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Thread: PLEASE HELP ME!!!! first cycle test e

  1. #1

    Exclamation PLEASE HELP ME!!!! first cycle test e

    So i have had a hell of a time this last 2 months trying to get my estrogen levels dialed in. I am on 500 mg of test e per week and Adex e3d .25mg. I was just guessing for the most part throughout my cycle but just had bloods done this week. the results just have TOTAL ESTROGEN, it doesn't not break it down into all the different types of estro. My estro is at 192 pg/ml, which from what i understand is quite high. test is 1489 ng/dl. My doctor said that my estrogen levels are not dangerously high, and surprisingly she was barely phased by it, but did tell me it was abnormally high. throughout my cycle i have had anxiety, rage, bad sweats, mild ed, pretty substantial fat gain and bloating, and started to have sore nipples a few weeks ago but the adex took that away. After seeing how high my estro was today, i am upping my dose to .5mg eod. Please provide me with feedback, i could use some advice!!!

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    EOD with your adex at .25 would have been much better.
    If you're running 500 mg test per week and your Total T level is 1489 then your gear is severely under-dosed.
    Some guys simply can have more sides than others. Hormones will do that.
    Fat gain would be your diet, not the testosterone.
    Bloating can be caused by high estrogen.

    By chance is this your first cycle?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Man up. Cardio will cut this shit out. Real cadio... go dig a hole ten feet deep with a shovel. You have 35 minutes.

  4. #4
    yes this is my first cycle. since my estrogen is so high is it possible that the test is aromatizing into estrogen? or is the gear shit? Also have bad acne so i can tell that my sides are related to high estro! you think i should do .25 eod not .5??

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Man up. Cardio will cut this shit out. Real cadio... go dig a hole ten feet deep with a shovel. You have 35 minutes.
    i do cardio homie. get fucked

  6. #6
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    Lmao not enough! Don't be a puss push hard. I'm not being a jerk. Cardio till you faint every day will fix this and you will awake a beast

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Lmao not enough! Don't be a puss push hard. I'm not being a jerk. Cardio till you faint every day will fix this and you will awake a beast
    aight ill step it up. any other feedback regarding the gear and estro levels

  8. #8
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    The only other help I can offer is take clen or ephedrine and caffeine. God bless bud I'm not trying to cut you down.

  9. #9
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    Gear is like an angry, hot ass woman inside your body... you can let it take charge or you can just fuck her till she can give no more. Make her quiver Bpowell512. Bdsm that dirty girl.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    EOD with your adex at .25 would have been much better.
    If you're running 500 mg test per week and your Total T level is 1489 then your gear is severely under-dosed.
    Some guys simply can have more sides than others. Hormones will do that.
    Fat gain would be your diet, not the testosterone.
    Bloating can be caused by high estrogen.

    By chance is this your first cycle?
    What levels will a regiment of 500mg sustanon /each week give someone on average? Is 1400 roughly low compared to what a test only cycle will yield. The more the better in terms of benifets and I would assume that side effects will be more a threat as well..
    And another qestion I have is..if one is taking .25 mg eod of Arimidex, would it. It be as effective or bad if one takes for example 1mg- 1.25mg..can they just dose once per week? I ask because I have some high concentrate 5mg/ml of liquid Arimidex to be exact. It's hard to measure out what's roughly .25 mg since it equals like a drop or two literally..and I figured since it falls out of suspension at that concentrate especially since I can see the white swirls inside the liquid, but since that happens and after I shake it up i feel that a few drop dont have a lot of medicine in it visually. I say that just because I don't see a lot of the white debris in say 2/16ths of a ml.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Gear is like an angry, hot ass woman inside your body... you can let it take charge or you can just fuck her till she can give no more. Make her quiver Bpowell512. Bdsm that dirty girl.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    EOD with your adex at .25 would have been much better.
    If you're running 500 mg test per week and your Total T level is 1489 then your gear is severely under-dosed.
    Some guys simply can have more sides than others. Hormones will do that.
    Fat gain would be your diet, not the testosterone.
    Bloating can be caused by high estrogen.

    By chance is this your first cycle?
    yes this is my first cycle. since my estrogen is so high is it possible that the test is aromatizing into estrogen? My body is estrogen prone, my dad had gyno in college and i had it when i was a teenager, could my genes play a role, or is the gear shit? Also have bad acne so i can tell that my sides are related to high estro! you think i should do .25 adex eod not .5??

