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Thread: Possible gyno?

  1. #1

    Possible gyno?

    Hi guys

    I've took a total of 1750mg of test enanthate and around 700mg of dbol over the past approximately 3 weeks since I started my first cycle. I shoot 250mg test twice a week and dbol was 30mg a day, now at 40mg a day.

    8 days ago I pinned my right pec (inner pec while contracted) fairly low down on the muscle. I had a lump (the usual with my source) and it made my nipple look weird, as part of the muscular lump formed underneath the nipple! The lump has almost gone and my nipple is back to normal (no tenderness, gyno lump etc).

    4 days ago I shot my left pec (inner pec while contracted once again). however, this time I pinned higher up in the muscle to avoid any lumps forming underneath the nipple area. I have a slight lump in the injection area which is subsiding - so no big deal.

    My problem is ...

    Today I noticed that my left nipple was tender and sore to touch. It almost feels like a hard lump underneath (it could be fat or gyno I'm not sure). Is it possible that the oil has spread and made my nipple sensitive and a caused a small lump underneath? The lump doesn't feel like the one I had on the right pec - so I'm concerned it's gyno.

    I use 0.5mg arimidex every other day and will discontinue using dbol immediately.

    I will get cabergoline to reduce my prolactin - as I take finasteride 1mg everyday and have the finasteride has caused high prolactin for me in the past.

    Is there anything which I should do? Should I just wait to see if the lump goes away - as it may be caused by the test enanthate injection?

    Any other drugs which can help?

    Thanks guys


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Are you prone to gyno? The dose of armidex should be enough to keep symptoms at bay. I'm not thinking its gyno and could be what you are thinking as just a small deposit of oil.

  3. #3
    Well I think I had some prolactin related gyno - this was caused by finasteride 1mg everyday for around 4 years. My prolactin levels were around 50% higher than normal.

    I stopped fin for 4 months prior to my first cycle and my prolactin levels dropped back into normal ranges and as a result my
    Nipples were less puffy and sensitive.

    It's important to me to use finasteride while on cycle to prevent hair loss but I'm concerned that it may be Gyno.

    It makes me think it's not gyno though because my right nipple isn't showing the same signs as the right nipple? (I.e. There's a muscular lump close to the nipple - but it's not a lump which feels the same as my tender left nipple).

    Is caber worth getting? Or should I wait a few days and monitor the left nipple?


  4. #4
    Less puffy and less sensitive I should say **

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    This is exactly what happens when you don't do enough research or follow the advice from previous posts.

    24, 5'8", 250lb and admittedly high percentage of body fat

    Members told you not to cycle because of your stats and if you did decide to cycle then don't take dbol because it will make controlling your e2 very difficult.

    Do yourself a favor and get some blood work.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I was unaware of your stats and previous advice but what is done is done.

    You do have several options here:
    1. You can let it ride and as mentioned prior it could just be an oil deposit and will eventually be absorbed.

    2. If you have access to some caber you can start that right away and see if that subdue your symptoms.

    3. You could possible increase your dose of armidex but I don't think thats the answer.

    I agree with blood work. That would be a determining factor on your situation.

  7. #7
    The dbol has been dropped. Took 770mg exactly over the past 23 days. Perhaps I shouldn't have used the dbol but it has definitely increased my mass and strength - but it's gone regardless.

    I will get bloods asap - where is best to get this done in U.K.? Any sites? The doctors is last resort.

    I have also ordered caber - it will be here by Tuesday. What dosing protocol should I follow with caber?

    Thanks for the help

  8. #8
    Also - is it worthwhile including clen and t3 to my cycle? I know I have used dbol which is obviously for bulking - but I have used clen before with good results and generally eat clean anyways.

    I'm just asking if using clen and t3 would be worthwhile considering my body fat is a bit high? Just while on cycle with AAS.

    I have the drugs both to hand

  9. #9
    Also, while I've been on cycle my libido has went through the roof and I've had sex around 15 times in the last 3 weeks. Maybe this is a problem with prolactin induced gyno...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Stop trying to throw drugs at this. Fix your diet and cardio regime.

