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Thread: My Nebido Blog

  1. #1
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    17 februar 2017

    Injected 1000 mg TU from doc yesterday.
    Two shots/2ml in each assball.
    Slow but not 2 minutes. 40 secs each.
    No pain. Easy.
    Very mild sensation. Totally gone day after.
    Feel nothing bad today. Placebo good feeling.
    My test was 138. Guess my fully recovered natty level is in the high 300s.
    But i dont know that.
    But im sick of having low test beetween cycles.

    I plan to do a check in week 5. Then ask doc for the booster at week 6.
    Then do another check in 6 weeks. Around 16. april.
    Then be left alone for a while cause i will do a 3 month cycle 1.may.

    Then another check mid september i guess. Have to do the math on the test e halflives.

    Ive red more blogs and it seems many guys are not so impressed as the vets in this forum
    Many swear to sustanon/cypionate every 10th day instead or a kombi (aveed/gel/another test ester).

    Yeah, for the record. Im 45 years. 20+ cycles. Pretty much ok health. Little low on hdl (0.9) and alat was borderhigh x 4 but iguess it was from dbol/tren. Ultrasound in 2 weeks.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 02-17-2017 at 02:18 AM.

  2. #2
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    Your protocol should be (as per Bayer)

    Week 1

    Week 6

    Week 18

    Week 30

    Week 42

    Week 54 (get trough bloodwork here and adjust if necessary)

    You should also pin the full 4ml in one location (according to Bayer) not split it.

    Ignore any aveed reviews, that is only a 3ml (750mg) shot.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Your protocol should be (as per Bayer)

    Week 1

    Week 6

    Week 18

    Week 30

    Week 42

    Week 54 (get trough bloodwork here and adjust if necessary)

    You should also pin the full 4ml in one location (according to Bayer) not split it.

    Ignore any aveed reviews, that is only a 3ml (750mg) shot.
    First question. Why on earth should it be better to shoot 4 ml in one shot?
    Guys are complaining about big lumps and pain. Even breathing problemes from the heavy ester.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 02-17-2017 at 02:32 AM.

  4. #4
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    You needed to inject the 4ml in same spot.

    It will have very different release in two separate places.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I agree inject the full 4ml in one spot, increasing the number of depots could alter the pharmacokinetic profile

    do not go on cycle until your fully dialled in, I would wait at least until your 4-5 shot or even longer, there's no need to and stop thinking you have to. Get the nebido up and running first

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    You needed to inject the 4ml in same spot.

    It will have very different release in two separate places.
    I guess pseudo-equilibrium is the same when u hit the same muscle.

    Stil dont see why release should differ.

    Not arguing to be stubborn. Dont understand why yet.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I agree inject the full 4ml in one spot, increasing the number of depots could alter the pharmacokinetic profile

    do not go on cycle until your fully dialled in, I would wait at least until your 4-5 shot or even longer, there's no need to and stop thinking you have to. Get the nebido up and running first
    But when marcus says so. Maybe i dont need to understand.
    U never has pain and bumps from 4 ml?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    But when marcus says so. Maybe i dont need to understand.
    U never has pain and bumps from 4 ml?
    No mate, warm the oil up in the syringe over the steam from the kettle and get it nice and smooth. Ive injected my shot into my bicep head many times without any issues, shoulders easy and glutes piss easy.

    There was a few studies down in the usa with the Aveed and some of the subjects had sore injection sites for a few days, that's were that came from but in the UK there were 8yr studies 5 yrs and 7 yrs studies done on Nebido and all of them were great. Do what it says on the label

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    No mate, warm the oil up in the syringe over the steam from the kettle and get it nice and smooth. Ive injected my shot into my bicep head many times without any issues, shoulders easy and glutes piss easy.

    There was a few studies down in the usa with the Aveed and some of the subjects had sore injection sites for a few days, that's were that came from but in the UK there were 8yr studies 5 yrs and 7 yrs studies done on Nebido and all of them were great. Do what it says on the label
    U know alot. Maybe i have underestimated you.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    I guess pseudo-equilibrium is the same when u hit the same muscle.

