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Thread: How many of you on here blast and cruise?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    How many of you on here blast and cruise?

    What's it like compared to cycling? Do you like it better? Is it worth it? Do you have to eventually go on trt if you want to stop?

    Anyone who is or has blasted and cruised, please chime in!

  2. #2
    I've done cycle and blast and cruise
    I prefer blast and cruise no harsh downsides when you lower the does like with a pct moods and depression etc
    I find on a low does test I feel happy and more alive and I like having my test levels up for health benefits
    This is a personal and life choice on a cruise you will be on trt the rest of you're life it's a life commitment but eventually every man should be on trt in my eyes
    there are guys who cruise and blast for a year or two and pct and recover all depends on age stats and genetics and etc

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    lol I blasted a whole year of that counts 😂 Still alive.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
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    I've been cruising and blasting since 2006 now, it's not easy.
    I will need TRT for the rest of my life.
    But I love the life. However, there are many serious side effects,
    (Even if you're careful and don't get sick)
    So this is not something i would advice anyone to do.
    I've cruised and blasted before as well, so I've used AAS for maybe 15years or more all together.
    After a while more strange side effects manifest.
    F.ex, these last months I have great difficulty reaching climax.
    So while I have a high sexual drive and ability, many women get unsure when you can't climax with them. That's just one issue.

    There are so many other issues.
    But if anyone is gonna go this route, remember that I use much more money on supps and drugs to prevent damage from roids than I use on AAS.
    I believe that is part of the reason why I'm still "healthy".

    Do not take this lightly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    I always think that is it a stupid idea unless you are on TRT, you shot yourself down for a long time and you might never recover.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    It's nothing like doing a cycle and running a PCT... much better and attainable gains which do however, come with serious side effects...

    Are you planning on having kids? Is it up in the air? I'd really think this thru as many have made this mistake and now regret it... it's not something advisable imho!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I regret experimenting with 19 nors and cruising.

    Imo unless you have the will and physique to turn pro the juice isn't worth the squeeze.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    blasting and cruising only works if you're on TRT. i do it from time to time and like it better than cycling. as Jonbana said its less harsh on the body.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Any others?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    blasting and cruising only works if you're on TRT. i do it from time to time and like it better than cycling. as Jonbana said its less harsh on the body.
    How is it less harsh?

    I mean yeah you don't swing, but what about cholesterol, and cardiovascular health? Diabetes, rbc, etc?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    How is it less harsh?

    I mean yeah you don't swing, but what about cholesterol, and cardiovascular health? Diabetes, rbc, etc?
    That's why you hit a cruise TRT dosage this lets the body recover before the next blast , these keeps level is normal ranges so you don't need to worry about under recovery and the sides to that , this brings you to optimal levels instantly

    PCT is harsh on the body in many ways I did it once I did not like it at all was sore tired moody weak etc... for now im cruising I feel healthier and happier and better knowing my test levels are optimal year round

    PCT work is you blast to cycle maybe once a year anymore than that not worth cycling just cruise to hard on the body

  12. #12
    I'm on TRT so by nature, I cruise and blast. It still works. I'd rather have natural production of Test but it is what it is.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    How is it less harsh?

    I mean yeah you don't swing, but what about cholesterol, and cardiovascular health? Diabetes, rbc, etc?
    blasting for me is like 200mgs each week, which is a high does of TRT. normal dose is about 120-140 mgs. yes less harsh as many on TRT blast at 400mgs a week as apposed to 600 plus cycling.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Any one blast and cruise and still manage to have kids?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Any one blast and cruise and still manage to have kids?
    my trainer blast and cruises for 35+ years and has 4 kids while blasting and cruising

  16. #16
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    Feb 2016
    Hmm so overall would you guys say blasting and cruising is better than cycling? Should I blast and cruise instead? I will if the results end up being better.

    Or maybe just blast and cruise for a year. But then again, doesn't that mean I'd have to lay off the roids for at least a whole year?

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by saucerking View Post
    Hmm so overall would you guys say blasting and cruising is better than cycling? Should I blast and cruise instead? I will if the results end up being better.

    Or maybe just blast and cruise for a year. But then again, doesn't that mean I'd have to lay off the roids for at least a whole year?
    If you blast n cruise for a year, you're 90% or better you will never recover.

    You make a decision to blast n cruise, your not making a short term plan, your planning on needing test shots the rest of your lifetime

  18. #18
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    Jun 2016
    On the subject of Blasting & Cruising ...

    What's everyone's opinions on AI's, SERMS & HCG when cruising / on TRT dosage?

    I've particularly heard a lot of conflicting opinions on HCG frequency of use, when cruising / on TRT for life

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    If you blast n cruise for a year, you're 90% or better you will never recover.

