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Thread: Prohormones - what's the deal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Prohormones - what's the deal?

    Hey everyone,

    I'm new to the world of ASs (or gear). As a legal alternative, I heard that so-called Prohormones - such as what is advertised on this site - can work for some guys.

    From what I know, they seem to be precursors for the real anabolic steroid - metabolized within the body - so you have a diltued version of "juice" circulating in the bloodstream.

    So, I have some questions:

    1) How strong (or effective) do prohormones seem to be compared to just natural bodybuilding muscle gains? And how would they compare to say Anavar or even Dianabol (relatively speaking) - a rule of thumb would be great here.

    2) Do they need to be taken with the same level of precautions as real ASs? (i.e. PCT, cycling, test supplementation)

    3) Most of the time I live in Germany, so does anyone know whether prohormones are legal(ish) there?

    4) So far, I have been natural (apart from using Whey and Mass Gainer), and I am still gaining 3 mm (1/8 inch) per week on my upper arms with no steroids. I'm 33, 6'2" with a slim frame and with 15" arms (cold/flexed), so don't seem to have reached a natural peak yet. From what I have read in forums, it seems that I won't need gear yet, as there is little need with this growth rate - any opinions out there?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by BraveTuna View Post
    Hey everyone,

    I'm new to the world of ASs (or gear). As a legal alternative, I heard that so-called Prohormones - such as what is advertised on this site - can work for some guys.

    From what I know, they seem to be precursors for the real anabolic steroid - metabolized within the body - so you have a diltued version of "juice" circulating in the bloodstream.

    So, I have some questions:

    1) How strong (or effective) do prohormones seem to be compared to just natural bodybuilding muscle gains? And how would they compare to say Anavar or even Dianabol (relatively speaking) - a rule of thumb would be great here.

    2) Do they need to be taken with the same level of precautions as real ASs? (i.e. PCT, cycling, test supplementation)

    3) Most of the time I live in Germany, so does anyone know whether prohormones are legal(ish) there?

    Very strong compared to the natty path. There are prohormones (superdrol) which can give dbollike effects without water. Stronger than anavar.

    They are more toxic than steroids. So you need more herbs. They all are bad steroids made even worse than the steroids they are imitating.

    Dont think they are. My wife bougth prohormones lately in Poland but she had to get on the inside. If you know what i mean.
    And i guess germany is more strict than Poland.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Thanks Silabolin. Surely some of those prohormones will be less toxic, and then there is the option to cycle only for 4-6 weeks to allow the liver to recover.

    Also, I'm curious as to what growth rates of upper arms are possible with steroid use? After subtracting for water retention etc after the cycle, it'll good to know what the net growth rate is (on a per week basis or whatever). As I mentioned above, I'm still growing at 1/8 inch per week (now at 15").

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by BraveTuna
    Thanks Silabolin. Surely some of those prohormones will be less toxic, and then there is the option to cycle only for 4-6 weeks to allow the liver to recover. Also, I'm curious as to what growth rates of upper arms are possible with steroid use? After subtracting for water retention etc after the cycle, it'll good to know what the net growth rate is (on a per week basis or whatever). As I mentioned above, I'm still growing at 1/8 inch per week (now at 15").
    Couple of things...

    Basically prohormones are steroids. They are liver toxic. Suppressive. All around not good for you.
    A first cycle should be testosterone.

    Secondly, if your arms are growing at 1" every two months then keep training natty.
    Fuck, at that rate you'll have 21" arms in a year.

    Next...there is no way anyone can tell you how much your arms will grow per week. There are way too many factors. But take my word, your growth rate is going to slow. It is harder to go from 15 to 16 then it is to go from 14-15. The volume increase is bigger in the former then the latter. Also, muscle growth is quicker when you first start training.

    I can tell by the questions you are asking that you haven't been training for long and know very little about anabolics.
    Keep training.
    Keep asking.
    Keep learning.
    But stay natty for a while longer.

  5. #5
    Superdrol is a modified form of injectable Testosterone. The molecular change allows the Testosterone to survive the liver pass. Thus the liver toxicity. You liver has to work extra hard to process the orals. Take NAC for liver support. I'm not a big orals fan. I don't think the benefits from orals versus the health risk is better than injectables.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Thanks guys for the advice!

    Sure, even though I appear to still be growing at 3mm for week, it will taper-off soon, and I think I will remain natty for the time being!
    Still would like 16" arms as a minimum - I think that would be cool.

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