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Thread: Thoughts on Dextrose Post Workout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Thoughts on Dextrose Post Workout

    So before everyone points me to the search bar lol I've searched and have read a few posts. But i wanted to just see what people's thoughts on dextrose or simple carbs in general post workout.

    The main thing i couldn't find in my search is a solid answer on how much should be consumed. In my research all over the net I've seen all kinds of numbers ranging from 20 grams to 70 grams (which seems crazy to me) of simple carbs post workout, i get the science behind it but how is dosage calculated?

  2. #2
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    May 2014
    Celltech puts 38g of simple carbs (glucose, dextrose, ect.) in a serving of their post workout supplement.

    They suggest two servings post workout.

    I'd assume that they did some research before arriving at the suggested amount.

    I use to take simple carbs after a workout but now just see them as empty calories.

    Imo you're better off eating a full well rounded meal of protein, carbs, healthy fats and vegetables.

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  3. #3
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    The whole thing behind the simple carbs is the spike in insulin to work as a transport for the protein quickly into your muscles and to refill glycogen after a intense workout to avoid catobolism, the amount of carbs and what kind they are will all affect insulin spike..the only time I really use simple sugars after a workout is with slin..otherwise I take in some starchy carbs preworkout and glide on that insulin spike postworkout or I have a banana postworkout with my shake depending on whether Iam trying to bulk or cut..

  4. #4
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    Feb 2017
    Thanks guys, I generally just have a meal after i workout. A banana and bcaas while i workout about midway through. But I've been reading so much about this insulin spike and reducing catabolism etc etc. I wanted to get more info and opinions on it, i understand the science behind it but I'm kind of where you guys are in just eating a nice post workout meal.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2016
    I don't understand the Whole Foods meal after working out.for the fact that whey protein is fast digesting and your body uses that fuel in the short time after working out when protein sythesis is elevated..if you eat a large whole food meal then your body is going to take hours to digest that..and your miss that window and lower the chance of optimizing your recover etc. post workout. .but yeah an hour or two after the shake I eat a whole food meal...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    I don't understand the Whole Foods meal after working out.for the fact that whey protein is fast digesting and your body uses that fuel in the short time after working out when protein sythesis is elevated..if you eat a large whole food meal then your body is going to take hours to digest that..and your miss that window and lower the chance of optimizing your recover etc. post workout. .but yeah an hour or two after the shake I eat a whole food meal...
    Well if you eat every 3-4 then the digestion window you speak of should be a non issue.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Well if you eat every 3-4 then the digestion window you speak of should be a non issue.
    True that..I guess I don't like working out on a full stomach or a big meal right after.

  8. #8
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    About the dextrose thing I drink dextrose in form of Gatorade while I work out. Mixed with bcaa and glutamine so I have my carbs and sugars during . I use to eat the gummy bears and pixie sticks pst workout but since I'm an easy gainer I feel. I keep it mainly just lean protein After. Like a whey shake with some milk .

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    About the dextrose thing I drink dextrose in form of Gatorade while I work out. Mixed with bcaa and glutamine so I have my carbs and sugars during . I use to eat the gummy bears and pixie sticks pst workout but since I'm an easy gainer I feel. I keep it mainly just lean protein After. Like a whey shake with some milk .
    Yeah during my workout i have Gatorade g2 mixed with my bcaas too then mid workout i have a banana, i generally have a shake and a salad with chicken breasts or some tuna right after but i just started adding dextrose to my shakes for the added simple carbs

    I used to do gummy bears and pixie stix too haha fucking things were addictive

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    Yeah during my workout i have Gatorade g2 mixed with my bcaas too then mid workout i have a banana, i generally have a shake and a salad with chicken breasts or some tuna right after but i just started adding dextrose to my shakes for the added simple carbs

    I used to do gummy bears and pixie stix too haha fucking things were addictive
    Yeah I ate them after for the dextrose and the carbs. But what's with everyone eating bananas ..especially mid workout. lol I couldn't imagine stopping and eating a banana. I bring a half gallon or more of water with a scoop of powder Gatorade (1scoop makes 1gallon serving ) and I mix 8grams bcaa with 5grams glutamine (bcaa and glutamine comes pre mixed ) and just stay hydrated

