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Thread: Ending cycle momday

  1. #1

    Couclock'd's freeforall discussion

    Well last pin is going to be monday, test c 300mg,

    Will continue my hcg and car at 35mg ed until pct.

    I'm already planning next cycle of test, eq, var

    I'm thinking though, I was lightly considering cruising into the next cycle at 100mg to 200mg per week of cyp.

    I'm leaning towards pct like I planed but can't help thinking about cruising for 60 days into next cycle?

    Last edited by Couchlock; 06-09-2017 at 03:50 PM.

  2. #2
    This is what I'm thinking weather I cruise into it or pct+ time on, wait and start second

    I said I was only going to do one cycle then never again, but, you know......

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    If probably drop the test prop.

    Not sure

  3. #3
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    Apr 2014
    You just finishing your 1st cycle, stop thinking about future cycles.

    Enjoy and relax, whats the rush!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    You just finishing your 1st cycle, stop thinking about future cycles.

    Enjoy and relax, whats the rush!
    Yes, your correct

    Pct starts in 19 days then, ill spend the next 6 months training natural, solidifying and keeping gains

  5. #5
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    Do you have any befor and after pics yet.

  6. #6
    I just have to say the I've tried your stack of Test, EQ and Var. It was without a doubt the most expensive and unimpressive cycle ever. It did almost nothing for me.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vash the Stampede View Post
    I just have to say the I've tried your stack of Test, EQ and Var. It was without a doubt the most expensive and unimpressive cycle ever. It did almost nothing for me.
    I guess they will keep you out of the marketing testimonials. Lol.

  8. #8
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    And go to the mens dept and buy some new shorts

  9. #9
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    Its easy to get ahead of yourself with future cycle plans but try to not give into temptation and pay your dues by doing a proper pct, training and eating correctly to keep as much of your gains as possible all the while you keep on educationg yourself. Do your research and ask questions but the smart guy does as little cycling as possible.

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    And go to the mens dept and buy some new shorts

    Been thinking the same thing! Then 8 weeks post pct get thorough blood work!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post

    Been thinking the same thing! Then 8 weeks post pct get thorough blood work!
    I'm gonna take bloods with before pct as well.

    Free from doctor, and 8 weeks post as well.

  12. #12
    How's this look?

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    But no car till week 2

  13. #13
    If you have your mind set on a second cycle that soon than a cruise would be ideal as PCT can be harsh with hormonse , theres really no point in shutting yourself down trying to recover with a PCT than jumping right back into a cycle that's when you bridge and cruise BLAST cruise BLAST PCT.....

    if you blast than PCT than BLAST again that's gonna be rough on the body your hormones will be all over the place if your going to PCT complete the PCT and wait 12 weeks past PCT before next cycle to let your body fully recover

  14. #14
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    Feb 2006
    Pct starts in 19 days then, ill spend the next 6 months training natural, solidifying and keeping gains
    Make sure you are eating a nice and calorie filled diet during your PCT. Stick to it, and keep hitting the gym hard to try to keep what you can from this. Good call on the 6 months of training naturally, you have the rest of your life to plan other things out and do them if you still want to. You haven't even gone through a proper PCT yet. You might end up changing your mind here in a little bit heh.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    If you have your mind set on a second cycle that soon than a cruise would be ideal as PCT can be harsh with hormonse , theres really no point in shutting yourself down trying to recover with a PCT than jumping right back into a cycle that's when you bridge and cruise BLAST cruise BLAST PCT.....

    if you blast than PCT than BLAST again that's gonna be rough on the body your hormones will be all over the place if your going to PCT complete the PCT and wait 12 weeks past PCT before next cycle to let your body fully recover
    Not going to cycle at least for another year, probably next august September (started this cycle on sept 9)

    I just want to take advantage of the mega Christmas sale my source is going to have.

    I want a "cutting" cycle for lack of a better word. I know diet dependant.

    Test e or sustanon base, and either winstrol, equipose, masteron, anavar, it's mix of 3 orv4

    Test and mast and var, seem like a good stack.

    How should a test, mast, var cycle look like. Weeks and dosages

  16. #16
    If you don't plan to cycle for another year , get on a good safe PCT , and get back to normal than .