    Try your local needle exchange for bloodwork.

  11. #11
    I'm not trying to throw drugs at it - my diet is good, I have just struggled to loose fat due to low motivation and my testesterone being considered as the lowest end of normal.

    I feel much better on AAS, and am making good progress - I just thought using clen and t3 might help reduce my body fat further which would reduce the chances of aromatisation problems from higher body fat occurring.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Why are pinning your pecs??

    And contracted?!?!?

  13. #13
    The guys told me on here to pin as many muscles as I could - the more sites the better.

    I read that contracting makes it easier to inject the inner pec? Does it make a difference?

    My real worries are the possible gyno I have

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Scottishjuicer18 View Post
    The guys told me on here to pin as many muscles as I could - the more sites the better.

    I read that contracting makes it easier to inject the inner pec? Does it make a difference?

    My real worries are the possible gyno I have
    Can you shoot a pic of your problem,,maybe we can see for sure. You have two choices,,start using an AI or SERM immediately.

  15. #15
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	FullSizeRender.jpg 
Views:	117 
Size:	590.1 KB 
ID:	166998

    this is my current state

  16. #16
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_7161.jpg 
Views:	92 
Size:	42.3 KB 
ID:	166999

  17. #17
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_7162.jpg 
Views:	103 
Size:	57.5 KB 
ID:	167001

    this pic and the second i posted are close ups of current state

  18. #18
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	before cycle.png 
Views:	119 
Size:	33.5 KB 
ID:	167002

    this pic is the day before beginning my cycle (perhaps already a little gyno there?)

    the pic isn't the best quality I'm afraid

  19. #19
    i am using 0.5mg arimidex EOD and on songdogs advice - i am using 40mg nolvadex for 1 week, followed by 20mg nolvadex for 1 week to try and reduce the potential gyno.

    i hope the left nipple lump is just from post injection pain !

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Bro I said the Nova not increase the Adex.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Looking at this snapshots it's hard to tell because of your level of bodyfat. You're certainly not under 25% from what I can see and continue to run the risk of increased sides because of this.

    Not sure what your goals are and, even though you say your diet is good, you should get a diet review and the right section.

    Good luck.

  22. #22
    Okay thanks guys I know I had to drop body fat before the cycle but I tried and tried and lost around 13 pounds - (I stopped taking creative altogether during this time and I guess most of that weight was water retention - but some fat was lost definitely.)

    I think having my testesterone on the lowest end of normal really affected my motivation and ability to loose fat - even when eating clean.

    I will continue to eat clean and post on the thread asking if my diets ok.

    My goals are to loose fat and maintain/increase mass. Never had a prob with strength goals (powerlifting training for years). But body composition goals were virtually inpossible to achieve.

    Fuck dbol and creative monohydrate and water rentetion in general (lol)

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Scottishjuicer18 View Post
    The guys told me on here to pin as many muscles as I could - the more sites the better.

    I read that contracting makes it easier to inject the inner pec? Does it make a difference?

    My real worries are the possible gyno I have
    Whoever told you to contract muscles while injecting could only be kidding.

    About gyno, sorry, but too much fat too be able to see anything.

    You spent years accumulating fat and now you think it can be lost in weeks? To do it in a healthy way it will take 12 too 18 months.

  24. #24
    I never said anything about loosing all or a large amount of the fat in weeks. If I can loose some of it when I'm on cycle over the course of the next 9 weeks then great.

    Poeerlifters must use ASS and at higher body fat % than me - I'm just asking for some advice.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Scottishjuicer18 View Post
    I never said anything about loosing all or a large amount of the fat in weeks. If I can loose some of it when I'm on cycle over the course of the next 9 weeks then great.

    Poeerlifters must use ASS and at higher body fat % than me - I'm just asking for some advice.
    Sorry, I thought that you wanted to lose fat and train bodybuilding.

  26. #26
    Well I'd like to loose some fat sure - but not strip to too low levels. More focused on just being big and strong - and perhaps my next cycle will be focused on cutting. That's a decision for another day though!

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