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Thread: Estrogen question

  1. #1

    Estrogen question

    I was taking aromasin everyday when I shouldn't have been. I did a blood test and my estrogen levels were zero. I stopped taking the aromasin for a few days. How long should I stop taking the aromasin until I go back to taking it but this time only once every 3rd day?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    It would be helpful to have more information.

    Are you on cycle?
    What are you taking?
    Is you stane pharmacy grade?
    What are the dosages of everything that you're taking?

  3. #3
    I'm on cycle
    Taking 3 Ccs a week of test e or 750ml
    75mg anavar
    Don't know if pharmacy grade

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Bxrob View Post
    I'm on cycle
    Taking 3 Ccs a week of test e or 750ml
    75mg anavar
    Don't know if pharmacy grade
    Again, what are your stats and the dosages of everything that you're taking?

    Will you post your bw results?

    Is this your first cycle?
    Last edited by numbere; 09-06-2016 at 03:56 PM.

  5. #5
    Am I not answering right?

    Not first cycle

    750ml of test e, 75 mg of anavar and 25mg of aromisin

    202 pounds 5'11"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    If you had bw that shows low e2 then I won't dispute that, but I highly doubt that 25mg/day of stane crashed your e2 when on 750mg/week of test.

    If your AI isn't pharmacy grade then I have to assume that it's mislabeled.

    It's almost impossible to crash your e2 while on cycle with stane because it's a very mild AI.

    Have you used stane on cycle before?

    Will you post your bw?

  7. #7
    What's bw? You mean bloodwork? I don't know my dr told me on phone I have zero estrogen

    First one using aromisin

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Bxrob View Post
    What's bw? You mean bloodwork? I don't know my dr told me on phone I have zero estrogen

    First one using aromisin
    Yes, I was referring to blood work.

    It would be helpful to know your exact reading and the e2 test/reference range.

    If you had a sensitive e2 assay done then the lower range is 8-10 pg/ml.

    It's really difficult to give any advice without seeing your lab results and the quality of your stane.

    Are you able to acquire another AI in the next few days?

  9. #9
    Yes I have them. Only decided to stop taking them for a bit since my estrogen was way too low

  10. #10
    Just a thought....
    Your testosterone could be bunk but your AI could be good.
    Have you put on any weight since starting your cycle?
    How long have u been on cycle?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    A world without islam!!!!
    Next time ask for the lab report. General doctors are more useless then a loosing lotto ticket when it comes to these things. You were probably on the low side of normal. But 0? Doubt it

  12. #12
    No. My test levels were high over 1500. Been on for 7 months but started very low. Actually lost weight and got rid of a lot of body fat

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    NC USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Bxrob View Post
    No. My test levels were high over 1500. Been on for 7 months but started very low. Actually lost weight and got rid of a lot of body fat
    Been on for 7 months? Did you mean 7 weeks? Isn't 7 months way too log to be on that much test?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by T-boner View Post
    Been on for 7 months? Did you mean 7 weeks? Isn't 7 months way too log to be on that much test?
    7 months test e 750 mg
    total test is 1500, does sound like your test is bunk,
    and your aromasin is doing its job.
    you should have pretty achy joints and feel pretty drive?....
    if your test is only 1500, you probably dont
    need a AI...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Italy, Messina
    7 Months of cycle it means that you're crazy. A cycle, especially with long esters ( Test E ) should last not more than 12-14 weeks IMHO. You risk to cause a lot of damage to your HPTA and your testicles.

    I had the same problem with Aromasin; when i did my BW, my E2 was almost zero ( 0,20pg/ml ) even i used 6,25mg/ED with Test E 500mg/w and it sounds me very strange... and i felt very bad and i thought my estrogens was really cut down. Despite this, I tried to increase Aromasin dosage up to 12.5mg/ED... and bad symptoms magically disappear and i begun to feel better. I did another BW in another more efficient Lab just after 2 days of the previous one and now i'm waiting the results. My suspect is that something goes wrong then they try to test E2 as increasing the dosage i feel better and if E2 was too much low, i shouldn't improve... and the same i think in your case... maybe your Aromasin dosage is too much low and with Test E 750mg/w you should use an more powerful AI as Arimidex.

  16. #16
    End of Yale e,specially and when using high androgenises stack

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