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Thread: Help me piece this together

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Help me piece this together

    Ok so I'm going to do my 1st cycle and here is what I have access to.
    I'm in TRT.. so every Monday I get 150mg of Test C with 500 hcg and arimidex however I forget mg dosage of arimidex
    I'm going to add 250 mg of test C on Thursday,
    I also have masteron and tren ace I believe I should hit 100 mg EOD of these. Is that correct? Going to hit this for 6 weeks then switch to something for mass. Is this good for 6 weeks of cutting? Is my dosage correct?
    Also I have plenty of arimidex on hand should I hit that EOD as well. Anything I'm missing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Definitely check out this post on first time cycles

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    I've read this. I'm prepared nutrition wise, blood work is done every 3 weeks for TRT as it is.ive done a testosterone only cycle before and has great results. I should of said this is my first multi steroid cycle. Based on what I posted does it look ok?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    What is your cycle history?



    Bodyfat %?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Test P 500 mg 12 weeks twice
    5 ft 10 in
    212 lbs
    17.1% bf

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Dashet View Post
    Test P 500 mg 12 weeks twice
    5 ft 10 in
    212 lbs
    17.1% bf
    And your goals for the cycle are to cut and bulk? Which probably means you will end up around the same fat levels. You should decide what you want, cut or bulk and go from there. If it's bulk then cut before you start your cycle.

    Mast will do nothing at your fat level in any event so it's pointless. However, you should only add one compound at a time in any event. Tren can be a bit of an animal, hopefully you know how to control your E2 on 400mg test per week so you won't need a DA but you should have one on hand anyway.

    Most will recommend you run several cycle before you touch tren but you're a grown man you can decide for yourself. IMO 75mg of tren ace rod for 8 weeks is more than enough for at least a first tren cycle.

  7. #7
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Im reading that for your trt you take your hcg and arimidex only on monday? This correct?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Euroholic..that is correct

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Ok Back in Black. I could eliminate the masteron and just run 75 mg of tren EOD, keep my TRT injection on Mondays and then do 250 test C again on Thursday or would you suggest lowering the test on Thursday to another 150? E2 won't be a problem as I have 75 tabs or .25 mg arimidex here

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Are you seeing a doctor for your trt or doing it yourself?

    Because hcg and arimidex once every 7 days is longer then their half lifes. You are not getting the best out of them

  11. #11
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    Mar 2016
    Yes going to the doctor for them. The doc won't administer it more than once every six days but I can only get there on Mondays. I know I'm not getting the best however my t level was 417 now it's 740'with 170.1 free.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dashet View Post
    Yes going to the doctor for them. The doc won't administer it more than once every six days but I can only get there on Mondays. I know I'm not getting the best however my t level was 417 now it's 740'with 170.1 free.
    Shouldn't it be higher then a natural average level especially if your taking 5x the bodies natural weekly production roughly. I may be wrong. I don't know much

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    I'm not sure but that's what my blood work says. Anyway back to my original post. Anyone have an answer to it

  14. #14
    Beware that this will mess with your bloodwork. How often does your Dr require it?

  15. #15
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    Mar 2016
    Doc wants to run it every 4-6 weeks. I could always just take a break from TRT which is normal and get blood work done myself. I just want to know for cutting purposes is it good to go 350-400 test wk with 75 tren ace EOD I'll cut out masteron for now

  16. #16
    Keep your TRT at maintenance levels, no need to increase it (The Tren is 5x more potent) and higher levels of Test will only cause more estrogen, thus more likelihood of prolactin.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Masteron should be run at 600 mg.

    I do not agree its useless for guys over 12%.

    It doesnt only make u harder and loose water. Its a anabolic steroid with most of the pros

  18. #18
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    I agree that mast isn't just for low BF.
    Yes, that's when it will bring out that shredded physique,
    but you could say that about a lot of compounds.
    Tren will look totally different on someone below 10% BF than one above.

    The cons about mast IMO;
    It's not that strong as an anabolic, compared to cost
    A few react to how androgenic it is, losing hair, etc,
    (But generally well tolerated)

    And that's about the only cons I see with it.
    Including it will add some anabolism and probably make you feel better,
    but it's weak, and for gaining lean mass there are lots of other options.

  19. #19
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    Ty that's really good feedback. So you think I should just stick with my TRT at 150 mg test weekly and don't add anymore? Even though I have arimidex. So this is what it's looking like now
    Test 150 mg/wk
    Tren ace 75 mg EOD
    Mast 100 or 200 mg EOD
    Is this looking good? Starting next Monday

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Just add the tren, no need to add 2 compounds.

    Whilst I agree that mast isn't useless at higher bodyfat it really won't shine either.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    I'll do the tren and skip the masteron but what about the 2nd injection of test. Do it or stick with my 150 mg from TRT?

  22. #22
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Read this:

    Consider simply adding a low to moderate dose of tren. It doesn't take much to get great results if diet and training are on point.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Read this:

    Consider simply adding a low to moderate dose of tren. It doesn't take much to get great results if diet and training are on point.
    It's a shame that thread's closed, it's quite interesting and explains why so many people seem to have troubles with tren. Provided the OP wasn't entirely full of BS because the whole thing is a tad one-sided.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by evanescent View Post
    It's a shame that thread's closed, it's quite interesting and explains why so many people seem to have troubles with tren. Provided the OP wasn't entirely full of BS because the whole thing is a tad one-sided.
    Maybe you should write a new thread on tren that we can make a sticky.

