Hi guys
I've took a total of 1750mg of test enanthate and around 700mg of dbol over the past approximately 3 weeks since I started my first cycle. I shoot 250mg test twice a week and dbol was 30mg a day, now at 40mg a day.
8 days ago I pinned my right pec (inner pec while contracted) fairly low down on the muscle. I had a lump (the usual with my source) and it made my nipple look weird, as part of the muscular lump formed underneath the nipple! The lump has almost gone and my nipple is back to normal (no tenderness, gyno lump etc).
4 days ago I shot my left pec (inner pec while contracted once again). however, this time I pinned higher up in the muscle to avoid any lumps forming underneath the nipple area. I have a slight lump in the injection area which is subsiding - so no big deal.
My problem is ...
Today I noticed that my left nipple was tender and sore to touch. It almost feels like a hard lump underneath (it could be fat or gyno I'm not sure). Is it possible that the oil has spread and made my nipple sensitive and a caused a small lump underneath? The lump doesn't feel like the one I had on the right pec - so I'm concerned it's gyno.
I use 0.5mg arimidex every other day and will discontinue using dbol immediately.
I will get cabergoline to reduce my prolactin - as I take finasteride 1mg everyday and have the finasteride has caused high prolactin for me in the past.
Is there anything which I should do? Should I just wait to see if the lump goes away - as it may be caused by the test enanthate injection?
Any other drugs which can help?
Thanks guys