I apologize in advance for the lengthy message...
I have a slew of health issues:
Under active thyroid -controlled with levothoroxine
Low T -previously addressed with clomephine
Essential tremors - primidone
Anxiety - effector
Bad knees (joint cartilage)
Tennis elbow surgery last week on right arm and needed on left also.
Gastric issues for last year or so
Most of these I have had for several years with exception of the gastric problems. I have had an upper endoscopy, gastric emptying test, celiac biopsy, and stool check all done with no issues present. I have tried gluten free any way with little help. I have tried every diet possible. Keto gives me nausea and high carb / protein causes gas and constant bowl movements.
I started Test Cyp last week at 200mg every other week as well as anastrozole at 1mg per week. I've already been told this protocol isn't normal, but the doc wants me to go 6 weeks before returning evaluation. I have had another doctor suggest hgh or sermolin (?) But the cost of the hgh is roughly $900 a month. I could probably do this if I stopped all suppliments, protein powders, etc but funds would be tight. I'm trying to determine if this is the best approach and if it's worth it?
Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated!