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Thread: Who goes hunting with their kids?

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    That's wrong on so many levels in my eyes. Different matter if an adult wants to do that but a child just doesn't fit right.

  3. #3
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    Father of the year mate hahaha yea its bloody weird. They are crazy over their must be why they are too good at rugby.

  4. #4
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    Marcus this is like a right of passage.I believe the Indians started this ritual way back when.Most now just rub blood on their face.I personally saved the heart for the frying pan with tree mushrooms and onions

  5. #5
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    Both of my daughters have hunted with me since they could walk, no crazy ritual shit, no eating raw meat. Just teaching them about the outdoors and how to fend for yourself.
    They can both load their own weapon (.22 right now cause they are still pretty young) and shoot straight but have not shot an animal yet. If they ever decide to I'll let them but it will only be when they decide they want to.

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    I'm a vegan so you can imagine where I stand on this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Marcus this is like a right of passage.I believe the Indians started this ritual way back when.Most now just rub blood on their face.I personally saved the heart for the frying pan with tree mushrooms and onions
    It's irrelevant if it's some ritual you don't want your child shooting an animal then taking a bite out of its heart. It's just not right. He needs taking to the dungeon for treatment

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    It's irrelevant if it's some ritual you don't want your child shooting an animal then taking a bite out of its heart. It's just not right. He needs taking to the dungeon for treatment
    Now I personally wouldnt do it nor have my kid do it and I am Native American.

  9. #9
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    We got property in south east Ohio. We set up deer camp. Foothills of the Appalachians and man your whooped after climbing a hill with all you kit/ pack and guns. Haven't been hunting in a while personally but my brother n law and brother gave us some venicine from last season.
    Been turkey huntin, rabbit hunting with beagles. They like bow hunting, but I like guns..
    I'm a marksmen with a 12 gauge. Lol but I'd love to shoot a new muzzle loader I got about 10 years ago from my dad. Bolt action rifle style looking though it's a black powder. Pretty accurate with them. No kick back really

  10. #10
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    So the tree huggers dig up a very rare situation and then say hunting is a terrible thing with your children yada yada yada godamn i hate liberals

  11. #11
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    I will pass along to my children all of my knowledge that they can retain. Some of these things were passed to me from my parents and grandparents.
    This knowledge does include many things related to the outdoors such as: hunting, shooting, fishing, meat processing, and meal preparation, INCLUDING a healthy understanding of food borne illness, and food pathogens.

    There are many people in this world: Many diets vary. All have different views with regard to what is considered Savage.

  12. #12
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    i see nothing wrong with it as i have done that before

    i have even ate the heart out of a big tuna fish that i caught

    to each their own

  13. #13
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    I go hunting with my 6 year old daughter once a year. It's a great bonding experience. It's always the day after the Easter bunny has been.

    No chickens are actually harmed in the eating of whatever we catch.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    i see nothing wrong with it as i have done that before

    i have even ate out a big redhead that i caught

    to each their own

    I bet the nice girl thought you were quite the stud for doing that.

  15. #15
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    You know there's a civilisation in Papua New Guinea where paedophilia is normal (the young boys fellate the adolescent young men). I doubt they go so far as to kill and eat hearts though.

  16. #16
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    Having been raised as a kid in the country. Hunting was a way of life. I can even remember the very first time I went with my dad, grandpa and uncles grow up. It was very important to me to go with the men and hunt when I was little. Although I didn't eat a heart or anything wierd like that. My dad made me clean my first bird, he said it was important to know that if you're going to kill something and harvest it from the land. You must know and appreciated why you do it.

  17. #17
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    I've been wanting to get into duck hunting with my dog. got a beea-utiful bird dog that loves swimming and being outside. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	10572151_780632208625940_1839832342334822829_o.jpg 
Views:	71 
Size:	77.5 KB 
ID:	165136

  18. #18
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    What disturbs me about the linked article is it isolates one moment from a series of interrelated and supporting events and presents it entirely without context or background information. Which smacks of an effort to make the act seem gruesome and extreme, and to give the reader a very slanted and scandalous impression of it.

    According to the story, the little girl stated that biting into the heart was her idea. HER IDEA. No one forced her to do it. And if you check versions of the story with photos in which the little girl's face isn't pixelated, she seems all too aware that she's engaging in a bit of bushcraft theater and doesn't appear the least bit distressed.

    And even though the story is woefully (and deliberately) short on details, the pictures tell me not only that she was a willing (if not eager) participant, but also Dad had gone to some lengths to prepare her for the event, physically and psychologically.

    And as much as I hate to spoil anybody's prurient fantasies, the "blooding" ritual (which this is just one of the many variations of) comes not from some Australasian pederast, but through distinctly Christian influences. The 8th Century followers of Saint Hubertus, patron saint of hunters, adopted the practice of anointing their faces with the blood of their prey in the saint's honor. And it was institutionalized in the English-speaking world in particular by a 17th Century head of the Anglican Church, King James I of England (and VI of Scotland), he of the King James Bible, who made it part of the celebration following a successful fox hunt. And where the British Empire spread thereafter, so did King James's blooding ritual.