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Yeah I ate them after for the dextrose and the carbs. But what's with everyone eating bananas ..especially mid workout. lol I couldn't imagine stopping and eating a banana. I bring a half gallon or more of water with a scoop of powder Gatorade (1scoop makes 1gallon serving ) and I mix 8grams bcaa with 5grams glutamine (bcaa and glutamine comes pre mixed ) and just stay hydrated
    A banana is just quick and easy to eat, feels good to take a quick break eat something and get back to it. Good carbs from the banana, i always feel rejuvenated right after and can keep the intensity going in my workouts idk could be all in my head but fuck it whatever works right?

  12. #12
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    As Kingkong pointed out the whole simple carbs shake intra or after workout buzz, is only because of insulin usage, where the pros NEED to take that fast carbs.

    If you are not on insulin/HGH your better off avoid carbs till 30 minutes after workout to avoid blunting the post workout natural GH pulse.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    As Kingkong pointed out the whole simple carbs shake intra or after workout buzz, is only because of insulin usage, where the pros NEED to take that fast carbs.

    If you are not on insulin/HGH your better off avoid carbs till 30 minutes after workout to avoid blunting the post workout natural GH pulse.
    With that said. Do you think the dextrose and carbs from the Gatorade will blunt gh release post workout.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    With that said. Do you think the dextrose and carbs from the Gatorade will blunt gh release post workout.
    Yes. The insulin release will mess it up. Drink BCAAs during workout (no sugar added) for a better option.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Yes. The insulin release will mess it up. Drink BCAAs during workout (no sugar added) for a better option.
    Gotcha I'm going to cut out the Gatorade then. So a meal about and hour or 2 before workout (slow burning carbs etc.) then just a shake pre workout (30min pre) then bcaa etc. during , and a shake post workout. Carbs can wait till an hour or two after ?

    I workout at night so when I get home it's usually a shake then I mix up some bcaa to drink in throughout the night whenever I wake up here or there

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Yes. The insulin release will mess it up. Drink BCAAs during workout (no sugar added) for a better option.
    Man this is such good info, I've been doing it all wrong for a very long time. Thanks man!!!!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Gotcha I'm going to cut out the Gatorade then. So a meal about and hour or 2 before workout (slow burning carbs etc.) then just a shake pre workout (30min pre) then bcaa etc. during , and a shake post workout. Carbs can wait till an hour or two after ?

    I workout at night so when I get home it's usually a shake then I mix up some bcaa to drink in throughout the night whenever I wake up here or there
    Yeah basically do your pre workout meal and shake, bcaas and water intra workout, and 30 mins post workout get those good carbs. It makes sense, I feel stupid now that i inow I've been doing it wrong for so long lol fml

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Gotcha I'm going to cut out the Gatorade then. So a meal about and hour or 2 before workout (slow burning carbs etc.) then just a shake pre workout (30min pre) then bcaa etc. during , and a shake post workout. Carbs can wait till an hour or two after ?

    I workout at night so when I get home it's usually a shake then I mix up some bcaa to drink in throughout the night whenever I wake up here or there
    If you carbed up during the day you will have plenty of glycogen stored in liver and muscles to workout. If you can, get a meal an hour (or 2) after workout.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    Man this is such good info, I've been doing it all wrong for a very long time. Thanks man!!!!
    Let's realize this is super anal details. If most other things are on-point 80-90% of the time and you are not trying to step on stage anytime soon but simply look good chances that this will make a difference are slim to none.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    Yeah basically do your pre workout meal and shake, bcaas and water intra workout, and 30 mins post workout get those good carbs. It makes sense, I feel stupid now that i inow I've been doing it wrong for so long lol fml
    I cut out MCT oil pre and post workout shake I figured it was energy for my workout but fat blunts gh release. I figured the dextrose and carbs will jump start my recovery process but I guess if it's spiking my insulin that's mean growth hormone stops cuz it's one or the other I guess

