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Thread: Anavar new/first cycle help!!!!!

  1. #1

    Anavar new/first cycle help!!!!!

    Going to be my first cycle. I know anavar doesn't have the strength how winny does but the side effects aren't as bad. I plan on taking 50mg a day for about 8 weeks. Im looking to build some mass but get lean. I know I can build muscle on a "cutting" steroid due to my diet and lifting program. Im 6'1 190. How does that sound? I am staying away from winny because all the negative reviews I have heard about it other than the muscle and pump. If you have a different cycle that would work better for me, throw it out there. I work out all the time and have a almost perfect diet. Ive been working out for 5 years.
    Last edited by Harless1; 02-09-2017 at 10:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well at 20yrs old it don't sound good at all.Read the young and steroids thread.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Well at 20yrs old it don't sound good at all.Read the young and steroids thread.
    I have read it a lot. But I'm still wanting to try it out. I know that may sound bad. But doesn't everyones body react differently?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Harless1
    I have read it a lot. But I'm still wanting to try it out. I know that may sound bad. But doesn't everyones body react differently?
    Bad idea to cycle at your age and a bad proposed cycle. Go read the dozens of threads of people your age running cycles and then coming back months later with no sex drive, erectile dysfunction and permanent HPTA damage. Don't be dumb OP, we see enough of that here already

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Harless1 View Post
    I have read it a lot. But I'm still wanting to try it out. I know that may sound bad. But doesn't everyones body react differently?
    You are right that everyone's body does react differently and you are your age it does sound bad.....REALLY BAD.

    Sorry brotha but please heed the advice of the many expirienced users here and have some patience.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Harless1 View Post
    I have read it a lot. But I'm still wanting to try it out. I know that may sound bad. But doesn't everyones body react differently?
    Yes you are right one guy got ED right away others got to wait a few yrs down the road for their problems.
    Last edited by songdog; 02-10-2017 at 12:42 PM.

  7. #7
    Im trying right now an oxandrolone only cycle so this thread interest me ;-)

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Harless1 View Post
    I have read it a lot. But I'm still wanting to try it out. I know that may sound bad. But doesn't everyones body react differently?
    Unless you hit puberty at 5, and miraculously matured by 19... then no. Keep doing your research and asking questions mate. Please don't fuck your body up for life.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    Im trying right now an oxandrolone only cycle so this thread interest me ;-)
    Why? do you think we are going to tell him something different than we told YOU? We advise all young kids of the dangers of running aas the same way.The sad thing is most don't listen.They look in the mirror and see something that really isn't there yet.They want too cut.CUT WAT? they are mostly thin well defined but lacking a base with very lil muscle.But the sight of a six pack leads them too believe they got it all going on.Good luck bro.

  10. #10
    Actually, I'm more concerned about your brain than your body if you cycled steroids at your age. The average healthy male's brain continues to grow and develop until about mid 20's. A cycle of steroids, especially a 19-nor like Tren, is going to affect your brain development. Maybe the effect will be minimal, maybe it's not, who knows? Marcus's compiled a post full of young guys that got messed up with a cycle of AAS. It's pretty sad, actually. You may feel invincible now but when your girlfriend's naked and your unit's still limp, you'll feel otherwise. Be safe and wait.

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