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Thread: Most Recent Cycle - Mental Sides

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Most Recent Cycle - Mental Sides

    Good Evening All,
    I made a post a while ago about how my most recent cycle didn't go so great with respect to mental sides. The cycle was 5 months of 500 test and EQ.

    Long story short, for some reason the cycle this time around completely messed with my brain, I was angry, jealous, extremely distant from my girlfriend, found flaws in everything she did, basically I took anger out on everything and anyone (not phsycially). I would say I was depressed at times as well.

    Anyways, I finally clued in that it was probably the steroids doing it to me, so I dropped them with a proper PCT at the end of July, within a couple weeks I was back to normal, and my girlfriend was extremely happy with me.

    So that was in July, to this day I still get the odd mood swing, often it's with my girlfriend but she has really done nothing wrong, I will just find something insignificant and blow it up or I will just suddenly go quiet and come the next morning I'll be happy as a pig in mud. I also notice I may be overprotective of her or jealous which I never was pre-cycle. Basically, its a mild form of what I felt on cycle if that make sense?

    So I went to my family doctor and talked to him about it today and he said there is no way that the steroids are still messing with me and I just have too much stress in my life and I should try some frigin meditating

    What is your guys take on this? Could my hormones be off balance still 3.5 months later causing this? I'm really hoping they are as I would really like to treat people the way they deserve and the fact that I still have back acne makes me think they are. I got blood work checked today and will get the results in 3 days but my doctor insisted on not testing my test or estrogen levels.

  2. #2
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    Apr 2007
    It's not the juice. Low test will make you a dick head long before too much. I know this from experience on both sides of the spectrum. Convinient coincidence. The roid rage you hear of is absolute bull. Come to think of it, what possessed you to illegally purchase a product to increase your testosterone? It sounds to me like it would take an assertive and possibly aggressive person to purchase steroids anyway. So maybe you had an underlying assertiveness/agreession problem... look for another cause. I spent many years doing this same shit to my ex wife without aas. It turned out she was just a lazy bitch.

  3. #3
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    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchy93 View Post
    Good Evening All,
    I made a post a while ago about how my most recent cycle didn't go so great with respect to mental sides. The cycle was 5 months of 500 test and EQ.

    Long story short, for some reason the cycle this time around completely messed with my brain, I was angry, jealous, extremely distant from my girlfriend, found flaws in everything she did, basically I took anger out on everything and anyone (not phsycially). I would say I was depressed at times as well.

    Anyways, I finally clued in that it was probably the steroids doing it to me, so I dropped them with a proper PCT at the end of July, within a couple weeks I was back to normal, and my girlfriend was extremely happy with me.

    So that was in July, to this day I still get the odd mood swing, often it's with my girlfriend but she has really done nothing wrong, I will just find something insignificant and blow it up or I will just suddenly go quiet and come the next morning I'll be happy as a pig in mud. I also notice I may be overprotective of her or jealous which I never was pre-cycle. Basically, its a mild form of what I felt on cycle if that make sense?

    So I went to my family doctor and talked to him about it today and he said there is no way that the steroids are still messing with me and I just have too much stress in my life and I should try some frigin meditating

    What is your guys take on this? Could my hormones be off balance still 3.5 months later causing this? I'm really hoping they are as I would really like to treat people the way they deserve and the fact that I still have back acne makes me think they are. I got blood work checked today and will get the results in 3 days but my doctor insisted on not testing my test or estrogen levels.

    Yes it can still be messing with your hormones.

    I have found that any consumption of caffeine - tea, coffee, chocolate - when on riods makes me quite aggressive and distant from people. The combination is not a good one for me.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    It turned out she was just a lazy bitch.
    lol. glad you got that sorted out

  5. #5
    You can have mood swings if your E2 is way off. I've been cycling for many years and I haven't noticed any change in my mood. That doesn't mean that you won't be affected. Let me pose this hypothetical scenario. You're on an AAS cycle and your E2 is off so you have mood swings. You go on PCT and get your endogenous Test to kick back in. You get off of PCT and your body is trying to get back to homeostasis but you're not producing sufficient endogenous Test and so your mood swings again. Keep an eye on your mood. It takes me about 6 months after PCT for all my blood work to go back to "normal".