    Take advantage of your sources Christmas sale just have them for next year don't need to use them right away

    If you want a cutting cycle top choices are like

    Test obviously ,

    Tren / t3 / clen / mast

    EQ is good but makes you hungry usually remember that winny drys you out that's good to finish a cycle , anavar is good but winny stomps this any day

    if you want a basic cutting cycle cruise around 200mg test E and cut if you want a hard core cutting cycle clen / t3 / tren / mast / test etc not all of them but those are the top choices

  17. #17
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    Im running a cutting cycle of Primo, Test, Var, and Winny right now and im liking it a lot.
    1-20: 700MG Test E
    1-20: 900MG Primo E
    1-5: 70MG Var ED
    15-20: 50MG Winny

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by DHew View Post
    Im running a cutting cycle of Primo, Test, Var, and Winny right now and im liking it a lot.
    1-20: 700MG Test E
    1-20: 900MG Primo E
    1-5: 70MG Var ED
    15-20: 50MG Winny
    That's cool but I don't want to run that many compounds

    If you had a dropped one compound out other than anavar which one would it be

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Do a test p / var cycle. Test P 75mg or so EoD for ten weeks. 50mg Var ED for first five weeks.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    If you have your mind set on a second cycle that soon than a cruise would be ideal as PCT can be harsh with hormonse , theres really no point in shutting yourself down trying to recover with a PCT than jumping right back into a cycle that's when you bridge and cruise BLAST cruise BLAST PCT.....

    if you blast than PCT than BLAST again that's gonna be rough on the body your hormones will be all over the place if your going to PCT complete the PCT and wait 12 weeks past PCT before next cycle to let your body fully recover
    ^^^This is bad advice.

    Advising a guy just finishing his 1st cycle to blast and cruise, and not PCT, its stupid.

    It seems you dont know much about the human body, or your interpretation of what is rough and harsh are wrong.

    Nothing wrong with cycling and PCT, resting for "time on"+"PCT time". Nothing wrong with cycling once or twice per year. Plenty of ppl do it with success. It is worse on your overall health to blast and cruise, and much more harsher on your hormones and HPTA.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    That's cool but I don't want to run that many compounds

    If you had a dropped one compound out other than anavar which one would it be
    id drop the anavar if had to drop one

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post

    ^^^This is bad advice.

    Advising a guy just finishing his 1st cycle to blast and cruise, and not PCT, its stupid.

    It seems you dont know much about the human body, or your interpretation of what is rough and harsh are wrong.

    Nothing wrong with cycling and PCT, resting for "time on"+"PCT time". Nothing wrong with cycling once or twice per year. Plenty of ppl do it with success. It is worse on your overall health to blast and cruise, and much more harsher on your hormones and HPTA.
    Oh trust me you, I'm going to pct definitely.

    Just want to take advantage if Xmas sale.

    I may not use it anyway.

    If I don't I got a guy who I went to school with been on since his 20's , he'd take it off my hands if need be.

  23. #23
    So few questions

    Test e 300, or sustanon 250?

    Anavar or tbol?

    Masterone or win?

    Tormifene or tamoxifen?

  24. #24
    Click image for larger version. 

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    How's this look?

    I would modify it to 12 weeks total

    1-12 300 mg test e
    5-12 300 mg masterone [100MG EOD (drostanolone p)
    6-12 50mg anavar ED

    1-14.5 ADEX .5mg eod
    2-14.5 hcg 500 iu (250 iu e3d)

    Of course the standard
    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20/20

    I am going to order a next cycle getting ready to use it in august.

    I do not want to bulk, not my thing, its too much for me to see myself go up soo much in weight.

    I do feel good moving big man weight, but I really won't ever be powelifter class heavy lifts, so I'm going to stick to staying as tight , lean and strong as I can.

    I like being under 145lbs, this 155 -160 I'm currently at is too too much extra

    I like sub 150 or 150 max.

    Please give me opinions on above cycle.
    Or tweaks

    Is like to hear Mr.BB's, KEL-KEL's, NUMBRE, deadlifting dog's, austinite's, or the likes opinions on this

  25. #25
    Click image for larger version. 