    Stil dont see why release should differ.

    Not arguing to be stubborn. Dont understand why yet.
    You need to understand how the hormone gets release from the ester... Ok, maybe first you need to understand what is a esterified hormone.

    An hormone attached to an ester its not active, and the bigger the ester the less water soluble it is. What is called ester is just a kind of "tail" of carbon atoms attached, the longer the ester the more carbons has all attached. For example proprianate ester is a 3 carbons chained together, undecanoate has an 11 carbon atoms chain.
    Like I said before the bigger the carbon chain the lower the water solubility forcing the hormone+ester to remain deposited at injection site.

    The hormone gets released by the action of 2 enzymes that remove the carbon chain ester, atom by atom, so the bigger the chain the slower it gets released to the blood stream to become active.

    So if you have a deposit you will have this 2 enzymes "attacking" the esters to release the hormone, if you have 2 deposits you will have a larger surface area where the enzymes can attack.

    There are other variables involved, but I think this makes a pretty picture of what happens.

    If you inject in 2 places (or more), you will basically have a higher release rate, but of course it will not last the period of time it has been studied to work.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    You need to understand how the hormone gets release from the ester... Ok, maybe first you need to understand what is a esterified hormone.

    An hormone attached to an ester its not active, and the bigger the ester the less water soluble it is. What is called ester is just a kind of "tail" of carbon atoms attached, the longer the ester the more carbons has all attached. For example proprianate ester is a 3 carbons chained together, undecanoate has an 11 carbon atoms chain.
    Like I said before the bigger the carbon chain the lower the water solubility forcing the hormone+ester to remain deposited at injection site.

    The hormone gets released by the action of 2 enzymes that remove the carbon chain ester, atom by atom, so the bigger the chain the slower it gets released to the blood stream to become active.

    So if you have a deposit you will have this 2 enzymes "attacking" the esters to release the hormone, if you have 2 deposits you will have a larger surface area where the enzymes can attack.

    There are other variables involved, but I think this makes a pretty picture of what happens.

    If you inject in 2 places (or more), you will basically have a higher release rate, but of course it will not last the period of time it has been studied to work.
    This makes sense. Very logical. If two deposits i will feel better the first weeks and worse the last weeks.
    So now my test check at week 5 migth be too high related to the value the developers were aiming for.

    Hm. It would be interesting if someone had real life bloodtest facts at week 6 with these two different methods.
    Maybe you remember yours BB...then we can compare if mine is significantly out of order. Given its not that more other factors.

    Good explanation. Didnt see it that way. Thanks.

    But...maybe its a good thing to start the Nebido journey with two spots then. If you are very low at start. So u not will be tempted to kickstart with test p. Specially if the doc agrees on the booster.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 02-17-2017 at 05:43 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    This makes sense. Very logical. If two deposits i will feel better the first weeks and worse the last weeks.
    So now my test check at week 5 migth be too high related to the value the developers were aiming for.

    Hm. It would be interesting if someone had real life bloodtest facts at week 6 with these two different methods.
    Maybe you remember yours BB...then we can compare if mine is significantly out of order. Given its not that more other factors.

    Good explanation. Didnt see it that way. Thanks.

    But...maybe its a good thing to start the Nebido journey with two spots then. If you are very low at start. So u not will be tempted to kickstart with test p.
    I havent done any hormone BW at week 5, only done after 7 months or so. Im not too worried about numbers like I told you before.

    I cant even find a lab with LC MS method, whats the point of knowing a number if it can be 20% higher or lower? As long as I feel good its fine.

    (of course I measure other bw numbers cholesterol, H&H, liver...)

  13. #13
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    21 februar 2017, 4 days in

    Actually i feel better. Libido is up 30%. (from 5 %) Little more easy at job.

    My flu is better and i havent touched a weigth in 25 days.

    My motivation is loading and i cant wait before i hit the weigths again in 2-3 days. Guess i will fade into bodybuilding eating very soon also.

