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Thread: anyone gotten nasty aggression sides from deca?

  1. #1

    anyone gotten nasty aggression sides from deca?

    I'm not currently taking deca so I'm not concerned. But whenever I have taken deca I have gotten horrible sides. I respond pretty well to steroids and the only time I get mood swings is when I don't keep my blood levels stable or a few days after my first injection of a cycle. However deca seems to do the WORST for me... I was angry as shit I was scratching my car punching out mirrors and doors. I was mad as shit I also had a REALLY high libido and was really depressed. I know that a lot of people say deca has less side effects than a lot of other drugs but is that really true? Nothing increases my aggression and makes me unstable like deca did.

    my cycle when i did it a few years ago was
    test e 750mg 1-12
    deca 500mg 1-10
    50mg dianabol

  2. #2
    Another classic example of how genetics will effect your body's response to AAS. I've personally not experienced these symptoms with DECA, but I have spoken with people who have indeed had the same same symptoms as you. Unfortunately genetic predisposition is something we cannot change or control.

    I recently read an article on the neurological effects of nandrolone. Very interesting indeed, as it has quite the dramatic influence on brain chemistry. Dopaminergic and serotonergic pathways both effected.

    I would suggest you run a very low dose nandrolone, and if the symptoms persist or become unbearable, then seek an alternative. Trenbolone probably wouldn't be a great idea, as anecdotal evidence suggests that its negative effects are more pronounced than nandrolone.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vash the Stampede View Post
    Another classic example of how genetics will effect your body's response to AAS. I've personally not experienced these symptoms with DECA, but I have spoken with people who have indeed had the same same symptoms as you. Unfortunately genetic predisposition is something we cannot change or control.

    I recently read an article on the neurological effects of nandrolone. Very interesting indeed, as it has quite the dramatic influence on brain chemistry. Dopaminergic and serotonergic pathways both effected.

    I would suggest you run a very low dose nandrolone, and if the symptoms persist or become unbearable, then seek an alternative. Trenbolone probably wouldn't be a great idea, as anecdotal evidence suggests that its negative effects are more pronounced than nandrolone.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by abombman View Post
    I'm not currently taking deca so I'm not concerned. But whenever I have taken deca I have gotten horrible sides. I respond pretty well to steroids and the only time I get mood swings is when I don't keep my blood levels stable or a few days after my first injection of a cycle. However deca seems to do the WORST for me... I was angry as shit I was scratching my car punching out mirrors and doors. I was mad as shit I also had a REALLY high libido and was really depressed. I know that a lot of people say deca has less side effects than a lot of other drugs but is that really true? Nothing increases my aggression and makes me unstable like deca did.

    my cycle when i did it a few years ago was
    test e 750mg 1-12
    deca 500mg 1-10
    50mg dianabol
    You've to check if it's DECA that make you feel as you told. Regardless genetic predisposition, the boss of rage is Test and as i see, your Test dosages aren't low. Did you try a Test-only cycle ? Did you experiment same symptoms ? All steroids might you feel angry and increase aggressive and there's no Deca specificity. Try by yourself, experimenting, what could affect your mood in an extreme way as you told. Keep notes of all changing and combinations. That is the only way you have to know your body with precision.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by abombman View Post
    I'm not currently taking deca so I'm not concerned. But whenever I have taken deca I have gotten horrible sides. I respond pretty well to steroids and the only time I get mood swings is when I don't keep my blood levels stable or a few days after my first injection of a cycle. However deca seems to do the WORST for me... I was angry as shit I was scratching my car punching out mirrors and doors. I was mad as shit I also had a REALLY high libido and was really depressed. I know that a lot of people say deca has less side effects than a lot of other drugs but is that really true? Nothing increases my aggression and makes me unstable like deca did.

    my cycle when i did it a few years ago was
    test e 750mg 1-12
    deca 500mg 1-10
    50mg dianabol
    Hmm deca gives me a good well being feeling...