    Besides, it's better a kid understands where meat comes from than grows up thinking McDonald's has a machine that shits beef patties.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    And as much as I hate to spoil anybody's prurient fantasies, the "blooding" ritual (which this is just one of the many variations of) comes not from some Australasian pederast, but through distinctly Christian influences. The 8th Century followers of Saint Hubertus, patron saint of hunters, adopted the practice of anointing their faces with the blood of their prey in the saint's honor. And it was institutionalized in the English-speaking world in particular by a 17th Century head of the Anglican Church, King James I of England (and VI of Scotland), he of the King James Bible, who made it part of the celebration following a successful fox hunt. And where the British Empire spread thereafter, so did King James's blooding ritual.
    English royalty used to have a guy that wiped their asses. We have that nowadays but only for people with disabilities.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by KimboHalfSlice View Post
    English royalty used to have a guy that wiped their asses. We have that nowadays but only for people with disabilities.
    No, we have it today all over the country and we use Australians for that job,

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    No, we have it today all over the country and we use Australians for that job,
    Just want to clarify that even though I did set this one up, it was Marcus and only Marcus that made that statement :P

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tlolec View Post
    I've been wanting to get into duck hunting with my dog. got a beea-utiful bird dog that loves swimming and being outside. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	10572151_780632208625940_1839832342334822829_o.jpg 
Views:	71 
Size:	77.5 KB 
ID:	165136
    I don't want to derail this "interesting" thread, but can I ask you about that pup? I've been looking for a top-notch place to buy a duck-dog and train it.... You can PM me if you'd rather since who-knows where this thread will go if we talk about breeding.... but I'm curious if you bought it from someone who specializes in this, or if you just got lucky at the pound


  23. #23
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    Is the Bigfoot craze the same in other countries as it is in the states these days...? Just wondering after I thought about hunting and then Bigfoot hunting popped in my mind lol. I a skeptic ya know. It's like let me see some real evidence... And no it's not the same as believing in God. Like one has faith regardless if they seen God or not and blah blah then how come you need proof of a Bigfoot. Etc etc. blah blah. Cuz it's a giant caveman ape hairy beast on two legs. That's why lol. . ok back to subject. Bigfoot

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Is the Bigfoot craze the same in other countries as it is in the states these days...? Just wondering after I thought about hunting and then Bigfoot hunting popped in my mind lol. I a skeptic ya know. It's like let me see some real evidence... And no it's not the same as believing in God. Like one has faith regardless if they seen God or not and blah blah then how come you need proof of a Bigfoot. Etc etc. blah blah. Cuz it's a giant caveman ape hairy beast on two legs. That's why lol. . ok back to subject. Bigfoot
    Bigfoot is just another word for almostgone, he is real and he is very big and hairy he also wonders around woods all the time very much like a giant caveman but he loves his belly rubbed

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Bigfoot is just another word for almostgone, he is real and he is very big and hairy he also wonders around woods all the time very much like a giant caveman but he loves his belly rubbed
    I do need to shave.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    No, we have it today all over the country and we use Australians for that job,
    I knew you couldnt resist that door being open

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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I knew you couldnt resist that door being open
    You know me just a cunt

  28. #28
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    Set some corn feed out last night in the back yard at my brother n laws house.

  29. #29
    *in response to the second post on this thread. User-Marcus300 (I meant to reply but am new to the forum and messed up the formatting I think sorry)

    That's a point of view shared by many and I am in no means trying to condemn your thinking or reasoning, but I see no reason why it is "wrong.
    I have extended family who are native Fijians. When we go reef fishing, the first person (regardless of age) to catch a tuna or wahoo is encouraged to eat the raw beating heart of the fish as soon as it is in the boat. While it Seems grossly visceral when you explain it, it seems very natural at the time and actually gives you a definite sense of how the food chain works, that you have just killed a living creature for your own survival/consumption.
    To shy away from this is to deny how humans survive on this earth, and I think it communicates to people (particularly youth) that meat and fish do not come from shelves, but are obtained at the heavy and often painful cost of an organism's life.
    Sorry to get so deep into this lol but it a subject I have given a lot of thought to, and felt like sharing my personal belief
    Last edited by Reliable_Individual; 09-10-2016 at 06:20 PM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reliable_Individual View Post
    While it Seems grossly visceral when you explain it, it seems very natural at the time and actually gives you a definite sense of how the food chain works, that you have just killed a living creature for your own survival/consumption.
    I wonder if that's how Gary Glitter thinks about children.