    Restarting mk677 any day now.

    Its very motivating to think of there is no need for pct anymore and low test symptoms beetween cycles should be gone forever.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    21 februar 2017, 4 days in

    Actually i feel better. Libido is up 30%. (from 5 %) Little more easy at job.

    My flu is better and i havent touched a weigth in 25 days.

    My motivation is loading and i cant wait before i hit the weigths again in 2-3 days. Guess i will fade into bodybuilding eating very soon also.

    Restarting mk677 any day now.

    Its very motivating to think of there is no need for pct anymore and low test symptoms beetween cycles should be gone forever.
    Did you simply put yourself on Nebido because you wanted to avoid PCT?
    You said yourself that your "normal" test would probably have been in the high 300's. While that is a guess, and doesnt give us the whole picture.
    It does indicate that you're not a LowT candidate, but a lazy steroid user.

  15. #15
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    You are partially rigth actually. And very perceptive. Honestly i think i could reach 400 ++ if i waited 5-6 months and i could have lived ok with that and trained hard.

    But i asked for trt (based on my post cycle BW, stupid doc) cause im sick of feeling low test symptoms beetween cycles. Somehow i dont respond to clomid very well and its rare im off more than 3-4 months.

    And BB is what i want and i wanna grow more but its hard when i go so low when im off.

    I think trt will be a ligth cruise for me and as i study more and more, i think its pretty safe and rolling with low test is actually more dangerous.

    And im 45 and soon i will be a candiate for it no matter what.

    And yes, dropping pct is a big pro

  16. #16
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    Warning to everyone reading this thread: Do not follow Silabolin.

    The reason he feels "low test symptoms" between cycles is because he doesnt do any PCT.
    Please be responsible and read the threads directly related to building a proper PCT protocol.

    Silabolin - You're right, at some point in your life you would be a TRT candidate. As will every male by the time they're 80+. It doesn't mean you should proceed directly to the shortcut.
    You're also right in that you'll now be on a permanent Blast/Cruise routine. This is through laziness, and lack of proper nutritional knowledge. (Lol, rice!).
    You're not ever going to make Pro. Thats not a personal dig, that's just honesty. You're too old, and simply don't have the genetics to make it. So with that in mind, bodybuilding is only ever going to be a hobby for you. You have taken a path which directly effects your long term health. Because whether you admin it or not, I know you're not intending to leave your "cruise" periods at just Nebido. You mentioned Test-E half lives above, which suggests you're going to top up your TRT even when you're off cycle.

    What this boils down to, the crux of this whole thing, is you justifying a permanent cycle.

  17. #17
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    wtf is this. Warning letters. The big nasty stupid womenabuser norwegian has turned crazy. Stay away or call the admin. Dont listen to him or talk to him. He is dangerous.

    If im gonna be banned dont fill my threads with horrorwarnings.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    wtf is this. Warning letters. The big nasty stupid womenabuser norwegian has turned crazy. Stay away or call the admin. Dont listen to him or talk to him. He is dangerous.

    If im gonna be banned dont fill my threads with horrorwarnings.
    Yes warning letters.

    These forums will still continue to thrive and have mega traffic even long after you're banned or moved on.
    I dont want some guy reading your crap, and damaging their bodies. Your posts and uneducated, and dangerous.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Yes warning letters.

    These forums will still continue to thrive and have mega traffic even long after you're banned or moved on.
    I dont want some guy reading your crap, and damaging their bodies. Your posts and uneducated, and dangerous. are one damned doggedly mf, arent u. Man ill be watching u if i survive this

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post are one damned doggedly mf, arent u. Man ill be watching u if i survive this
    I am not really sure what you mean. You and I have clashed on several threads previous.

    I have absolutely no influence on senior staff, or Admin. Whatever they do with you, is based on their own judgement.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Yes warning letters.

