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Thread: Ephedra is legal and available...

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Everyone reading this ephedra alkaloids are the effective part of ephedra. One of the product the op states was good due to having ephedra clearly shows on the label that it contains alkaloids, not ephedra. If you take 2 minutes to research you will find out that ephedra was never made illegal, because it was never the active ingredient in any of the old diet products.

    if you can find a good AAS source you should be able to easily find out that products containing ephedra, are not the same as the old products.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    Everyone reading this ephedra alkaloids are the effective part of ephedra. One of the product the op states was good due to having ephedra clearly shows on the label that it contains alkaloids, not ephedra. If you take 2 minutes to research you will find out that ephedra was never made illegal, because it was never the active ingredient in any of the old diet products.

    if you can find a good AAS source you should be able to easily find out that products containing ephedra, are not the same as the old products.
    Well what's a good old school Ephedra alkaloid product still,available?

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    You can only get the real stuff from AAS sources for the most part. You can get ephedrine at the pharmacy by asking for primatene, or bronk aid. It also has one other ingredient thats a decongestant. So If I wanted straight ephedrine I would check international sources and get some amps. 1,3 dmaa works great as well. Another option is albuterol and clenbuterol. I prefer albuterol.

    your avatar shows you know what it takes to get lean, so I would go with the product you showed the label of. I have used it and know many others that have its good stuff.

    There is a thread about pct-shop and they sell ephedrine hcl in amps, and albuterol/clenbuterol. No minimum or shipping IIRC. I have used them on multiple orders and they have always come through.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Where can I get ephrada and is it a good diet fat burning supplement

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoss7789 View Post
    Where can I get ephrada and is it a good diet fat burning supplement
    Google is ephedra legal and read a few links and you will realize ephedra was never illegal. Ephedra alkaloids are what was made illegal accept for medical use. If you want ephedrine hcl go to the pharmacy and ask for bronk aid or primatene tabs. They also have an additive in it to help astma sufferers, google primatene and ylu can then look up the other ingredient. This stufd that this thread is about has zero alkaloids in it, but the op said his highly intune b2 receptors can tell it real and its exactly like old products like ripped fuel, but if you look at the picture I posted of the ripped fuel label it clearly states ephedra alkaloids. So the products promoted here are nothing like the old products. They may work, because they add so many different stimulants like synephrine. Some sources also carry ephedrine hcl, but you have to find them on your own, but its not hard.

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