    You make a decision to blast n cruise, your not making a short term plan, your planning on needing test shots the rest of your lifetime
    I think that number is a bit harsh.
    But it also depends on what you mean by recover.
    If we're not just talking about the HPTA, but also the psychological rewiring, (I'm not talking about any psychological condition or disease)
    but simply the urge/willingness to do it again,
    then 90% may be close.
    And, since blasting and cruise longer and longer will most likely result in TRT, I can sort of agree with your point.

  20. #20
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    Been doing it for 18 months, just stopped.

    Loved it compared to cycling when I was younger, but it requires more blood work, and starts getting addictive imo, you just want more lol.

    Will find out in a few months if I dodge TRT for life or not.

    Although I enjoyed it I'd advise it for people going pro or people on TRT, plenty of regular blood work and donating

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymffiti View Post
    On the subject of Blasting & Cruising ...

    What's everyone's opinions on AI's, SERMS & HCG when cruising / on TRT dosage?

    I've particularly heard a lot of conflicting opinions on HCG frequency of use, when cruising / on TRT for life

    My preference, which is heavily influenced by the fact that I took a preemptive gyno surgery, is to avoid SERMs.
    In more recent years I've started to use arimidex at times.
    And I see the value of AIs, that's for sure.
    However, with no risk of gyno, I prefer E2 levels to rather be a bit high than a bit low. So depending on how much test I use, and the presence of aromatizing or non aromatizing AAS, I can sometimes go without.

    Regarding hCG, yes I've cruised for long times without it, and hCG certainly seems to increase E2 conversion in me.
    But, after a long run without hCG I can almost feel the shot within hours/days;
    HCG seems to boost the immune system and "revive" me in a way.
    It feels good!

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post

    My preference, which is heavily influenced by the fact that I took a preemptive gyno surgery, is to avoid SERMs.
    In more recent years I've started to use arimidex at times.
    And I see the value of AIs, that's for sure.
    However, with no risk of gyno, I prefer E2 levels to rather be a bit high than a bit low. So depending on how much test I use, and the presence of aromatizing or non aromatizing AAS, I can sometimes go without.

    Regarding hCG, yes I've cruised for long times without it, and hCG certainly seems to increase E2 conversion in me.
    But, after a long run without hCG I can almost feel the shot within hours/days;
    HCG seems to boost the immune system and "revive" me in a way.
    It feels good!
    So hcg, makes E2 more easily or readily converted?.

    I don't like the sounds of that at all.

    I been messed up with e2, i think

  23. #23
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    HCG stimulates E2 release from the testes. Trick is not to overdo it, that's why the dosage we recommend here tops at 250IU 2x weekly.

    We need mostly the pregnanes (pregnenolone+progesterone) from HCG, those can provide great benefits with overall endocrine balance and well-being, not more E2. I do care more about this aspect than preventing testicular atrophy, I don't feel human w/o progesterone in my system, it's the only hormone that impacts my mood positively.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    HCG stimulates E2 release from the testes. Trick is not to overdo it, that's why the dosage we recommend here tops at 250IU 2x weekly.

    We need mostly the pregnanes (pregnenolone+progesterone) from HCG, those can provide great benefits with overall endocrine balance and well-being, not more E2. I do care more about this aspect than preventing testicular atrophy, I don't feel human w/o progesterone in my system, it's the only hormone that impacts my mood positively.
    Shit, I been using 600iu a week, maybe that's why I'm higher estrogen and .25mg adex eod isn't checking it like it should?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Shit, I been using 600iu a week, maybe that's why I'm higher estrogen and .25mg adex eod isn't checking it like it should?
    It's a possibility, only comparing blood before and after introducing HCG can give a definitive answer, but imo you can safely lower HCG and see if that helps.

    Where do you pin HCG? IM injections lead to higher peaks than pinning subQ.
    Last edited by hammerheart; 11-19-2016 at 08:29 AM.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post

    It's a possibility, only comparing blood before and after introducing HCG can give a definitive answer, but imo you can safely lower HCG and see if that helps.
    I have no blood before hcg while on test.

    Fwiw, I skipped mid cycle bloods.

    Money is tight, and I got a good feel for bad shit going on in body.

    Fwiw, when I smoke pot, it gets me like xray sensitive to heart and internal body functions (not hormones) but I can easily tell if BP, or cholesterol is bad.
    Last edited by Couchlock; 11-19-2016 at 08:30 AM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I have no blood before hcg while on test.

    Fwiw, I skipped mid cycle bloods.

    Money is tight, and I got a good feel for bad shit going on in body.
    I was assuming you were on TRT, not cycling.

    I know that feel, it's not pleasant to be both short on budget and in need of costly medical care.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I have no blood before hcg while on test.