    These forums will still continue to thrive and have mega traffic even long after you're banned or moved on.
    I dont want some guy reading your crap, and damaging their bodies. Your posts and uneducated, and dangerous.
    Uneducated. Because i went for Nebido?
    Sorry for you but i explained my path for most staff and they all gave my thumbs up and gave me tips on how to do it more accurate.
    For sure i will not fill up with regular test. I just analized on a kickstart cause TU is really slow.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Uneducated. Because i went for Nebido?
    Sorry for you but i explained my path for most staff and they all gave my thumbs up and gave me tips on how to do it more accurate.
    For sure i will not fill up with regular test. I just analized on a kickstart cause TU is really slow.
    Uneducated, because you are uneducated.

    I dont recall any staff giving you the thumbs up to Nebido because you're lazy and dont want to PCT.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Uneducated, because you are uneducated.

    I dont recall any staff giving you the thumbs up to Nebido because you're lazy and dont want to PCT.
    well ask your little friend from the north then. His eyes were filled with tears of happyness when he understood i chose the same path as him. And mr. BB. And BiB...and...i could go on all nigth...

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    well ask your little friend from the north then. His eyes were filled with tears of happyness when he understood i chose the same path as him. And mr. BB. And BiB...and...i could go on all nigth...
    You are entirely delusional. I am not going to fuel this thread anymore.

  25. #25
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  26. #26
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    I look at your numbers and think how nice it would be to be that high on your low. Try 169 after PCT. can't get TRT because free test is at the low limit but within range. Conservative Dr's where I am at.
    They are only trying to minimize this from happening to you. It sucks

  27. #27
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    End week 5.
    Starting to feel a little off. Little loss in libido.
    First 4 weeks were surprisingly good.
    So bloodwork today. Total test, estrogen, hct, hb, psa, lipids and ALAT.
    Heartbeat in the 60s. Dont know BP. Cant find my christmas gift yet. Guess its ok. But systolic was 160 + after tren.
    Results will come in mid next week. End next week i ask for the booster. No matter results.

    Gymwize great. 116 kg. Strength in the roof. But, thats another story.

  28. #28
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    Interesting. I need to get nebido prescribed instead of just that fucking gel.
    At the moment I only get hcg and testogel.

    Lazy or not, I can understand you opting for TRT.
    With the amount of cycles you do, and will continue doing, and at your age,
    I think TRT is just as a viable option as using SERMs and getting to mid level test between cycles.
    That's just my opinion though,
    but I think you're kinda like me in this regard Sil,
    Happy that you've managed to get TRT, which is no easy task in Norway.

  29. #29
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    But I hope you don't have any ideas of getting children now,
    as that will be a problem on TRT to say the least.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    But I hope you don't have any ideas of getting children now,
    as that will be a problem on TRT to say the least.
    Son 18 another relationship and stepdaugther 12 is within. Wife is happy. Im happy. We stil have unprotected sex but 70% of me dont wanna have more children, so Nebido is a yes.

    Gel?...a friend of mine at the gym is satisfied with his gel. Brings him in the high 600s he says. I wanted that too, but the mafakker staf/ to convince me that Nebido is way better.

    Seems like they were rigth studying WW logs.

    I shouldnt have gotten it. Im in the 400s i guess, but my post cycle BW with test below 200, with another post cycle bw from 2016 and with my wining, was enough to fool my stupid doc.
    He is from Asia. Glad to be allowed to work in Norway. Last thing he needs is a unhappy native big taxpayer around lol.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-25-2017 at 07:33 AM.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Son 18 another relationship and stepdaugther 12 is within. Wife is happy. Im happy. We stil have unprotected sex but 70% of me dont wanna have more children, so Nebido is a yes.

    Gel?...a friend of mine at the gym is satisfied with his gel. Brings him in the high 600s he says. I wanted that too, but the mafakker staf/ to convince me that Nebido is way better.

    Seems like they were rigth studying WW logs.

    I shouldnt have gotten it. Im in the 400s i guess, but my post cycle BW with test below 200, with another post cycle bw from 2016 and with my wining, was enough to fool my stupid doc.
    He is from Asia. Glad to be allowed to work in Norway. Last thing he needs is a unhappy native big taxpayer around lol.
    Don't get me wrong. The gel works.
    It really does.
    When I'm cruising on 250mg test e and add in some testogel in the morning,
    I do notice a difference during the day.

