? 4 weeks?
Clomid at 100/100/50/50
Nolvdex at 40/40/20/20
did i forget something?