    that's crazy

  6. #6
    i'm pretty sure it was deca... and I've run test only cycles test with dianabol test with a-drol. Deca is by far a nasty motherfucker.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by abombman View Post
    i'm pretty sure it was deca... and I've run test only cycles test with dianabol test with a-drol. Deca is by far a nasty motherfucker.
    Nobody might assume that was DECA injecting the cause; it could be that if you had avoid to inject DECA, you have had the same symptoms, maybe due an hormonal unbalance happened in that precise moment of the cycle. Hormonal levels fluctuate every day, mostly if you are on cycle.

  8. #8
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    What was the AI dosage taken while on dbol?

  9. #9
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    Agree with Fonzy007. Deca always gives me a sense of wellbeeing and everything is just great if prolactin is ok.

    Hard to believe it wasnt the test and dbol. 50 mg dbol is a lot and 750 test is not a low dose.

    Or a combination. Running 500 mg of any aas with your test and dboldose could cause rare anger for u.

  10. #10
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    If steroids make you angry then you are naturally just an angry person. They make me feel relaxed if anything

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vash the Stampede View Post

    You'll need to re-write that so it isnt blocked by filters!

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    You'll need to re-write that so it isnt blocked by filters!
    I can't post links since I'm a "noob" with less than 25 posts haha.

    If you google the visible part of the link, I'm sure you will find it.
    Last edited by Vash the Stampede; 08-24-2016 at 10:02 AM.

  14. #14
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    I personally think it's all in your head. Everyone had been conditioned by MSM that roids will make you aggressive and quick tempered. Yet very little evidence exist to support these claims.

    I think in reality we have a sort of placibo effect in that we experience "roid rage," because we think steroids may cause it.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I personally think it's all in your head. Everyone had been conditioned by MSM that roids will make you aggressive and quick tempered. Yet very little evidence exist to support these claims.

    I think in reality we have a sort of placibo effect in that we experience "roid rage," because we think steroids may cause it.
    I would mostly agree with you on this. There is no scientific or medical research that proves steroids increase aggression. In my personal experience, I have seen people who were already aggressive, become bigger assholes than they already were from steroid use. I believe it cannot change fundamental personality traits, but perhaps might aggregate underlying issues and predispositions

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vash the Stampede View Post
    I would mostly agree with you on this. There is no scientific or medical research that proves steroids increase aggression. In my personal experience, I have seen people who were already aggressive, become bigger assholes than they already were from steroid use. I believe it cannot change fundamental personality traits, but perhaps might aggregate underlying issues and predispositions
    Exactly!!assholes become bigger assholes..simplified

  17. #17
    [QUOTE=MuscleScience;7205354]I personally think it's all in your head. Everyone had been conditioned by MSM that roids will make you aggressive and quick tempered. Yet very little evidence exist to support these claims.

    what r u talking about? its clearly proven that steroids can increase aggression. Now aggression and anger are two different things. Aggression is more about determination and not letting things get in your way than being angry. Now I know I will get flamed for this but I think steroids can make you "rageful" if you take certain types of steroids. There are at least 100 different steroids out there and it's likely that one of those drugs is gonna give you a lot of side effects. Everyone responds differently to each type of steroid to a certain point. I imagine taking high doses of tren especially if you aren't keeping your blood levels stable can make you rageful. I think its bizarre how people say its all in your head and you can control the side effects. There are plenty of people who come off tren cycles thinking it doesn't mess with there mind than realizing that it really did mess with there mind. There is no proof that steroids can cause rages; but there is proof it increases aggression.

    The thing that I find with steroids is that your either going to experience few side effects or too much side effects and not much in between.