    But I like injections. Hehe.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    End week 5.
    Starting to feel a little off. Little loss in libido.
    First 4 weeks were surprisingly good.
    So bloodwork today. Total test, estrogen, hct, hb, psa, lipids and ALAT.
    Heartbeat in the 60s. Dont know BP. Cant find my christmas gift yet. Guess its ok. But systolic was 160 + after tren.
    Results will come in mid next week. End next week i ask for the booster. No matter results.

    Gymwize great. 116 kg. Strength in the roof. But, thats another story.
    Were you able to get prescribed a booster at six weeks mark?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Don't get me wrong. The gel works.
    It really does.
    When I'm cruising on 250mg test e and add in some testogel in the morning,
    I do notice a difference during the day.

    But I like injections. Hehe.
    I guess it might just work as Test suspension or TNE. Myself I have good absorption of gels but it will clear out quickly. Morning leves on tostrex 2% were 75 ng/dl.

    I also tried testogel last year, I still have some sachets left.

    Have you ever tried rubbing some in the lower compartment doc? 5-AR is heavily expressed in scrotal skin. Never felt more of a man.

  34. #34
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    I'll try that, but lots of alcohol in it though.
    It's 50mg test base plus 96% ethanol each satchel.
    Might sting a bit. But I'll try almost everything once.
    Even though it's stated in the package insert:

    But you don't have to be an stupid to act like an idiot.
    At least I hope so,
    maybe Kel was right about the comment on me not needing "MORE braindamage."

  35. #35
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    Well I never got any burning sensation, it's actually pleasurable, but never applied more than 1/4th out of 5mg sachet.

  36. #36
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    5mg? You mean 50mg right?
    Test base is only absorbed at around 10%,
    (This depends greatly on where you put it though)
    but still.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post

    Were you able to get prescribed a booster at six weeks mark?
    End 5 weeks now. I call him thirsday. Bloods are coming wednesday. In case he wanna see some results before he boosts me.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    5mg? You mean 50mg right?
    Test base is only absorbed at around 10%,
    (This depends greatly on where you put it though)
    but still.
    I meant 5g, was referring to total weight of gel. 50mg/5g.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    End 5 weeks now. I call him thirsday. Bloods are coming wednesday. In case he wanna see some results before he boosts me.
    I can foresee one possible problem though, since you injected in two sites it might be that at week 5 you'll have higher blood levels than if you'd gone with 1 site, and thus be refused the booster.
    If that's the case I would have told the doc what you did,
    but say you did it because after injecting 2ml it started to hurt a little so you pulled out and injected the other glute.
    Or something along that line. Just don't give the impression that you really wanna just cruise. Hehe.

    But booster or not, your in nebido and they won't take it away now.
    I'll need to take a blood test after this blast with low levels to get my other doc to prescribe nebido.
    Hmm, doctors are always afraid to start treatment here,
    son maybe I'll just ask show the testogel packages and do BW when I know T will be a little low, and then ask for nebido.

    Why does it have to be so fucking difficult with some docs here.
    They never want to be the first to start.

    After I got prescribed enough drugs to make a small village dance around and drool and fall to the floor and whatnot, it's no problem to get it prescribed again from other docs. But nobody wants to initiate.

  40. #40
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    Ok. Then i go upstair to do another one. Yes, i will shoot 4 ml this time.

    Actually i feel close to what i felt before i started now. Total test from bloods is not ready yet. Rest was ok, e2 and shit.
    So a booster will do good. But i dont see why i should feel worse now than one week ago. Maybe its because the TU has stopped naturall production totally and 2-3 weeks ago i had effect from Nebido and my own boys.

    Anyone?..theories on why i feel worse now than one week ago?

    Balls have shrinked a little bit i think.

    Libido stil good, but im a horny fucker and i can have good sex way below 100 ng/dl.

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