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Thread: Deca and dry joints?

  1. #1

    Deca and dry joints?

    Will Deca help with dry joints and flexibility? I had a blood test done and there was no arthritis that I received.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    What tests have you done? There are several as there are a lot of different types of arthritis.

    If you have no synovial fluid in your joints (dont think thats even possible) deca will not help. Deca will help as much as taking ibuprofen. As for flexibility will not help at all.

    Dont know how "dry joints" and flexibility can be related!??!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    What tests have you done? There are several as there are a lot of different types of arthritis.

    If you have no synovial fluid in your joints (dont think thats even possible) deca will not help. Deca will help as much as taking ibuprofen. As for flexibility will not help at all.

    Dont know how "dry joints" and flexibility can be related!??!
    I had the rheumatoid arthritis blood panel done and nothing came up. I also had the doctor do a physical examination. What other tests should I get done? I take the glucosamine msm and other stuff daily and it helps but it also makes me feel sluggish so I had to stop it.

    I take excedrin every morning now and it's helping a little I guess. Honestly I am getting better but there is still physical stiffness. I'm trying to compete in a sport so all of this stuff matters. The "arthritis" is slowing me down but I am getting better each day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Sorry, but you need to say what is rheumatoid arthritis blood panel, what test are included there and what were the values?

    How much was your uric acid and estradiol?

    Did you doctor do a synovial fluid aspiration and analysis? Do you have swelling? In which joints?

    Without a proper diagnostic its hard to say anything, and this need to be done by by doctor. So what did the doctor told you about your problem?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Sorry, but you need to say what is rheumatoid arthritis blood panel, what test are included there and what were the values?

    How much was your uric acid and estradiol?

    Did you doctor do a synovial fluid aspiration and analysis? Do you have swelling? In which joints?

    Without a proper diagnostic its hard to say anything, and this need to be done by by doctor. So what did the doctor told you about your problem?
    estradiol was 29.3 I didn't get the uric acid level tested.

    The rheumatoid arthritis blood panel included CCP Antibodies and RA latex, both of which came in range.

    The doctor didn't make any comments aside from saying I was fine based on the physical examination however I will see a rheumatologist to get to the bottom of this and so that I can move on with my life.
    Last edited by SuperSamoan; 03-06-2017 at 08:08 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    No c reactive protein?

    No uric acid, so gout arthritis was completely ruled out?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    No c reactive protein?

    No uric acid, so gout arthritis was completely ruled out?
    No c reactive protein or uric acid test. I am going to see a second specialist and get these values tested to sort out the issue.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSamoan View Post
    No c reactive protein or uric acid test. I am going to see a second specialist and get these values tested to sort out the issue.
    Yes, a GP cant really help unless its an easy thing.

    Get it properly diagnosed, its the most important step to be able to treat it properly.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Yes, a GP cant really help unless its an easy thing.

    Get it properly diagnosed, its the most important step to be able to treat it properly.
    Yeah I will see a rheumatologist I need to be really careful with everything from here on out if I want to play a sport. No more mistakes at all with training and even with supplementation.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSamoan View Post
    Yeah I will see a rheumatologist I need to be really careful with everything from here on out if I want to play a sport. No more mistakes at all with training and even with supplementation.
    You are going to do plenty of mistakes through your whole life, be aware of that. We are humans, to do mistakes is natural. Learn from the mistakes thats whats important.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSamoan View Post
    Will Deca help with dry joints and flexibility? I had a blood test done and there was no arthritis that I received.
    I've taken low dose of Deca (150mg/wk) for my bum knees. The felt better but it is not a cure. I was ready for any kind of relief at that point in my life.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    You are going to do plenty of mistakes through your whole life, be aware of that. We are humans, to do mistakes is natural. Learn from the mistakes thats whats important.
    Yes you are right but I can't afford to make any mistakes in the future. Didn't know how badly this would affect my life in general.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSamoan View Post
    Yes you are right but I can't afford to make any mistakes in the future. Didn't know how badly this would affect my life in general.
    The wonderful thing about the human body is that it works on an analog principle. It can make allowance for mistakes in diet, supplements, training, etc. to a certain degree. You don't have to be "perfect" with your regiment. You just need to be close enough and the body will take care of the rest. Fill your mind with knowledge and you will reduce the chance of mistakes.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I've taken low dose of Deca (150mg/wk) for my bum knees. The felt better but it is not a cure. I was ready for any kind of relief at that point in my life.
    I have too and there is no denying that it does help. I agree,,not a cure,,,but it helped me out a lot.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    I have too and there is no denying that it does help. I agree,,not a cure,,,but it helped me out a lot.
    Would you recommend taking deca during a first cycle? I'm talking a low dose like the 150mg that you mentioned. My tendons are really holding me back here also my recovery is compromised by the low t that I have so I am sure that test will aid in the joint recovery.

    I had bloodwork done and posted the blood work in another thread.

    Because of my height and frame structure I need to be as lean as I possibly can to compete somehow. Anyway I'm not going to think about it much and I need to focus on getting rid of this problem. Adderall and painkillers are helping but I don't want to take too many.

    I didn't realize that I needed to be very careful with my training. Years of heavy lifting while neglecting cardio has really slowed me down. At only 5'8 I have no chance really to compete unless I am agile so there is a lot of work for me to finish.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    The wonderful thing about the human body is that it works on an analog principle. It can make allowance for mistakes in diet, supplements, training, etc. to a certain degree. You don't have to be "perfect" with your regiment. You just need to be close enough and the body will take care of the rest. Fill your mind with knowledge and you will reduce the chance of mistakes.
    Honestly in my case I have bad genetics and the competition is very stiff. But we will see what happens.

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