    Steroids imo have a very strong dose respondent curve when it comes to side effects. You'll be doing great experiencing no side effects than you bump up your dosage too high than bam your overwhelmed with them
    Last edited by abombman; 08-24-2016 at 04:39 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I personally think it's all in your head. Everyone had been conditioned by MSM that roids will make you aggressive and quick tempered. Yet very little evidence exist to support these claims.

    what r u talking about? its clearly proven that steroids can increase aggression. Now aggression and anger are two different things. Aggression is more about determination and not letting things get in your way than being angry. Now I know I will get flamed for this but I think steroids can make you "rageful" if you take certain types of steroids. There are at least 100 different steroids out there and it's likely that one of those drugs is gonna give you a lot of side effects. Everyone responds differently to each type of steroid to a certain point. I imagine taking high doses of tren especially if you aren't keeping your blood levels stable can make you rageful. I think its bizarre how people say its all in your head and you can control the side effects. There are plenty of people who come off tren cycles thinking it doesn't mess with there mind than realizing that it really did mess with there mind. There is no proof that steroids can cause rages; but there is proof it increases aggression.

    The thing that I find with steroids is that your either going to experience few side effects or too much side effects and not much in between.

    Steroids imo have a very strong dose respondent curve when it comes to side effects. You'll be doing great experiencing no side effects than you bump up your dosage too high than bam your overwhelmed with them
    Then maybe you have seen all this evidence that I haven't seen?

  19. #19
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    I had one run with deca, never got aggressive. If anything test made me more prone to aggression
    Last edited by Cuz; 08-24-2016 at 05:16 PM.

  20. #20
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    I would love to see the list of "at least a 100 different steroids"

  21. #21
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    i have no idea how i feel 99% of the time.

  22. #22
    well with me it's the exact opposite

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    I had one run with deca, never got aggressive. If anything test made me more prone to aggression
    with me its the exact opposite

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    I would love to see the list of "at least a 100 different steroids"
    go to the steroid profile section and find out... also understand that steroids like most drugs have had countless versions created that never reached production for whatever reason. That's how those Balco athletes avoided those drug tests back in early 2000. They would use steroids that were very little known because they never reached production and so there were no drug tests with them.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by abombman View Post

    Then maybe you have seen all this evidence that I haven't seen?
    just remember when people talk about there being no proof of steroids in medical literature of anger issues they are specifically referring to the steroids created for humans such as anadrol 50, dianabol, testosterone enanthate, deca, anavar; drugs which have been much better studied on humans than say trenbolone which was made for cattle and has no human studies or trials to back up any claims of safeness. I don't trust steroids that don't have at least some type of human trials.

    the only way you could say tren can't cause serious anger issues or health issues is that if there was a human study done for people on trenbolone and there hasn't been one.
    Last edited by abombman; 08-24-2016 at 10:52 PM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by abombman View Post
    go to the steroid profile section and find out... also understand that steroids like most drugs have had countless versions created that never reached production for whatever reason. That's how those Balco athletes avoided those drug tests back in early 2000. They would use steroids that were very little known because they never reached production and so there were no drug tests with them.
    So essentially youve been talking BS. Oh I have been and read every single profile in detail over last years, no need to pretend know something you dont.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    So essentially youve been talking BS. Oh I have been and read every single profile in detail over last years, no need to pretend know something you dont.
    hmmm... ok to clarify wtf are we arguing about? are we arguing about if deca made me aggressive? or we arguing about whether steroids particuraly tren can increase aggression.

    1. if were arguing about tren increasing aggression then your an idiot for not beleiveing that's possible... GO FUCKING USE A SEARCH ENGINE AND TYPE TREN AND AGGRESSION! as for other steroids like I said I theorize that using excessive unreasonable doses of any steroid isn't good at all and is unhealthy and can perhaps cause mood swings LIKE SO MANY OTHER FUCKING THINGS.

    2. if were arguing about that whether deca caused me to become aggressive who the fuck knows... maybe it was secretly a massive dose of tren that was mislabeled (something I consider unlikely).. but as far as i'm concerned deca was a disaster for me. Over my experience with steroids I have never had an experience like that.
    Last edited by abombman; 08-25-2016 at 12:42 AM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by abombman View Post
    hmmm... ok to clarify wtf are we arguing about? are we arguing about if deca made me aggressive? or we arguing about whether steroids particuraly tren can increase aggression.

