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Thread: Can TRT protocol serve s PCT?

  1. #1
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    Can TRT protocol serve s PCT?

    Currently I'm on TRT of 200mg test cyp per week, .25 arimidex E3D.

    I have access to HCG and Clomid but don't currently take either because HCG makes my nipples tender and Clomid makes me feel like a woman).

    Question is, after adding 300mg Tren E to this protocol for a "cycle" can I just drop the Tren E and go back to my TRT protocol, or do I need some other form of PCT?

    I have read this several places where TRT can suffice for PCT but would like the opinions of members of this board.

  2. #2
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    How does Clomid make you feel like a woman LMAO. Lol. Seriously. I think I noticed insomnia with Clomid. I never cycled before but I was planning a first cycle And took one 100mg dose of test prop. And had to stop. So I was taking a few Clomid just in case anything. Only experience I had in cycling so far.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by petemitchell30 View Post
    Currently I'm on TRT of 200mg test cyp per week, .25 arimidex E3D.

    I have access to HCG and Clomid but don't currently take either because HCG makes my nipples tender and Clomid makes me feel like a woman).

    Question is, after adding 300mg Tren E to this protocol for a "cycle" can I just drop the Tren E and go back to my TRT protocol, or do I need some other form of PCT?

    I have read this several places where TRT can suffice for PCT but would like the opinions of members of this board.
    Have you ever cycled? If not, why not try to up your test up to 500mg for 12 weeks?

  4. #4
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    Guys, just a side note: Please stick to the topic of whether my TRT protocol can be used as my PCT. I need help with this specific subject, not tweaking the on cycle dosage, not cycling a different compound, not adding in another compound, not whether I should use tren ace instead of tren E etc....

    To answer your question, I have cycled (although its been a while). I don't have access to enough test to run 500mg per week. All I have access to is what I've listed, gear doesn't grow on trees...and I'm too much of a pu$$y to buy it off the internet and have it shipped through the mail.

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    Can TRT protocol serve s PCT?

    Quote Originally Posted by petemitchell30 View Post
    Guys, just a side note: Please stick to the topic of whether my TRT protocol can be used as my PCT. I need help with this specific subject, not tweaking the on cycle dosage, not cycling a different compound, not adding in another compound, not whether I should use tren ace instead of tren E etc....

    To answer your question, I have cycled (although its been a while). I don't have access to enough test to run 500mg per week. All I have access to is what I've listed, gear doesn't grow on trees...and I'm too much of a pu$$y to buy it off the internet and have it shipped through the mail.
    Ok man lol. To answer your question you don't do a pct when you are on trt, you simply go back to your trt protocol, this is referred to as a "blast and cruise". Imo you it sounds like you need to do some research.
    Last edited by Megalodon6; 09-06-2016 at 12:19 AM.

  6. #6
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    Last edited by petemitchell30; 09-06-2016 at 01:01 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by petemitchell30 View Post
    Maybe someone with a little more experience than myself will chime in. Good luck to you on your cycle bud

  8. #8
    If you're on 200mg/wk of Test Cyp, then just up the dosage to 500mg/wk for 12 to 14 weeks. When the cycle is over, just drop back down to 200mg/wk. Your body doesn't product Test so you're on TRT. Doing PCT isn't going to jump start your Test. If you just want to keep the size of your testes "normal" then take HCG during your cycle. .25mg/eod arimadex should keep gyno in check. If you feel sensitive nipples, just increase your dosage to .25mg/ed until the feeling goes back to normal. Have fun.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    If you're on 200mg/wk of Test Cyp, then just up the dosage to 500mg/wk for 12 to 14 weeks. When the cycle is over, just drop back down to 200mg/wk. Your body doesn't product Test so you're on TRT. Doing PCT isn't going to jump start your Test. If you just want to keep the size of your testes "normal" then take HCG during your cycle. .25mg/eod arimadex should keep gyno in check. If you feel sensitive nipples, just increase your dosage to .25mg/ed until the feeling goes back to normal. Have fun.
    I can't up test to 500, I don't have access to it. I only have access to 200mg per that isn't an option. So, back to my original question, the only one I need discussed/answered, will running the 200mg testcyp plus .25 anastrozole EOD or E3D suffice for PCT? Or do I need to do something else...Ex: tamoxifen, HCG etc.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by petemitchell30 View Post

    I can't up test to 500, I don't have access to it. I only have access to 200mg per that isn't an option. So, back to my original question, the only one I need discussed/answered, will running the 200mg testcyp plus .25 anastrozole EOD or E3D suffice for PCT? Or do I need to do something else...Ex: tamoxifen, HCG etc.
    Really?!?!OMG dude YOU DON'T NEED PCT IF YOUR ON TRT!!!!!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark woods View Post
    Really?!?!OMG dude YOU DON'T NEED PCT IF YOUR ON TRT!!!!!

  12. #12
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    You dont need PCT, also you are not ready for tren.