    To shy away from this is to deny how humans survive on this earth, and I think it communicates to people (particularly youth) that meat and fish do not come from shelves, but are obtained at the heavy and often painful cost of an organism's life.
    Sorry to get so deep into this lol but it a subject I have given a lot of thought to, and felt like sharing my personal belief
    I'm a Hare Krishna buddy, used to live in a temple on a small island. Wouldn't know much about the necessity of killing however I can see how it leads to the sexual exploitation of infants.

  31. #31
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    Nothing lives unless something else dies. Not plants, not insects, not even bacteria. Everything that lives is food for something else, and everything that lives consumes other living things (or their remains) in order to continue living.

    That you're living means you're eating dead things. That you're not doing your own killing just means you're shirking.

    If our ancestors hadn't chosen to hunt and kill and eat other animals, we all of us would still be tree-dwelling knuckle-draggers (provided we hadn't gone extinct).

    Sorry, vegans: Eating meat and cooking food is how humans got their big brains

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    Nothing lives unless something else dies. Not plants, not insects, not even bacteria. Everything that lives is food for something else, and everything that lives consumes other living things (or their remains) in order to continue living.
    Not really. Depends what you thinking is living and feeling. Eating vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, legumes, grains is fine by me.

    But let's bring the subject back to killing. Depending on what moral or strategical twist you put on it, you could twist it as execution / murder / assassination. We've loads of words to describe killing.

    Why the fuck you'd want to kill an innocent being when we've plenty to eat is beyond me.

    If there were a famine and we were truly desperate, then perhaps I'd see you reasoning, but really you're just coming across as a bully. Leave the fucking animals alone and don't be a cunt all your life.

    That you're living means you're eating dead things. That you're not doing your own killing just means you're shirking.
    I'm a vegan, buddy.

    If our ancestors hadn't chosen to hunt and kill and eat other animals, we all of us would still be tree-dwelling knuckle-draggers (provided we hadn't gone extinct).
    That's cool and all..... our ancestors were total cunts........... I get it. I'm alive right now though. Not mad on being a bully. Think I'll leave the cows and sheep and pigs alone unless I'm going out to play with them.

  33. #33
    ? My post has nothing to do with pedophilia? Very confused

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reliable_Individual View Post
    ? My post has nothing to do with pedophilia? Very confused
    If you try to convince someone to do something that is wrong, and succeed, that will force them into denial. Even a young child knows when they're doing something wrong. If you build an entire community and society from this, that denial will wriggle its way out somewhere. Taken to an extreme (and yes I do realise it's an EXTREME), it results in paedophilia. This is what I'm claiming.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reliable_Individual View Post
    ? My post has nothing to do with pedophilia? Very confused
    It isn't you.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by KimboHalfSlice View Post
    Not really....
    Yes, really.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    Yes, really.
    How would this apply outside of times of famine?

    How can you say that we really have to kill when we've got plenty of veggies and nuts?

  38. #38
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    You can concoct the fantasy definition of your choosing, but you only live by eating other living things. You've just drawn the line between what's living and what's not at a place that's convenient to your world view.

    Beyond eating, animal by-products were used in the manufacture of practically every metal thing you own, or anything that requires metal in its manufacture. Refrigerators, automobiles, bicycles, ...even in the needles used to sew your clothes.

    Do you harvest all of your own food and live naked in a mud hut? Because if you don't, and if you wear clothes, or spectacles, live in a structure built with metal tools or using metal components (nails, door hinges, etc), if your home contains any commercially-woven fabrics, and if you eat with metal flatware, then you live you life surrounded by remnants of dead animals.

    The people who provide you services, your doctor, your dustman, your plumber, your paperboy, ...are they all vegans, too? The people who murder the poor little innocent plants which you eat, are they all vegans too, or do they sometimes lunch at McDonalds? Did they work the fields naked, and go home at night to their mud hut? Did they use any metal implements in their agrarian practices?

    Because the whole of western civilization is built on use of animal by-products. And if your existence is supported in any way, shape form or fashion by use of animal by-products, or by people who consume animals, then you are hypocrite. A faux vegan.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    Because the whole of western civilization is built on use of animal by-products. And if your existence is supported in any way, shape form or fashion by use of animal by-products, or by people who consume animals, then you are hypocrite. A faux vegan.
    The industry of selling animal products (meat for food, fat for soap, skin for leather), like any other industry, is based on supply and demand.

    It is the demand for these products that results in the exploitation of animals (killing, impregnating, milking).

    When I say that I'm a vegan, I'm saying that I try not to increase the demand. So that's why I don't eat meat, I buy vegan soap, I don't wear leather.

    If I'm on holidays and I go into a shop and I find a bar of soap and I think it's vegan but I'm not sure because it's in Italian, then I'll hope that it is and buy it. I can't be assured that every product or service I use didn't result in an animal being exploited at some point, but I can try.

    If everyone did this then we'd soon reach a point where we no longer exploit animals.

  40. #40
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    Vegans and pedophilia? Errr thats where i draw the line. Take this rubbish to the crossfit section where it belongs!!!!!!!!!

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