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    This is after last shot before my pct wait time

    I'm assuming I got about 10lbs of fat to shred now.

    Any ideas?

    I know how to get lean, but don't think the diet that takes is a good match during pct.

    I wanna hold as much as I can as far as muscle goes, feel free to outline a diet for loosing fat, while maintaining a good percentage of gains during pct

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    How's this look?

    I would modify it to 12 weeks total

    1-12 300 mg test e
    5-12 300 mg masterone [100MG EOD (drostanolone p)
    6-12 50mg anavar ED

    1-14.5 ADEX .5mg eod
    2-14.5 hcg 500 iu (250 iu e3d)

    Of course the standard
    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20/20
    Imo you should drop the mast.

    If you want to get the full effect of var then take it for 10 weeks.

    That's a lot of dex for 300mg of test and no other aromatizing compounds.

    Your shoulder proportions look good.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post

    Imo you should drop the mast.

    If you want to get the full effect of var then take it for 10 weeks.

    That's a lot of dex for 300mg of test and no other aromatizing compounds.

    Your shoulder proportions look good.

    In spite of our past head butt, I respect and value your advice and comments. I usually look to you for sound advice.

    Is that var for 10 weeks too bad on liver?

    It will be an expensive 10

    If I can't run var, would you run the mast with test alone?

    I was also considering a test base suspension as a workout boost at 25 or 50 mg 3x week?

    Again just getting opinions to why and how, just bouncing ideas

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post

    In spite of our past head butt, I respect and value your advice and comments. I usually look to you for sound advice.

    Is that var for 10 weeks too bad on liver?

    It will be an expensive 10

    If I can't run var, would you run the mast with test alone?

    I was also considering a test base suspension as a workout boost at 25 or 50 mg 3x week?

    Again just getting opinions to why and how, just bouncing ideas
    Adults should be able to set past disputes aside in order to help each other reach common goals.

    Var is one of the least hepatotoxic AAS.

    A good alternative to var is tbol but once again I'd use it for at least 10 weeks for full benefits.

    Yeah I'd definitely use test and mast again but at higher doses than you've proposed.

    There's a 50/50 chance you'll get a boost from test base as some are non responders.

    Imo daily cialias is a better workout enhancer than test base, while also having additional health benefits.

  29. #29
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    That's a lot of dex for 300mg of test and no other aromatizing compounds.

    It would crush most guys E2.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post

    Adults should be able to set past disputes aside in order to help each other reach common goals.

    Var is one of the least hepatotoxic AAS.

    A good alternative to var is tbol but once again I'd use it for at least 10 weeks for full benefits.

    Yeah I'd definitely use test and mast again but at higher doses than you've proposed.

    There's a 50/50 chance you'll get a boost from test base as some are non responders.

    Imo daily cialias is a better workout enhancer than test base, while also having additional health benefits.
    Oh brotha, you've sold me on the cialis. Lol

    So what doses of test and mast would you propose?, also what amount of tbol?

    Don't be shy on recommending doses, just getting ideas.

    Tbol is half the cost of var, I choose var as proposed because it's the least hepa toxic oral I've researched.

  31. #31
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    Coulokd: talk to your primary care doc about a family history of BPH.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    Coulokd: talk to your primary care doc about a family history of BPH.
    I had psa checked in all good,
    .what's that supposed to insinuate?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Oh brotha, you've sold me on the cialis. Lol

    So what doses of test and mast would you propose?, also what amount of tbol?

    Don't be shy on recommending doses, just getting ideas.

    Tbol is half the cost of var, I choose var as proposed because it's the least hepa toxic oral I've researched.
    For tbol 80-100mg/d.

    The East German men were taking 60mg/d for an entire year or longer as an athletic performance enhancer.

    Tbol and var likely have similar hepatotoxicities.

    There's German notes of athletes taking 35mg/d for their entire careers.

    I've used mast p twice and didn't notice much effect until around 600-700mg/week.

    Once was with 500mg other test and the other was with a TRT dose and 500mg of NPP.

    I really liked the NPP mast combo and will run it again this summer.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post

    For tbol 80-100mg/d.

    The East German men were taking 60mg/d for an entire year or longer as an athletic performance enhancer.

