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Thread: Guidance on PCT for age 40+ AAS/HGH Use

  1. #1

    Guidance on PCT for age 40+ AAS/HGH Use

    Hello all. I'm brand new to this forum. Was hoping to get a little help. I"m 44 years old, 5'7", 177 lbs, 13% BF, 20+ years lifting (off/on due to injuries). I was thinking of starting a cycle of AAS/HGH to help with the following: C5/C6, L4/L5 herniations, lateral and medial epicondylitis (golf/tennis elbow) both arms. I've been reading extensively and came across a stack of Test E, Equipoise, and HGH. I will soon be getting Stem cells and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injection therapy for the injuries. I was thinking of putting it all together with 200mg/w Test, 300mg/w EQ, (12 weeks total on both) and 2IU per day HGH first month, then .5 IU increase every week until I get to 4-6IU per day for 6 months. Read that anymore on Test would not be beneficial, as exogenous testosterone > 200 mg/wk inhibits collagen synthesis, and EQ should be run 3mg/kg of body weight (240 mg/w for me but just rounding to 300mg), which will increase Procollagen III by approximately 340%. Since this is my first cycle, and the amount of AAS I'm using seems to be on the low end compared to other cycles, what would a PCT look like? Read several threads indicating Clomid 100/100/50/50 with Nolva 40/40/20/20. Is this overkill for the AAS amount or should I just run Nolva? Should I include HCG ? Will have Adex on hand if needed. Any help will be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by joeyr44 View Post
    Hello all. I'm brand new to this forum. Was hoping to get a little help. I"m 44 years old, 5'7", 177 lbs, 13% BF, 20+ years lifting (off/on due to injuries). I was thinking of starting a cycle of AAS/HGH to help with the following: C5/C6, L4/L5 herniations, lateral and medial epicondylitis (golf/tennis elbow) both arms. I've been reading extensively and came across a stack of Test E, Equipoise, and HGH. I will soon be getting Stem cells and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injection therapy for the injuries. I was thinking of putting it all together with 200mg/w Test, 300mg/w EQ, (12 weeks total on both) and 2IU per day HGH first month, then .5 IU increase every week until I get to 4-6IU per day for 6 months. Read that anymore on Test would not be beneficial, as exogenous testosterone > 200 mg/wk inhibits collagen synthesis, and EQ should be run 3mg/kg of body weight (240 mg/w for me but just rounding to 300mg), which will increase Procollagen III by approximately 340%. Since this is my first cycle, and the amount of AAS I'm using seems to be on the low end compared to other cycles, what would a PCT look like? Read several threads indicating Clomid 100/100/50/50 with Nolva 40/40/20/20. Is this overkill for the AAS amount or should I just run Nolva? Should I include HCG ? Will have Adex on hand if needed. Any help will be appreciated.
    Welcome to the forum. If you goal is rehab of old injuries, you don't need the AAS. You should stick with the HGH, only. The HGH and AAS works on different glandular systems in the body. HGH is a lot easier on the body and there is no "recovery" like AAS's PCT. HGH gives better healing properties and collegenates soft tissues. I've been running HGH for over 7 years now and I'm never getting off. If you're looking for muscular definition and hypertrophy, then I would look into the AAS/HGH combo.

  3. #3
    Thanks a lot for responding. I'd like to try and recover first, so I'll go with your advice and stay with HGH. In addition to the recovery, and because I'm running HGH, you think I'd see an increase in some mass with 4-6 IU per day for a solid 10 weeks? If and when I decide to run AAS, given the above regimen of Test E and EQ, what would a good PCT look like?

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