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Thread: Bulking Cycle Help!

  1. #1

    Bulking Cycle Help!

    I am looking at doing a bulking cycle but can't decide on what compounds to use. My main goal for the cycle is to gain mass.

    6` currently 97kg around 12% bodyfat training for 6 years
    My previous cycles are:

    1. 400mg Test C for 10 weeks

    2. 500mg Test E for 12 weeks with 30mg Dbol ed for the first 4 weeks

    3. 600mg Test E for 12 weeks with Deca Durabolin 300mg and Tbol 60mg ed for last 5 weeks leading to PCT.

    I have been considering doing
    600mg Test E and 400mg Deca with 40mg Dbol as a kick-start. But after researching for a while now trying to find what cycle to do there are a lot of negatives about deca and the shutdown/recovery as well as people mentioning deca shouldn't be used if you are not blasting and cruising. I was considering NPP but have read about it being just as suppressive as deca durabolin as only the ester changes. I've looked at EQ and been recommended at least 16 weeks and most say they don't notice any gains. And finally I've looked into tren but most people recommend it as a cutting/recomping and it comes with a load of side effects.

    I am currently doing some Carb cycling naturally to lose some body Fat and get ready for the bulking cycle.

    Any help.on what sort of cycles would be recommended for my goals would be appreciated


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul333 View Post
    I am looking at doing a bulking cycle but can't decide on what compounds to use. My main goal for the cycle is to gain mass.

    6` currently 97kg around 12% bodyfat training for 6 years
    My previous cycles are:

    1. 400mg Test C for 10 weeks

    2. 500mg Test E for 12 weeks with 30mg Dbol ed for the first 4 weeks

    3. 600mg Test E for 12 weeks with Deca Durabolin 300mg and Tbol 60mg ed for last 5 weeks leading to PCT.

    I have been considering doing
    600mg Test E and 400mg Deca with 40mg Dbol as a kick-start. But after researching for a while now trying to find what cycle to do there are a lot of negatives about deca and the shutdown/recovery as well as people mentioning deca shouldn't be used if you are not blasting and cruising. I was considering NPP but have read about it being just as suppressive as deca durabolin as only the ester changes. I've looked at EQ and been recommended at least 16 weeks and most say they don't notice any gains. And finally I've looked into tren but most people recommend it as a cutting/recomping and it comes with a load of side effects.

    I am currently doing some Carb cycling naturally to lose some body Fat and get ready for the bulking cycle.

    Any help.on what sort of cycles would be recommended for my goals would be appreciated

    in my opinion , given your previous cycles:
    Test E 600 mg x 12 (but given your weight maybe you can get 750 mg this time)
    Deca 400 mg x 9/10
    Dbol 40 mg x 4/5

    could be a good cycle that would give you good gains.
    In alternative you can try Sustanon 250 this time.

    Regarding Deca it's true, I also find it really very suppressive.. but this is its only major drawback after many many other benefits
    and so for that reason I always use it, I stop it 2 or 3 weeks before Test and make a good and complete PCT to prevent prolonged shutdown.
    This year I'm planning to use cabergoline to contrast Deca progestins sides, and I will see and compare to last cycle in which I havent' used it.
    I Think that basically AAS use is also a continuous experimentation!

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    How old are you?
    what were your gains on your previous cycles?

  4. #4
    Yes that is the sort of cycle I was set on going with but just seen alot of comments about staying away from deca unless your blasting and cruising. Thanks for the input

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    How old are you?
    what were your gains on your previous cycles?

    My last cycle which ended in March I went from 95kg to 106kg and u did maintain at around 102kg before I started Carb cycling and I am now 97kg but look a lot leaner.

  6. #6
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    May 2015
    Do you bother to do a pre cycle bloodtest?. Ur just 24 and as u have already cycled your hpta may already be weekend.
    And. Pre cycle bloods is your best weapon when tuning in the drugs.

  7. #7
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    deca is good for bulking if you did not have problem before no reason not to run again

  8. #8
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    Deca gave me a bloated belly no matter what but i never knew i was running it side effects were zero. Tren gains were much better than deca but i got alot of sides from it. Id say run test at 750 and deca at 400. U could throw in an oral if you must. Main thing is are you getting enough nutrition to gain that extra muscle?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Do you bother to do a pre cycle bloodtest?. Ur just 24 and as u have already cycled your hpta may already be weekend.
    And. Pre cycle bloods is your best weapon when tuning in the drugs.
    I've had blood tests in the past yes but the doctor would never test for hormones as they said they would only do that if I had symptoms of low testosterone etc. So should I request a blood test and say I have symptoms of low testosterone?

    On my last blood test post cycle one thing was oit of range which was to do with my kidneys and I had repeated blood tests where I lowered my protein intake and drank more water and then everything was fine.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Deca gave me a bloated belly no matter what but i never knew i was running it side effects were zero. Tren gains were much better than deca but i got alot of sides from it. Id say run test at 750 and deca at 400. U could throw in an oral if you must. Main thing is are you getting enough nutrition to gain that extra muscle?
    Yes my nutrition should be fine.
    As I'm currently Carb cycling my nutrition changes depending what I'm training I have 4 low carb days 1 high Carb Day and 2 Moderate Carb days. Protein is always around 300g.

