Pretty much just 100mg test and 250mg tren a week (+hcg and caber). Then again it is the equivalent of running 1350mg or so test a week compared to the 500mg recommended on the first time cycle thread.
There's actually a lot of information on similar tren cycles. For the average person I see no need to use over 350mg/week of ace. I personally like to use 50mg/week of prop 50-75mg week of tren and either some nandrolone or and oral while bulking.
(This is based on the assumption that a lot of tren side-affects don't seem to kick in until 300mg a week such as the rage and respiratory issues)
This is too broad of a statement everyone reacts differently to tren and there are other aspects to consider.
Cabergoline apparently brings benefits to libido, mood and sleep. Compared to Arimidex which brings joint pain and high blood pressure.
You should incentive the word may into both shoes sentences. Personally I've never experienced and of those side effects, neither do many others.
That's the basic premise why it can be a preferable cycle.
This may all be BS once again, because it's based on hearsay- most feedback on Tren is in an entirely different context (usually in way larger amounts, in already overloaded complex stacks)
Unfortunately this is true for most information on AAS that does not come from this forum in the last few years.
I probably don't need steroids at all, but I have my reasons (good and bad). I make slow but consistent gains having to rely on a lot of dumbbell work (split moves, isolation, slightly higher reps) due to injuries and a retarded metabolism sustained from 25 years of childhood obesity/yoyo diets/excessive cardio/misguided strength training. Taken a good 3 years to really find what works and doesn't result in writing myself off for 3 months. Sadly now I'm nearly 31 so can kiss goodbye any of the blessings of youth regarding T levels hence why I find myself reading and researching steroids several hours a day. If the gains don't stick, then so be it.. will go back to focusing on keeping bf% low. I'll probably be on TRT in 10 years anyway given the short-stick I drew from the genetics pool
You're an adult so if you want to use tren then sincerely best of luck in your endeavors. You would benefit from using compounds which have less severe side effects first. There are better compounds than tren for adding new lean tissue.