So after much research and hesitation, I decided to go ahead and do my first cycle. Because I'm overly cautious, I decided to do an Anavar only cycle, and to do it at 40mg per day for 5 weeks. My order arrived in about 3 weeks. I also ran clomid as PCT, even though I was told by several people it wasn't necessary.
About a week in, I noticed some trouble sleeping, so I started taking ZMA to combat this. I reacted badly to the ZMA, and adjusted my Anavar intake to earlier in the day. After I made those adjustments, everything smoothed out.
I didn't notice any big results until about the third week. My front squat went from 300 to 310 in a 7 day span. My performance in metcons went up slightly. Toward the end of the cycle, I definitely noticed a physique change. I was disappointed that I was ending my cycle right as things began spiking. After completing this cycle as a test, I decided to run another after a rest period. This time I plan on running 50mg/day for 6 weeks. If progress from the first cycle is any indication, I should get the moderate improvements I'm looking for. I didn't notice any testosterone suppression during or after the cycle.