    Lose the attitude is not helping, its kinda strange to say you have acess to tren and not test, if you ask for test to whoever is giving you the tren he will be happy to help you...

  13. #13
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    I'd say my "attitude" is justified. I asked a very simple question to verify what should be, for most on here, a very simple concept. All I was looking for was verification (or lack thereof) for what I've read/researched elsewhere, and was already pretty sure of. Instead, I got answers outside the scope, lectures, and smartass comments. But very few simple answers to a very simple question.

    I can't say why the guy who gave me the tren didn't have test. I asked for it, it was my preference. But beggars can't be choosers, and gear is not easy to come by for those of us who won't buy online. So, like i've said several times before, this is what I'm working with. I appreciate the advice given on the subject soliciting it. However, if I wanted advice on anything other than this subject, I would have asked for it.

  14. #14
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    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Kel when I found out the only thing I could get from my source was tren, that sticky was one of the first things I read to educate myself. Admittedly, I read the sticky, got a few pages into it, started skimming, started seeing the same things over and over again in the comments, and didn't make it through the entire 22 pages before moving on to other sites/sources of information. However, after scouring the internet and reading everything I could about tren, I found that sticky to be one of the most complete, informative, and honest reviews on the net. However, when it came to planning for PCT, even the sticky gave limited information:

    [QUOTE]Q: What kind of PCT do I need to run after coming off a tren cycle?

    There is no solid answer to this. I have suggested many times that trenbolone is for the intermediate and advanced user, not for beginners... and there is good reason for this suggestion. By the time you are experienced enough consider trenbolone, you should already know what PCT protocol works best for you and you should already know what to be using for PCT. PCT compounds and protocols are not designed around the cycles they supersede, but they are more designed around the user and how that person recovers post-cycle./QUOTE]

    I know from extensive research that tren is a somewhat of a different animal. I understand it's generally not a beginner steroid, I understand especially for the 1st time its better to run Ace because if you experience sides its gone faster, I understand the threat of gyno comes from prolactin (although there is a very interesting study that suggests its the combination of E2 and prolactin and not prolactin alone), I understand tren cough is not fun and can happen frequently, I understand the androgenic sides are significantly more prevalent, I get it. I was encouraged to read (several places) that at a dosage of 250-300mg per week sides are generally (everyone is different) minimal but great gains can still be realized. Regardless, like I said before, this is what I could get, and this is what I'm going to do.

    After making that decision, I set out to find several different conversations/informative websites discussing TRT protocol as PCT, specifically for tren blast. However, everything I read either discussed TRT as PCT very generally without mentioning specific compounds, or specifically for compounds other than tren. Although I was pretty sure using my TRT protocol for PCT would be sufficient after a tren blast just as it would for most other AAS, I wanted to solicit opinions of experienced people on this board to verify this assumption....ergo, the narrow scope of the thread.
    Last edited by petemitchell30; 09-06-2016 at 09:22 PM.

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Pete it's like Mr. BB said above, you do not need ANY form of pct. You simply revert back to your TRT as you are not trying to restart your endogenous production via serms (clomid/nolva.) Anyone that tells you that you need a pct when on TRT does not understand the HPTA.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  17. #17
    You need pct when

    so if you plan on reverting back to your TRT dosages, you are still supplying exogenous testosterone to your body

    No need to try to get your body producing it's own. Your still suppressed like a mother with trt dosage.

  18. #18
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    Pete it's like Mr. BB said above, you do not need ANY form of pct. You simply revert back to your TRT as you are not trying to restart your endogenous production via serms (clomid/nolva.) Anyone that tells you that you need a pct when on TRT does not understand the HPTA.
    Gracias Sir. I appreciate and value your advice. Goes quite a long way in alleviating my stress.

    I'll let the board know how it goes. lol....All the guys making fun of me and lecturing me will no doubt get a good laugh at my expense when I have to quit 3 weeks in. They can all say "I told you so" as I am eating crow at 3am, in a pool of my own sweat, smashing my computer because I can't get it up.

  19. #19
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    I think we might be getting trolled fellas

  20. #20
    Use nolvadex instead of clomid or better still letrosole to eradicate estrogen , if you susceptible to estrogen try an anabolic stack maybe tren with anavar , equi or prema this works for lot individuals for clean gains

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Mr Universe View Post
    Use nolvadex instead of clomid or better still letrosole to eradicate estrogen , if you susceptible to estrogen try an anabolic stack maybe tren with anavar , equi or prema this works for lot individuals for clean gains
    ^^^ this is bad advice, OP should disregard

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Mr Universe View Post
    Use nolvadex instead of clomid or better still letrosole to eradicate estrogen , if you susceptible to estrogen try an anabolic stack maybe tren with anavar , equi or prema this works for lot individuals for clean gains
    Paul you are definitely NOT Mr Universe, and you have no knowledge on AAS. Please refrain from giving BAD advise.

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