    Fwiw, I skipped mid cycle bloods.

    Money is tight, and I got a good feel for bad shit going on in body.

    Fwiw, when I smoke pot, it gets me like xray sensitive to heart and internal body functions (not hormones) but I can easily tell if BP, or cholesterol is bad.
    Sorry to say this is impossible.

    If you continue to approach using AAS with this attitude there is a good chance you'll hurt yourself.

    With all the technology and information we gave available there's no need to cycle like it's 1970.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post

    Sorry to say this is impossible.

    If you continue to approach using AAS with this attitude there is a good chance you'll hurt yourself.

    With all the technology and information we gave available there's no need to cycle like it's 1970.
    I just skipped mid cycle be

    Far from 70s

    For what it's worth I don't plan on ever using steroids after this cycle

    In my opinion micromanaging every system in your body is far from being worth a simple 5 for 10 pounds of muscle even with constant blood work it's just too much to be playing with your body like that

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Fwiw, when I smoke pot, it gets me like xray sensitive to heart and internal body functions (not hormones) but I can easily tell if BP, or cholesterol is bad.
    Missed that part.

    I agree with e above, also don't jump on cycle if you don't have the resources for eventual issues that might arise. It's just irrational, there is no point using AAS for performance enhancement if you expose yourself to unnecessary health hazards.

    And please don't smoke weed, especially on a cycle. This, coming from a drug enthusiast... I don't fancy the way it affects the brain.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    My preference, which is heavily influenced by the fact that I took a preemptive gyno surgery, is to avoid SERMs.
    In more recent years I've started to use arimidex at times.
    And I see the value of AIs, that's for sure.
    However, with no risk of gyno, I prefer E2 levels to rather be a bit high than a bit low. So depending on how much test I use, and the presence of aromatizing or non aromatizing AAS, I can sometimes go without.

    Regarding hCG, yes I've cruised for long times without it, and hCG certainly seems to increase E2 conversion in me.
    But, after a long run without hCG I can almost feel the shot within hours/days;
    HCG seems to boost the immune system and "revive" me in a way.
    It feels good
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    HCG stimulates E2 release from the testes. Trick is not to overdo it, that's why the dosage we recommend here tops at 250IU 2x weekly.

    We need mostly the pregnanes (pregnenolone+progesterone) from HCG, those can provide great benefits with overall endocrine balance and well-being, not more E2. I do care more about this aspect than preventing testicular atrophy, I don't feel human w/o progesterone in my system, it's the only hormone that impacts my mood positively.
    That's interesting Toxin

    I have read accounts of people on TRT, running HCG 250IU twice weekly, for 3 weeks in the month, then taking a week off it

    I guess long term, you get to know your body ... Along with bloodwork of course

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post

    Missed that part.

    I agree with e above, also don't jump on cycle if you don't have the resources for eventual issues that might arise. It's just irrational, there is no point using AAS for performance enhancement if you expose yourself to unnecessary health hazards.

    And please don't smoke weed, especially on a cycle. This, coming from a drug enthusiast... I don't fancy the way it affects the brain.
    I do fancy the way it effects brain,plus I sleep like a baby.

    Different strokes, different folks.

    Not saying negative things, but just cuzz your mind is fragile and can't handle a high on cycle, does not mean I cant

    Also. I can afford it , but father had graves disease surgery were they remove inner and outer portions of orbital bones. Missed 2 weeks of work because of helping him. That was 2600$ gone
    Last edited by Couchlock; 11-19-2016 at 11:52 AM.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I do fancy the way it effects brain,plus I sleep like a baby.
    That's an unusual reaction though.

    Different strokes, different folks.

    Not saying negative things, but just cuzz your mind is fragile and can't handle a high on cycle, does not mean I cant

    It's not a matter of being on cycle, I just stay the fvck away from weed, but it's more of a personal remark than anything.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    Missed that part.

    I agree with e above, also don't jump on cycle if you don't have the resources for eventual issues that might arise. It's just irrational, there is no point using AAS for performance enhancement if you expose yourself to unnecessary health hazards.

    And please don't smoke weed, especially on a cycle. This, coming from a drug enthusiast... I don't fancy the way it affects the brain.
    Whats the big deal about smoking weed? Only reason I don't like to do it is because I end up replacing my meals with junk food lol.

    Edit: Nvm, just read your follow up post.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post

    Whats the big deal about smoking weed? Only reason I don't like to do it is because I end up replacing my meals with junk food lol.

    Edit: Nvm, just read your follow up post.
    Come on, this don't look sexy to you?

    Click image for larger version. 

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Views:	140 
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  36. #36
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    It smells good, I'll give you that.

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