Age: 26
Height: 5'6
So I was prepping for a show and realized my coach I hired was awful and I hit a plateau at 152lbs coming from 160lbs. I plateaued and he had me going keto on 900 calories and two 45 sessions of cardio.
I am currently trying to get myself situated. I should of probably slowly add back in the carbs, but I was at 12g of carbs and seem to lack the willpower at this point. Instead I am going up around 150-200g of carbs (basically .3 c at 4 meals and added one more meal, 6 instead of my 5 the coach had me on.) I am insanely hungry all the time, and if I keep it lower, I tend to over eat.
Anyways he had me start my second var cycle. The first one he had me run for 8 weeks, at 10 mg a day. He told me I didn't have to split it, and I took 10 mg at once in the beginning of the day. Seeing all I am at now, this guy didn't know much. I barely look like I been dieting and it seems like my metabolism has slowed a lot.
So my issue is moving forward. I am not sure if I should drop the var until I can get my diet nailed again, or continue it and give myself the week to get use to the new diet. I have been on my second cycle for 1 week now. Frankly I didn't see much the first cycle but I think its because he had me on such high carbs and my body wasn't responding when we started to cut. I barely got to see any hard lines.
He also had me on clen with a 2 days on, 2 days off protocol. I am getting off that for sure until I get the diet fixed. I feel like this whole situation is so f***ed up, just not sure where to start.
Any advice will help.