    1. if were arguing about tren increasing aggression then your an idiot for not beleiveing that's possible... GO FUCKING USE A SEARCH ENGINE AND TYPE TREN AND AGGRESSION! as for other steroids like I said I theorize that using excessive unreasonable doses of any steroid isn't good at all and is unhealthy and can perhaps cause mood swings LIKE SO MANY OTHER FUCKING THINGS.

    2. if were arguing about that whether deca caused me to become aggressive who the fuck knows... maybe it was secretly a massive dose of tren that was mislabeled.. but as far as i'm concerned deca was a disaster for me. Over my experience with steroids I have never had an experience like that.
    for #1 - I was touching on the line where you wrote a statement that "there are at least 100 different steroids out there"

    if #2 - you used more of your brain than deca/tren to write replies, you would soon realize that most of these steroids are same over the same compound introduced by a different methods and pathways that they work via are more less identical to their former versions hence its just a new form of more so marketing than a new type of steroid.

    and for #3 - chill the fuck out

  29. #29
    I've run a number of cycles of Tren, Deca, and a host of other compounds. I haven't noticed any "roid rage" of any kind. I'm wondering if that's an urban legend.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    What was the AI dosage taken while on dbol?
    Mind answering this?

  31. #31
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    I am personally very confused. Why would Testosterone and derivatives not make a person more aggressive? And by aggressive here, I am referring to more than just human-to-human interaction. I am very much more short tempered while on a simple Test-E cycle until levels stabilize. Let's not talk about the effects Tren-A had on me, antisocial, less affectionate, rude, and extremely short-tempered, all in all, just an asshole.

    1. Exactly how do anyone here propose that we run a study testing aggression while on supraphysiological doses of AAS?
    2. I assume this is highly individualized so just because some do not experience this some might.

    Even if all AAS does is to enhance already existing behaviors how is that any different? If someone acts a little bit bad once and a while but while on a cycle is completely unbearable it is still the introduction of AAS that is, likely, causing the change.


  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Mind answering this?
    0.5 mcg per day of arimidex. its research liquid so maybe it was underdosed... but it was enough to reduce water retention by a fair amount.
    Last edited by abombman; 08-25-2016 at 03:08 AM.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    I am personally very confused. Why would Testosterone and derivatives not make a person more aggressive? And by aggressive here, I am referring to more than just human-to-human interaction. I am very much more short tempered while on a simple Test-E cycle until levels stabilize. Let's not talk about the effects Tren-A had on me, antisocial, less affectionate, rude, and extremely short-tempered, all in all, just an asshole.

    1. Exactly how do anyone here propose that we run a study testing aggression while on supraphysiological doses of AAS?
    2. I assume this is highly individualized so just because some do not experience this some might.

    Even if all AAS does is to enhance already existing behaviors how is that any different? If someone acts a little bit bad once and a while but while on a cycle is completely unbearable it is still the introduction of AAS that is, likely, causing the change.

    were you injecting the tren eod or ed?

  34. #34
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    yea, after i leveled off i was pretty much back to same old me. my voice is deeper now though and i've put on 10lb

    -thinking about downsizing my macros again because i'm just not happy with the lack of weight loss.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    I am personally very confused. Why would Testosterone and derivatives not make a person more aggressive? And by aggressive here, I am referring to more than just human-to-human interaction. I am very much more short tempered while on a simple Test-E cycle until levels stabilize. Let's not talk about the effects Tren-A had on me, antisocial, less affectionate, rude, and extremely short-tempered, all in all, just an asshole.

    1. Exactly how do anyone here propose that we run a study testing aggression while on supraphysiological doses of AAS?
    2. I assume this is highly individualized so just because some do not experience this some might.

