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Thread: Final Tren conclusion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Question Final Tren conclusion

    This is my cycle, let me know what you think,

    The goal with this cycle is to bulk at a 700 surplus the first 8 weeks, and from 8-12 cut at a 500 deficit. And then do a 100-200 surplus during pct.

    Im 26, 16%, 225, 6'4, 3 cycles containing test e and dbol, 5 yrs training

    Prop, Tren, Dbol, Winny


    100mg Tren Ace E/O/D - Week 1-10

    85mg Test Prop E/O/D - Week 1-12

    30mg Dbol E/D - Week 1-4

    50mg Winstrol E/D - Week 8-12

    250iu HCG x2 weekly - Week 1-13 (start end of week 1

    0,5mg Adex EoD (adjusted if needed)

    0.25mg Caber E3D

    PCT - Weeks 13-17 (19 for nolva)

    (2 days after last pin)

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20

    some1 told me adex surpresses dbol gains, how do i prevent that?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    You posted almost the same thing 2 days ago.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    My thoughts
    1. 10 weeks is too long for tren ace.
    2. I'd run test at 50mg eod or a longer ester at 200mg per week
    3. I wouldn't run dbol and winny back to back unless the winny was injectable but It doesn't look like it.
    4. I would start adex at .25 eod unless you your e2 sensitive. The answer to your question, don't take to much adex

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Home of the Braves
    Don't try to cut and bulk in the same cycle. It's over complicating things. You can do a lean bulk and achieve way more without having to think so much as to what you're doing. And I agree that tren a for 10 weeks at that dose might be a bit long.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Alosh81 View Post
    This is my cycle, let me know what you think,

    The goal with this cycle is to bulk at a 700 surplus the first 8 weeks, and from 8-12 cut at a 500 deficit. And then do a 100-200 surplus during pct. Don't do this. You'll cut down your gains and short change yourself. Finish th2 full cycle, then on the next cycle you can cut.

    Im 26, 16%, 225, 6'4, 3 cycles containing test e and dbol, 5 yrs training

    Prop, Tren, Dbol, Winny


    100mg Tren Ace E/O/D - Week 1-10 Run Tren for 8 weeks.

    85mg Test Prop E/O/D - Week 1-12 Run Prop for 8 weeks. You can just mix the Tren & Prop in 1 vial or syringe and inject together.

    30mg Dbol E/D - Week 1-4 You're gonna get pretty fast results with the Test/Tren. I don't think you'll need a front load.

    50mg Winstrol E/D - Week 8-12 Tren/Test cycle is an awesome cutting cycle with the proper diet. I'd diet over winstrol.

    250iu HCG x2 weekly - Week 1-13 (start end of week 1 Run the HCG for 8 week. Same duration as the Test

    0,5mg Adex EoD (adjusted if needed)

    0.25mg Caber E3D

    PCT - Weeks 13-17 (19 for nolva) Start PCT 3 days to a week after the last Test injection.

    (2 days after last pin)

    Clomid 75/50/50/50 I'd bump up the clomid to 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20 You don't really have to run the nolva for this long four to 5 weeks should be sufficient.

    some1 told me adex surpresses dbol gains, how do i prevent that?
    I wouldn't take the dbol.

    I've commented on your cycle but you should really get about 6 cycles under your belt before you run Tren. You're young, be patient.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Why ask for advice when you don't really wat it?

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