Just started a stanzolol/oral winstrol cycle. Been scouring the web for 5 hours and I'm starting to get information fatigue from all of the articles and threads. Obviously information gathered from the internet should be taken with a heaping handful of salt, but there is some tried and tested nuggets of information buried throughout.
To save future amateurs from wasting an entire Sunday like I just did, here is what I found.
Aside from 50% of people saying oral winny is crap and pure poison for your liver, here is what I distilled from the "experts" of the internet.
4-6 weeks - 10 -50mg (ed vs eod is heavily debated, but the consensus seems the higher doses is better for cutting though tougher on your liver. Lower doses will not show much in the mirror but will still improve athletic performance)
Majority agreed that milk thistle and fish oil should be taken everyday during and post cycle.
Most of the posts and articles I read seemed to focus on PCTs for other steroids and not oral winstrol, but the majority agreed that all steroids will affect your testosterone levels so PCT is highly recommended.
Some posters said Nolva is not necessary or even harmful, but the majority seemed to agree at the very least Chlomid is essential. Many said Nolva and Chlomid are a good combo for pct.
A few posters suggested this is a good PCT combo.
wk 1: nolva at 40mg everyday and chlomid at 100mg everyday
Wk 2: nolva at 20 - 40mg everyday and chlomid at 50mg
Wk 3: nolva at 20 mg everyday and chlomid at 50mg
wk 4: nolva at 20 mg everyday and chlomid at 50mg
Both are only available on "canadian pharmacy" sites. There are some trusted sites out there. I linked a couple, but this site auto-rejected my post as spam.
Other Info
Numerous articles and posts suggested using HCG, aromatase or aromasin during and/or post cycle, but there was much debate over their effectiveness or even if it is necessary with oral winstrol.
Feel free to add or debate further in response to this post as I'm still trying to make sense of all the info out there.