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Thread: Hair loss not from MPB

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Hair loss not from MPB

    Hi all

    I'm on week 9 of Test/EQ with HCG and Arimidex.

    38 years old and never lost any hair until this day. Being 38 if I was prone to MPB surely I should have already lost some hair??

    Problem is I just got a haircut and hair on top is looking thinner. The front temples have NOT receded and at the back there's no patch. Is this even possible to thin like this from MPB? I always thought MPB would recede from the front and go balder at the back first?

    Also I've always checked my hands after applying gel or washing hair and never saw any loose hairs come out..

    Is it possible to lose hair like this by Stealth on AAS and if so is it MPB or is it just stress from all the drugs on my system and it will come back?
    Any other kind of hair loss besides MPB maybe?

    I guess Nizoral shampoo won't help if it's not true DHT derived MPB?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hows your fathers hair? still sounds like MPB

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    If you had ran test only you would know what was causing the loss. It's why we suggest test only as a first cycle (and then add only 1 new compound per subsequent cycle) so you know what is causing what. Yes, thinning from the back and/or front is MPB. It may thicken up again after you discontinue your cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    If this is your first cycle there's a good chance it is MPB

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Fathers hair is good.

    It's not thinning from the back or front, my original post said it's thinning the whole top, or the whole head even..

    Can it still be MPB if it's not from the front temples?

    Does Nizoral shampoo really work?
    Maybe I'll try some.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quit the whining and shave it! Everyone wants to get big but no one wants to pay the price!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Lol you wouldn't say that if you've seen my cone head shaved before!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I guess you can try the shampoos. Myself I'm blessed.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Late_Starter View Post
    Hi all

    I'm on week 9 of Test/EQ with HCG and Arimidex.

    38 years old and never lost any hair until this day. Being 38 if I was prone to MPB surely I should have already lost some hair?? Yes, I would agree.

    Problem is I just got a haircut and hair on top is looking thinner. The front temples have NOT receded and at the back there's no patch. Is this even possible to thin like this from MPB? I always thought MPB would recede from the front and go balder at the back first?
    My grandfather passed, on both sides of the family, with a full head of hair. My dad passed with a full head of hair. None of my 4 brothers have ANY hair loss. I didn't notice any hair loss until I started running Tren and Mast (19-nor and DHT). MPB can start from the crown or from the front. It depends on how MPB wants to piss you off. LOL

    Also I've always checked my hands after applying gel or washing hair and never saw any loose hairs come out..
    It's hard to detect a few hairs coming out. Few hairs multiplied by many days and you got hair loss.

    Is it possible to lose hair like this by Stealth on AAS and if so is it MPB or is it just stress from all the drugs on my system and it will come back?
    Any other kind of hair loss besides MPB maybe?
    Can't seed lost hair. Just gotta keep what you got.

    I guess Nizoral shampoo won't help if it's not true DHT derived MPB?
    Nizoral shampoo's good for the scalp but really, it does very little to nothing for MPB hair loss. I only take Test now because I can slow down the DHT conversion with finestride but there is nothing for 19-nor hairloss and Mast/Primo is DHT based so there no conversion, those blood leaches goes right for the scalp. If you don't want hairloss then 1) stop AAS use immediately, 2) use a more hair friendly AAS like Anavar, 3) stick with Test only and get on finestride, 4) go over to Costco and buy Rogain. If you have a nice round head you could just shave your head and use a Sharpie and color in some hair. LOL, good luck.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    MPB only occurs on the crown of the head, not on the sides. As to what extent depends on your genetic makeup.

    The gene that causes your hair follicles on the top of your head to become sensitive to DHT and die resulting in MPB comes from your mother, not your father. So don't look at your father's head, look at your maternal grandfather's head or any of your uncles on your mom's side. Also look at her hair, if she is in her mid 50's or beyond, there would be thinning (but no hairline recessions) if she has the genetic makeup for it.

    The gene is not recessive so it does not skip a generation. If any of those people have MPB then your mother is carrying either one or two alleles of the Gene that causes MPB. If she is carrying one of these alleles then 1/2 of your uncles (theoretically) should have MPB and there would be a 50/50 chance your maternal grandfather has MPB. If she is carrying both alleles then your uncles on her side should be balding and her dad may or may not be depending on which allele he got from your great grandmother on your mom's side, aka his mom, lol. Make sense?

    There is no set in stone pattern of MPB, there are different results from it. Sometimes starts in the back, sometimes starts in the front, sometimes starts all over by general thinning. There are seven different classifications of hair loss in men depending on what study one may read. Just google the classifications to educate yourself, it can start at 38, it can start at 22, it can start at 45. Just depends on your genetic predisposition.

    Biggest thing to remember, you are getting older so that stuff that happens when we get older starts to happen when we get older!!! If you are prone to MPB, there is not much you can do about it and the use of AAS will most definitely speed this up because your DHT levels get high and once a hair follicle is burnt out by DHT, its done. Sometimes they can go dormant which will allow them to come back online later.

    The Shampoo has been shown to slow down the MPB because it does actually penetrate the skin, keep in mind it works because the active ingredient causes hormonal changes in the body which lowers DHT which stops hairloss (in theory). So, you run the risk of messing with your hormones even more.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Thanks guys good info!
    Will definitely avoid Mast, and as for 19nor I have avoided due to the complex side effects like deca dick that I never want to have.
    Finasteride I don't want as I like some DHT feeling and strong libido. But I'll try the shampoo and stick with mild compounds like EQ/Primo and low dose Test.

    Anavar I don't know, I don't like orals I never want to hurt my Lipids or liver..

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Quit the whining and shave it! Everyone wants to get big but no one wants to pay the price!
    Your avatar has good hair...

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Wait, you've no problem using aas which causes (or exacerbates) the problem, but are unwilling to use a low dose of Fina to mitigate it?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Yes that seems a bit counterintuitive. Fin won't block that much DHT.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Late_Starter View Post
    Thanks guys good info!
    Will definitely avoid Mast, and as for 19nor I have avoided due to the complex side effects like deca dick that I never want to have.
    Finasteride I don't want as I like some DHT feeling and strong libido. But I'll try the shampoo and stick with mild compounds like EQ/Primo and low dose Test.

    Anavar I don't know, I don't like orals I never want to hurt my Lipids or liver..
    Take liver support, run a short cycle, don't go overboard with the dose and you'll be fine.

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