    Even if all AAS does is to enhance already existing behaviors how is that any different? If someone acts a little bit bad once and a while but while on a cycle is completely unbearable it is still the introduction of AAS that is, likely, causing the change.

    Because T has not really been shown to have a direct physcotropic effect. If there is an effect, it's inconclusive and is usually a matter of anacdotal rather than objective measure.

    My thought is, if it is so hard to purportedly see a direct increase in anger or aggression then is there really are effect? it should be easy to see, much like it is with other compounds like alcohol.

  36. #36
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    For the most part, I believe the following is truth: be it alcohol, drugs or hormones, it will help to express underlying mental issues or sometimes even talents. I have known handful of people who would not dare to speak up in public or take on certain tasks, and would go trough panic attacks and may seem that nothing could have helped them to help go forward , but there they take a shot of vodka, or have a cigarette and that person turns in to one of the most tallented outspoken individuals, confident and calm, ready for action. Same applies to other group of nice, pro-active and intelligent people I knew, when they change for worse, as many people are constantly runing from his own bright or dark side and some substitutes can take control and release the pressure/unbalance the Ying-Yang in one self. Of course with practice most outcomes can be managed, that is if person is educated enough, has deep self morals and self discipline/self control and is not prone to certain addictions and does not abuse substitutes in the first place.

    Blaming something for the effect is the easiest thing to do, and that is a stupid thing to do too. The main cause grows within the person for years before the effect taks expression on right conditions. Of course there are substitutes that would definatelly could make one loose his plot without any good reason, be it anything that is consumed not in moderation or if it has been known to be of a greater concentrate/effectiveness, so it goes the same for alcohol, chemicals, drugs, hormones, for fucks sake overdose on certain sugars and you can turn to one piece of a shit person nobody would wanna hang around, but the majority of issues lies deep in the person himself dormant till the appropriate trigger is being pulled
    Last edited by InternalFire; 08-26-2016 at 08:20 AM.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Because T has not really been shown to have a direct physcotropic effect. If there is an effect, it's inconclusive and is usually a matter of anacdotal rather than objective measure.

    My thought is, if it is so hard to purportedly see a direct increase in anger or aggression then is there really are effect? it should be easy to see, much like it is with other compounds like alcohol.
    I will weigh in a little here..
    I have been on TRT twice.. and noticed within a couple of weeks there is without a doubt a psychotropic affect.
    I've only ever taken TEST-E between 100-200mg/wk..

    It will increase anxiety and depression at first but believe over time that subsides.

    And in the end I am much calmer with alot LESS aggression. As others have stated,genetics play a huge role in reaction to ANYTHING exogenous


  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Because T has not really been shown to have a direct physcotropic effect. If there is an effect, it's inconclusive and is usually a matter of anacdotal rather than objective measure.

    My thought is, if it is so hard to purportedly see a direct increase in anger or aggression then is there really are effect? it should be easy to see, much like it is with other compounds like alcohol.
    I see. I was thinking of taking Test as a woman having her period (Forgive my ignorance on the subject) and until things get stable you might be a bit uneven moodwise. I appreciate the reply on the subject.


  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    I see. I was thinking of taking Test as a woman having her period (Forgive my ignorance on the subject) and until things get stable you might be a bit uneven moodwise. I appreciate the reply on the subject.

    Its not a very good example as during her period women are at lowest levels of hormones (including testostorone).

    One could argue that its the drop/lack of hormones that causes the "uneven mood".

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Its not a very good example as during her period women are at lowest levels of hormones (including testosterone).

    One could argue that its the drop/lack of hormones that causes the "uneven mood".
    More likely rapid changes that challenge brain's ability to maintain homeostasis. Some action of sex hormones are mediates through nuclear receptors that mediate gene expression but fast-acting trans-membrane ones also exists. Not to mention hormone-derived neurosteroids like 3-alpha-diol (GABA-A agonist).

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