  25. #25
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    Yes, you will have to add the second test injection. Keep in mind, this will mess up your blood work from your doctors point of view. It will shoot your test numbers way up which might result in your doctor lowering or even cutting off your TRT treatment. If you can avoid getting blood work during the blast it would make things easier for you with your doctor.

    I know nobody wants to hear this but I see no reason for the tren. If you have done 2 cycles of test only and gotten good results, stick with this. I believe you should only be adding compounds when you stop getting the results you want from test. As the adage goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Maybe you should write a new thread on tren that we can make a sticky.
    I'd quite like to try Atomini's cycle but struggle to find many people who have done similar to cross-reference with to verify and provide peer-reviewed advice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deal Me In View Post
    I know nobody wants to hear this but I see no reason for the tren. If you have done 2 cycles of test only and gotten good results, stick with this. I believe you should only be adding compounds when you stop getting the results you want from test. As the adage goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
    The going arguments in favour of Tren are that you can potentially experience even less side-affects by maintaining natural/stable estrogen levels using a nor-19 and avoiding AI's, plus experience added benefits from the cabergoline.

    The going argument against Tren seems to be that some people just naturally react terribly to it (cough, insomnia, trenrage)

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by evanescent View Post
    I'd quite like to try Atomini's cycle but struggle to find many people who have done similar to cross-reference with to verify and provide peer-reviewed advice.
    I'm not sure what type of tren cycle to which you are referencing.

    No offense but if your AVI is representative of your current physique then you don't need to use tren to make great improvements.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    I'm not sure what type of tren cycle to which you are referencing.
    Pretty much just 100mg test and 250mg tren a week (+hcg and caber). Then again it is the equivalent of running 1350mg or so test a week compared to the 500mg recommended on the first time cycle thread.

    (This is based on the assumption that a lot of tren side-affects don't seem to kick in until 300mg a week such as the rage and respiratory issues)

    Cabergoline apparently brings benefits to libido, mood and sleep. Compared to Arimidex which brings joint pain and high blood pressure.

    That's the basic premise why it can be a preferable cycle.

    This may all be BS once again, because it's based on hearsay- most feedback on Tren is in an entirely different context (usually in way larger amounts, in already overloaded complex stacks)

    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    No offense but if your AVI is representative of your current physique then you don't need to use tren to make great improvements.

    I probably don't need steroids at all, but I have my reasons (good and bad). I make slow but consistent gains having to rely on a lot of dumbbell work (split moves, isolation, slightly higher reps) due to injuries and a retarded metabolism sustained from 25 years of childhood obesity/yoyo diets/excessive cardio/misguided strength training. Taken a good 3 years to really find what works and doesn't result in writing myself off for 3 months. Sadly now I'm nearly 31 so can kiss goodbye any of the blessings of youth regarding T levels hence why I find myself reading and researching steroids several hours a day. If the gains don't stick, then so be it.. will go back to focusing on keeping bf% low. I'll probably be on TRT in 10 years anyway given the short-stick I drew from the genetics pool

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by evanescent View Post
    Pretty much just 100mg test and 250mg tren a week (+hcg and caber). Then again it is the equivalent of running 1350mg or so test a week compared to the 500mg recommended on the first time cycle thread.

    There's actually a lot of information on similar tren cycles. For the average person I see no need to use over 350mg/week of ace. I personally like to use 50mg/week of prop 50-75mg week of tren and either some nandrolone or and oral while bulking.

    (This is based on the assumption that a lot of tren side-affects don't seem to kick in until 300mg a week such as the rage and respiratory issues)

    This is too broad of a statement everyone reacts differently to tren and there are other aspects to consider.

    Cabergoline apparently brings benefits to libido, mood and sleep. Compared to Arimidex which brings joint pain and high blood pressure.

    You should incentive the word may into both shoes sentences. Personally I've never experienced and of those side effects, neither do many others.

    That's the basic premise why it can be a preferable cycle.

    This may all be BS once again, because it's based on hearsay- most feedback on Tren is in an entirely different context (usually in way larger amounts, in already overloaded complex stacks)

    Unfortunately this is true for most information on AAS that does not come from this forum in the last few years.

    I probably don't need steroids at all, but I have my reasons (good and bad). I make slow but consistent gains having to rely on a lot of dumbbell work (split moves, isolation, slightly higher reps) due to injuries and a retarded metabolism sustained from 25 years of childhood obesity/yoyo diets/excessive cardio/misguided strength training. Taken a good 3 years to really find what works and doesn't result in writing myself off for 3 months. Sadly now I'm nearly 31 so can kiss goodbye any of the blessings of youth regarding T levels hence why I find myself reading and researching steroids several hours a day. If the gains don't stick, then so be it.. will go back to focusing on keeping bf% low. I'll probably be on TRT in 10 years anyway given the short-stick I drew from the genetics pool

    You're an adult so if you want to use tren then sincerely best of luck in your endeavors. You would benefit from using compounds which have less severe side effects first. There are better compounds than tren for adding new lean tissue.

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