    Tbol and var likely have similar hepatotoxicities.

    There's German notes of athletes taking 35mg/d for their entire careers.

    I've used mast p twice and didn't notice much effect until around 600-700mg/week.

    Once was with 500mg other test and the other was with a TRT dose and 500mg of NPP.

    I really liked the NPP mast combo and will run it again this summer.
    Ok, on masterone, I got a choice of 100mg/ml prop,
    200mg/ml enanthate
    300 mg/ml (100mg prop, 200mg enan./ml)

    I want to go
    500 test enanthate 1-12
    400 mg mast. 3-12
    50mg var ed, 3-12

    Is that a good ratio of test to mast?

    Should I increase or decrease test and mast doses?
    Last edited by Couchlock; 12-23-2016 at 01:46 PM.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Ok, on masterone, I got a choice of 100mg/ml prop,
    200mg/ml enanthate
    300 mg/ml (100mg prop, 200mg enan./ml)

    I want to go
    500 test enanthate 1-12
    400 mg mast. 3-12
    50mg var ed, 3-12

    Is that a good ratio of test to mast?

    Should I increase or decrease test and mast doses?
    Run it and see how your body reacts.

    Everyone responds slightly differently to these compounds.

    I still think it's not the best idea to add two new compounds to your second cycle.

    Imo buy all three if your getting a holiday discount but stick with test and var for this blast.

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post

    Run it and see how your body reacts.

    Everyone responds slightly differently to these compounds.

    I still think it's not the best idea to add two new compounds to your second cycle.

    Imo buy all three if your getting a holiday discount but stick with test and var for this blast.
    I'd like to go mast and test,

    Its going to take 300$ just in var alone.

    Thanks for your advice brother.

    Are my test to mast ratio good?

    Is it a good idea on the mixed ester mast (100mg/ml prop, 200mg/ml enanthate)?

    I could go test and oral winny, for half the price of var, but I don't want to beat my liver senseless. Lol

    Also Arimidex should suffice for e2 control on this cycle as well?
    Last edited by Couchlock; 12-24-2016 at 10:27 AM.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I'd like to go mast and test,

    Its going to take 300$ just in var alone.

    Thanks for your advice brother.

    Are my test to mast ratio good?

    Is it a good idea on the mixed ester mast (100mg/ml prop, 200mg/ml enanthate)?

    I could go test and oral winny, for half the price of var, but I don't want to beat my liver senseless. Lol

    Also Arimidex should suffice for e2 control on this cycle as well?
    From my experience with mast you need to stay on top of your blood counts because mast effects my HCT just as much as adrol.

    Personally I like to run my mast higher but I think what you've proposed is a great place to start.

    Stay away from the mixed esters, they're less expensive for a reason.

    Run your dex the same way you did for your first cycle of 600mg/week of test.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post

    From my experience with mast you need to stay on top of your blood counts because mast effects my HCT just as much as adrol.

    Personally I like to run my mast higher but I think what you've proposed is a great place to start.

    Stay away from the mixed esters, they're less expensive for a reason.

    Run your dex the same way you did for your first cycle of 600mg/week of test.
    So would you recommend mast prop 100, or mast enan. 200 ?

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post

    So would you recommend mast prop 100, or mast enan. 200 ?
    Also thinking now, mast addition will be $250 for 2 bottles at 2000mg each, ill need both bottles for 10 weeks.

    Anavar would cost me $300 to $350 for 10 weeks at 50mg ed.

    I do like the profile of var compared to mast, I may just spend the extra dough to get anavar. But is 50mg ed enough?.

    Is 50 mg ed for a 150 to 155lb human male enough? 60 to 70 mg would start to tip the cost to effectiveness ratio in the favor of not worth it.

    Wwnd? (What would numbre do?)

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    So would you recommend mast prop 100, or mast enan. 200 ?
    It really doesn't matter because mast is mast.

    Just comes down to personal preference.

    You should be fine with 50mg/d of var for that time period.

    The dose of var used mostly comes down to quality.

    You can get nice results on as little as 20-40mg/d of pharmacy grade var.

    Using lower quality product you'll need to be in the 70-100mg/d range for similar effects.

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