  13. #13
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    Jul 2014
    your body could be converting the test into estro at a higher rate than the average person,
    it would be hard to tell if your gear is bunk if that is the case.
    i know a guy with the same condition having gyno in college on Anavar,
    can you get your hands on some aromasin (exemastane) it is a bit stronger
    than arimidex. if you had previous concerns with estro you really need to
    get than under control and will be more challenging adding gear into the mix.
    i would think to start at 25 mg daily, then get bloods done in a 2 weeks to a month,
    then adjust eod, or lower dose, it would take about a week to get plasma levels
    optimum. as a suicidal inhibitor there is no chance of rebound, just be
    cautious of estro levels getting to low.

  14. #14
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    May 2015
    Agree with kel. 500 mg and in the 1400s? Something is wrong.
    A 1400 ng/dl could be reached with just 200 mg test p.
    Or 250 sus/tren e.

    Underdosed or a lot of it converts to e2 or a combi.

    And remember, lot of fake AIs out there also.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ryobi1 View Post
    your body could be converting the test into estro at a higher rate than the average person,
    it would be hard to tell if your gear is bunk if that is the case.
    i know a guy with the same condition having gyno in college on Anavar,
    can you get your hands on some aromasin (exemastane) it is a bit stronger
    than arimidex. if you had previous concerns with estro you really need to
    get than under control and will be more challenging adding gear into the mix.
    i would think to start at 25 mg daily, then get bloods done in a 2 weeks to a month,
    then adjust eod, or lower dose, it would take about a week to get plasma levels
    optimum. as a suicidal inhibitor there is no chance of rebound, just be
    cautious of estro levels getting to low.
    I could get some aromasin, but is it really worth it right now? I've only got 3 weeks left

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Agree with kel. 500 mg and in the 1400s? Something is wrong.
    A 1400 ng/dl could be reached with just 200 mg test p.
    Or 250 sus/tren e.

    Underdosed or a lot of it converts to e2 or a combi.

    And remember, lot of fake AIs out there also.

    I got my Adex from blue sky peptides. Do you know anything about this company? I also got my pct of nolvadex from them

  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    What levels will a regiment of 500mg sustanon /each week give someone on average? Is 1400 roughly low compared to what a test only cycle will yield. The more the better in terms of benifets and I would assume that side effects will be more a threat as well..
    And another qestion I have is..if one is taking .25 mg eod of Arimidex, would it. It be as effective or bad if one takes for example 1mg- 1.25mg..can they just dose once per week? I ask because I have some high concentrate 5mg/ml of liquid Arimidex to be exact. It's hard to measure out what's roughly .25 mg since it equals like a drop or two literally..and I figured since it falls out of suspension at that concentrate especially since I can see the white swirls inside the liquid, but since that happens and after I shake it up i feel that a few drop dont have a lot of medicine in it visually. I say that just because I don't see a lot of the white debris in say 2/16ths of a ml.

    Anecdotal average for a 500 mg cycle would be 3-4k ng/dl
    Take your adex eod at .25 not once per week. It has a half life of just less than 50 hrs. Your total t is not that high remember.
    Of course some of your test is converting to estrogen. That's what it does and it's why AI's are important. That said, it's not the cause of your lower total T level. The gear is under-dosed gear. Example, my normal TRT protocol is 60-70 mgs x 2 per week. This keeps me in the 14-1500's ng/dl.

    Take some time and read the "Successful First Cycle" thread at the top of this forum. It will help you greatly.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Anecdotal average for a 500 mg cycle would be 3-4k ng/dl
    Take your adex eod at .25 not once per week. It has a half life of just less than 50 hrs. Your total t is not that high remember.
    Of course some of your test is converting to estrogen. That's what it does and it's why AI's are important. That said, it's not the cause of your lower total T level. The gear is under-dosed gear. Example, my normal TRT protocol is 60-70 mgs x 2 per week. This keeps me in the 14-1500's ng/dl.

    Take some time and read the "Successful First Cycle" thread at the top of this forum. It will help you greatly.

    so seeing as my test is not that high, do i need to do a pct? i have nolvadex on hand

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Gear is like an angry, hot ass woman inside your body... you can let it take charge or you can just fuck her till she can give no more. Make her quiver Bpowell512. Bdsm that dirty girl.

  20. #20
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bpowell512 View Post
    so seeing as my test is not that high, do i need to do a pct? i have nolvadex on hand
    Yes, you're endogenous production is still shutdown regardless.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  21. #21
    Don't worry that's nothing think you are stressing over as she said only small elevation if it makes u feel better add arimadex or nolvadex but personally don't think it needed

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