    When I move onto my bulk I will probably keep protein at 300g Carbs at 500g to start and fat at around 100g. Then keep upping Carbs as I go as I am a natural ectomorph I need to consume a lot of calories to gain weight. But when I first started lifting 6 years ago I was around 150lbs/70kg and I am now around 212lbs/97kg.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul333 View Post
    Yes my nutrition should be fine.
    As I'm currently Carb cycling my nutrition changes depending what I'm training I have 4 low carb days 1 high Carb Day and 2 Moderate Carb days. Protein is always around 300g.

    When I move onto my bulk I will probably keep protein at 300g Carbs at 500g to start and fat at around 100g. Then keep upping Carbs as I go as I am a natural ectomorph I need to consume a lot of calories to gain weight. But when I first started lifting 6 years ago I was around 150lbs/70kg and I am now around 212lbs/97kg.
    I was gonna say you must have been a hard gainer like myself to be eating that much. Damn man thats alot. 6- 7 meals? Mind if ask what is your meal plan?

  12. #12
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    I say don't fix what isn't broke... Yes from the first shot of Nandrolone(especially the Decanate ester)your shut down completely... It's probly the harshest shut down we will experience(Tren as well) but this is the game we all play... You can always run another PCT if your BW comes back that you haven't recovered run another 4wk pct(on your first extend your nolva to 6wks 40/40/20/20/20/20 - Clomid 100/75/50/50 & stop Clomid at 4 wks)

    Here's an interesting write up by Austinite regarding running 2 PCT's if needed

    Austinite - below

    Not really. I mean, no one really knows exactly what formula to use. Deca is likely the harshest steroid on your HPTA, therefore it is wise to extend PCT timing. The 2 week difference between the cycles mentioned (14 weeks vs 16 weeks) is not an impactful amount of time. 10 weeks vs. 18 weeks is a big difference and would call for a more aggressive PCT.

    We have to remember that all of this is very individualistic and cannot be quantified with a formula, but based on history and how drugs interact with the majority, you can make judgment calls for the betterment of recovery. In other words, you can assume you'll be OK, or you can take some extra measure to better your chances at recovery.

    The best method in my opinion for the common cycles with Deca (12 to 14 weeks), is to extend PCT for 2 additional weeks. You can use Nolvadex and drop clomiphene after the 4th week. Then you would wait 6 to 8 weeks and confirm
    recovery with blood work. If the results fail, run another PCT for 4 weeks and retest. If you're good, you're good.

    From looking at your first 3 cycles - I see no reason not to run Nandrolone... You could run NPP and if anything it will hold less water - but by upping your water intake(2gl/day) tha should help as well - the more water you take in the more you will expel... I personally like to pulse or backload my orals(that way your finishing strong) and by pulsing your oral you can run it much longer and at a slightly higher dose... You'll want to talk note as soon as any sides hit you went too long... The whole point about a pulse is to avoid the sides, water retention, and gain gain gain! I know w/drol I can go 10-12days nog 14. So I did 10on 7off or 10on 10off repeat throughout cycle(or at least 10wks imho)

    Let us know how you get on...
    Last edited by NACH3; 09-02-2016 at 07:51 AM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    I was gonna say you must have been a hard gainer like myself to be eating that much. Damn man thats alot. 6- 7 meals? Mind if ask what is your meal plan?
    Yes my average Meal plan is as follows all that mainly changes is the Carbs as I am Carb cycling at the moment as mentioned before I bulk as I've read about losing body fat and priming before a bulk can be very productive.

    Meal 1:
    80g Oats
    1 scoop Whey Isolate
    1 banana

    Meal 2:
    5 Whole Eggs

    Meal 3:
    150g Cooked Chicken Breast
    Lots of vegetables

    1 Scoop of Whey isolate
    Tbsp peanut butter

    Meal 4:
    1 Salmon fillet
    Lots of Vegetables

    Meal 5: 1.5 hour before training
    225g (before cooked) Turkey Mince
    100g (before cooked) Basmati Brown Rice
    15g Coconut Oil

    Post Workout Meal:
    1 Scoop whey isolate followed by:

    150g Chicken Breast cooked
    100g Brown Basmati Rice

    Snack/last meal:
    300g of cottage cheese

  14. #14
    Thanks for the great info yes on my last cycle I did actually extend the pct to 5 weeks as I had extra Clomid and Nolva.

    I actually used some D Aspartic Acid during PCT last cycle as it was on sale and continued until I finished the 250g container doing 2 weeks on 1 week off and I could definitely tell when I was on it as libido was even greater and I had more motivation to go.the gym which I was impressed with.

  15. #15
    Do amomass 400 2-3 ml a week always works that test tren equi combo,
    Or. Quad tren 1.5 ml plus 500 mg sustanon weekly

    You be very happy either one trust me there

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