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    Yeah basically do your pre workout meal and shake, bcaas and water intra workout, and 30 mins post workout get those good carbs. It makes sense, I feel stupid now that i inow I've been doing it wrong for so long lol fml
    I don't do carbs with my shake post workout .i Just keep it whey and milk if anything..about an hour and a half after that I'll intake carbs etc.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    If you carbed up during the day you will have plenty of glycogen stored in liver and muscles to workout. If you can, get a meal an hour (or 2) after workout.
    That's the thing I been getting my fuel throughout the day mainly from protein and MCT or good fats. I might have some wheat bread here or there and try to keep sugar down all day. I didn't know at first but it's Called the keto diet. I knew about fat as fuel opposed to carbs but never knew that was the definition I'm low on carbs all day pretty much lately and been seeing so e good results in getting lean

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    That's the thing I been getting my fuel throughout the day mainly from protein and MCT or good fats. I might have some wheat bread here or there and try to keep sugar down all day. I didn't know at first but it's Called the keto diet. I knew about fat as fuel opposed to carbs but never knew that was the definition I'm low on carbs all day pretty much lately and been seeing so e good results in getting lean
    So your cutting, nothing wrong with that if its working for you. Just don't expect to gain muscle while on it.

    Personally, I think carb cycling works better for most, to avoid lowering the metabolism, but some ppl's metabolism is a lot more resilient.

    BTW, you are not getting energy from protein, at most our body can process a few grams of protein into glucose, but its an endothermic process with some nasty waste dejects. Carbs are carbon based, protein is nitrogen based, theres not a direct conversion (gluconeogenesis) like from carbon based nutrients like glycogen and triglycerides.

  24. #24
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    AS Tarmyg pointed out, these are very minute details.
    The insulin spike might halt GH, but isn't insulin just as anabolic as GH?
    So in essence I'm not sure it makes much difference, except in regards to fat loss.
    But yeah, the dextrose post workout is definitely needed when doing slin.
    If you do GH then you won't have any natty GH release (unless you do the GH EOD), so then I'd say dextrose post workout would benefit as well.

    But the old dextrose and protein shake within 30 minutes post workout,
    for a natural bodybuilder idk, depends on how much you eat (and how regular) during the day. But i expect the GH spike to have returned to baseline within 30min post workout, and spiking insulin with protein and dextrose at that point might help.

    Whatever the case, BCAA, glutamine, taurine, creatine should be sipped at during workout IMO.
    (Creatine should also be added to any post shake as insulin will help it into the cells I believe. Actually, I don't think there's such a thing as too much creative. Lol)

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Let's realize this is super anal details. If most other things are on-point 80-90% of the time and you are not trying to step on stage anytime soon but simply look good chances that this will make a difference are slim to none.
    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    AS Tarmyg pointed out, these are very minute details.
    The insulin spike might halt GH, but isn't insulin just as anabolic as GH?
    So in essence I'm not sure it makes much difference, except in regards to fat loss.
    But yeah, the dextrose post workout is definitely needed when doing slin.
    If you do GH then you won't have any natty GH release (unless you do the GH EOD), so then I'd say dextrose post workout would benefit as well.

    But the old dextrose and protein shake within 30 minutes post workout,
    for a natural bodybuilder idk, depends on how much you eat (and how regular) during the day. But i expect the GH spike to have returned to baseline within 30min post workout, and spiking insulin with protein and dextrose at that point might help.

    Whatever the case, BCAA, glutamine, taurine, creatine should be sipped at during workout IMO.
    (Creatine should also be added to any post shake as insulin will help it into the cells I believe. Actually, I don't think there's such a thing as too much creative. Lol)
    ^^^^ Disclaimer: both this guys take exogenous HGH heheeh

  26. #26
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    That was my big question. ..yeah I wanted to get a bit leaner so I was going for that method. say I'm eating 3000 calories some days or sometimes 3500...and the calculated number of calories I need to take to gain mass it says is 3850 roughly.. even if I eat the proper things at the proper times..being on that low -no carb diet I mentioned..would all I do is gain strength and burn fat form my sessions or would I still be gaining some muscle? I figured I had to be building muscle somewhat

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