  6. #6
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    The only way to know if your hormones are off is to pull labs.

    Have you considered that this behavior may be part of your natural personality?

    Imo whether this behavior is a result of a hormone imbalance or personality issue you should consider talk therapy.

    If not for you do it for your girlfriend.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    The only way to know if your hormones are off is to pull labs.
    This. Also pull a thyroid hormone panel.

    Remember, hormones can play tricks with our brains, but no matter the trigger at some point we have to learn how to control ourselves.

  8. #8
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    Also, remember the longer you are on cycle the longer and harder it is to recover!

    Was this your first time running a cycle this long? Like mentioned it can take up to several months b4 your body ever reaches homeostasis(which can feel and be different from b4 if your endogenous test hasn't come back to pre-cycle status - & with each cycle you will lose something off of your natty test production!

    This happened to me after a standard cycle but my pre cycle tT was 312... I felt awful for 6+months and it was surely me cycling with low T - made recovery very bad!

    I agree pull labs like mentioned above... best of luck

  9. #9
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    I think sometimes the hormones bring your personality faults into full tilt ..if your a based person you should be able to handle it..not trying to be a jerk but you should look into counseling and work out those issues before hormones and just remember to think before speaking..hormones throw me off sometimes and I get off my square and think things I normally wouldn't but then I remind myself it's the hormones take a step back and the others said blood work will keep you at your best but regardless they can throw you for a loop..remember think before you speak or act your in control of all your actions..easier said then done I know but I consider it another discipline of mine I try to practice..

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    I think sometimes the hormones bring your personality faults into full tilt ..if your a based person you should be able to handle it..not trying to be a jerk but you should look into counseling and work out those issues before hormones and just remember to think before speaking..hormones throw me off sometimes and I get off my square and think things I normally wouldn't but then I remind myself it's the hormones take a step back and the others said blood work will keep you at your best but regardless they can throw you for a loop..remember think before you speak or act your in control of all your actions..easier said then done I know but I consider it another discipline of mine I try to practice..
    I have gotten extremely angry and realized I was showing my ass and quickly calmed down and apologized and then I can carry and use the regret for six months. The next time I remember and just disappear for a bit till I calm down.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I have gotten extremely angry and realized I was showing my ass and quickly calmed down and apologized and then I can carry and use the regret for six months. The next time I remember and just disappear for a bit till I calm down.
    That's half the battle Ob is to realize why your having those feelings..the next part is to have the discipline to keep your mouth shut when you wanna act out..I've ruined a lot of great friendships , relationships in my life untill I realized how to was prison that finally taught don't know who your talking to in there and you always gotta have a thought process behind each action or reaction whether mental,physical,or verbal..if you don't put thought into things like that your gonna do hard time to say the least..I use it in my day to day life now and esp relationships with women.

  12. #12
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    Elevated E2 levels made me an absolute whack job...first my TRT doc crushed my E2 with letrozole - got bad back aches, joint aches, was prone to injury and just felt not good, so she compensated by underdosing and I became a teary-eyed fool that cried at commercials and in grocery stores and was bloated and completely whack.
    Started self-medicating with adex per advice from trusted expert on this site and feel awesome. My vote is labs and eval of E2 and thyroid for starters...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jedi1337 View Post
    Yes it can still be messing with your hormones.

    I have found that any consumption of caffeine - tea, coffee, chocolate - when on riods makes me quite aggressive and distant from people. The combination is not a good one for me.
    Frenchy may have hormonal issues, that others are more qualified than me to talk about, but I do think you have a good point here

    I used to drink a lot of coffee and had very little patience for trivial little things ... In those moments, I sometimes could kinda feel my heart racing too

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrailRunAZ View Post
    Elevated E2 levels made me an absolute whack job...first my TRT doc crushed my E2 with letrozole - got bad back aches, joint aches, was prone to injury and just felt not good, so she compensated by underdosing and I became a teary-eyed fool that cried at commercials and in grocery stores and was bloated and completely whack.
    Started self-medicating with adex per advice from trusted expert on this site and feel awesome. My vote is labs and eval of E2 and thyroid for starters...
    That's happening to me lately, I believe I might be underdosing too. Tried a small tad of AI and felt ugly lethargic, hence E2 is already on the low side. When it's high I know from the rage

    I feel bloated on low E2 also. It's a different kind of bloating though, I get poor digestion and gastric distension. Belly gets protruded, the sort of a pregnant woman.

    Quote Originally Posted by gymffiti View Post
    Frenchy may have hormonal issues, that others are more qualified than me to talk about, but I do think you have a good point here

    I used to drink a lot of coffee and had very little patience for trivial little things ... In those moments, I sometimes could kinda feel my heart racing too
    When on low T I used to drink coffee all the day, and not a problem. But since on TRT, if E2 is off balance, I get jittery...

  15. #15
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    I think you guys are missing a big part of OPs problem.

    There's a big difference between not feeling well and not feeling well then taking it out on other people.

    We all go through mood changes and hormonal swings, especially while on AAS, but part of being a well socially adjusted adult is controlling your emotions.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    When on low T I used to drink coffee all the day, and not a problem. But since on TRT, if E2 is off balance, I get jittery...

    Is this generally high or low E2(or is it any fluctuation in E2 balance)?? I'd like to hear about this from you bizz as I've noticed the same recently(at least moreso) I am adjusting my dose I've lowered it from 100mgs/2x wkly to 75mgs/2x wkly... I've noticed this especially being under more anxiety lately compounding the problem... it's hard to differentiate but I believe hormones are playing a role as well

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    Is this generally high or low E2(or is it any fluctuation in E2 balance)?? I'd like to hear about this from you bizz as I've noticed the same recently(at least moreso) I am adjusting my dose I've lowered it from 100mgs/2x wkly to 75mgs/2x wkly... I've noticed this especially being under more anxiety lately compounding the problem... it's hard to differentiate but I believe hormones are playing a role as well
    After stacking the winstrol I got hit with an E2 wave and was forced to cut from 75mg 2x to 60 first then 50mg... it wasn't an easy transition, and got cranky at times, even managed to broke my phone, but I do feel stable now. Like you said, yes gross variations can impact overall balance, as the brains adapts over time, and sudden fluctuations represent a challenge in homeostasis. E2 is a wonderful steroid, if affects both inhibitory and excitatory brain currents through different receptors, that means response to the hormone is heavily influenced by your individual make-up.

    With nervouseness, it's no brainer that stimulants like caffeine, food intake and environmental factors will worsen it.

    About E2, I get jittery mostly when I feel E2 on the high side. Drink some coffee, and tremors kick in, especially if I'm on a empty stomach. Heck, when I was on nebido (I'm a poor metabolizer so that resulted in cycle levels of Test , of course no AI ) even with menial tasks like preparing food I felt like my brain was on fire. Got bad insomnia at night, didn't eat much because of the bloating, and got pretty much unhealthy overall. But hey, if E2 is in check I can do just fine. When is on the low side, I start to get lethargic, foggy, and anxious.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post

    This. Also pull a thyroid hormone panel.

    Remember, hormones can play tricks with our brains, but no matter the trigger at some point we have to learn how to control ourselves.
    I had the exact same problem a few years ago before I ever ran gear.
    I was like Dr jekyll and Mr Hyde I had severe mood swings and I mean extreme swings. I would go from happy to Satan 20 times a day.
    Come to find out my thyroid had shut down and totally messed me up.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    I had the exact same problem a few years ago before I ever ran gear.
    I was like Dr jekyll and Mr Hyde I had severe mood swings and I mean extreme swings. I would go from happy to Satan 20 times a day.
    Come to find out my thyroid had shut down and totally messed me up.
    I can relate to thyroid dysfunction myself, two yrs ago I found out most of the thyroid parenchyma was damaged from autoimmune thyroiditis. As a result, I'm on replacement. That was the same time I got diagnosed with low T, so I was getting a double whammy from hormones.

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