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Thread: Opinions on my choices of cutting compounds , fire away .

  1. #1
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    Mar 2017

    Opinions on my choices of cutting compounds , fire away .

    Ok peeps , After a pretty serous neck surgery in march of 2016 were I had a disc removed from my neck and replaced with a cadaver bone and having my bottom 3 levels in my neck fused together and to the top level of my spine I slowly worked my way back into the gym once I was able to kick the pain killers .( which was equally as terrible as the pain following the 12 hours after surgery ) I am 5"9 I walk around without weight training at about 155 lbs . Between the year prior to surgery and the 4 weeks following I was up to about 100 mg a day of Percocet and down to a frieghtning 134 lbs . As of today I'm sitting at 165 lbs . I'm now taking 1/2 ml of test 400 every fourth day and my results thankfully to muscle memory are coming on fast and strong . I'm a fan of the short cycles 4 to 8 weeks usually tops ( huge fan of less is more ) . With that being said because of the test with multipul compounds I chose to take do to the long esters I know I should at least go 8 weeks to get the most out of it as possible . So I'm going to start cutting around the 8 to 10 week mark . My diet is super clean eating every 3 hours taking in zero slop and no sugars besides my sweet potatoes and the raw honey I put in my coffee . Knowing all that about my cycle and diets I'm kind of in the air about what I want to take for my 2 to 3 week cut/hardening part of my cycle . I will be running 2 compounds for that period and am undecided on which to to take . I was thinking test prope or and or winny or var or T suspension and or winny and var . No more then 2 to of those compounds for my cutting portion . I have read a lot on suspension and that's the only compound I mentioned that I have not tried . Fire away !!! Just looking for opinions on what anybody would think to be best to help maintain muscle and harden up with of course the most Benifit and least sides . My pct is already in order .
    Last edited by Jphunter; 04-22-2017 at 06:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Are you cruising on the T400?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    No def not brother .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    5'9 and you want too cut? why? Long esters need to be ran 10 weeks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Usually T400 has really long esters in it 4-8 weeks is too short.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2017
    Abs brother abs . It sounds lean 165 at 5"9 . I started my recent cycle on April first as you can see in my avatar everything seems to be coming along well . I just want to be able to see all the work I've done . I was figuring 8 weeks then jump onto a fast ester by once I get to the halflife point of the long esters in the test 400 . Which would put me right under 10 weeks if I took my last poke of the test 400 4 days past the 8 week point

  7. #7
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    I was just saying I'm a fan of the shorter cycles , I know you can't run a long esters for only 4 weeks . I probably didn't explain myself properly . I'm figuring on taking my last poke of the test 400 4 days past the 8th week running to the halflife point of the long esters . Which of course at that point I will take the prope or suspension every other day with either the winny or the var which I haven't decided yet . The cyp has a half life of about 14 to 18 days which should carry me into the 10th week . Again I'm a big believer in the less is more , I do understand that the long esters should be run min about 10 weeks . So do you guys really think my way of thinking by letting the long ester run down from week 8 to 10 is going to hinder me that much . I seem to be progressing pretty good and if I don't have to take my last poke of the test 400 beginning of week 10 I'd rather not . I guess what I'm saying in theory I am running it to 10 weeks even though my last poke is going to be half way into the 8 the week .

  8. #8
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    Mar 2017
    And I was just asking about which compounds in the opinions of the knowlegable would you suggest I take for my cutting portion . Not how longs should run the test 400 . In short which 2 would you think would work better out of the 4 I named and what combination . So again , test prope or suspension with either the winny or the var ? Which combo would you choose and why ?

  9. #9
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    Mar 2017
    I did say I was going to run it between 8 and 10 weeks , and I want t cut fat the same reason everybody wants to cut fat . I want to be shredded . What does every man in his 40's want , to look good naked bud ��

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jphunter View Post
    Abs brother abs . It sounds lean 165 at 5"9 . I started my recent cycle on April first as you can see in my avatar everything seems to be coming along well . I just want to be able to see all the work I've done . I was figuring 8 weeks then jump onto a fast ester by once I get to the halflife point of the long esters in the test 400 . Which would put me right under 10 weeks if I took my last poke of the test 400 4 days past the 8 week point
    Abs veins and bones no MASS!

  11. #11
    I don't know what kind of budget you are on but with that neck surgery you just had, I would be looking at GH for bone and connective tissue repair... Make sure your neck is right first... Test P I run 100mg EOD test Cyp or E I run 200 -250 every 3rd day... The only one you can short cycle is test P.... I cruise on test year round though because of my age but usually go to test E 200mg /wk between cycles... Think about a longer cycle and some less androgenic stuff like Deca or Eq ...400mg/week 12 to 16 weeks with a maintenance dose of test E or C of 200-250mg/wk. Make sure you are taking anastrazole or aromasyn with that Deca and test.... My personal favorite short cycle is Tren acetate for 8 weeks...Strong androgen, but I always get bigger and stronger without gaining a bunch of water... 100mg EOD with test Prop 100Mg mixed with every shot of tren and 50mg ED oxandrolone last 4 weeks....You should take 1/2 mg cabergoline with the tren and deca every 3rd day as well to protect against progestin Good luck...

  12. #12
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    uhm.... yea keep up the good work bud , thanks for showing up . How in gods good name does that response apply to my question ? I came back to this board for information , I've had incredible success for 22 days on cycle asked a simple question about a 2 to 3 week cutting portion of my cycle and you give me a half witted response . Abs veins bones no mass . Since you seem to be having a hard time responding to people's post without arrogance as I've seen in another thread earlier , at least entertain me and explain wtf are you talking about ?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jphunter View Post
    uhm.... yea keep up the good work bud , thanks for showing up . How in gods good name does that response apply to my question ? I came back to this board for information , I've had incredible success for 22 days on cycle asked a simple question about a 2 to 3 week cutting portion of my cycle and you give me a half witted response . Abs veins bones no mass . Since you seem to be having a hard time responding to people's post without arrogance as I've seen in another thread earlier , at least entertain me and explain wtf are you talking about ?
    Thats easy you don't need aas too due wat you want and to cut you have too have something too cut that's wat I am saying.You are making losing weight sound like you need all the compounds.But when in reality a BBer uses them to reduce muscle you don't have too worry about that like you said I looked at your avi.Sorry if I wasn't clear enough but I was trying to be polite.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Abs veins and bones no MASS!

    Lookin good at 5'9 154 lbs...
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  15. #15
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    If you can't get abs at 165 your diet is way off..

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MToption2 View Post
    But he isn't doing aas or weight training either and personally I don't like the skinny look.

  17. #17
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    AAS is not a magical solution or pill, it does not cause you to lose weight. Your diet and exercise is what dictates if you lose weight. The compounds used when on a "cutting" cycle preserve muscle mass while on caloric deprivation. All AAS can be used for cutting or bulking, your diet dictates if you lose or gain weight.
    I never recommend that people cycle when they are just trying to "cut". I know that it is not the answer that you want.
    I also agree with Songdog about the skinny look, but that is just a personal preference. Everyone has different likes.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jphunter View Post
    Ok peeps , After a pretty serous neck surgery in march of 2016 were I had a disc removed from my neck and replaced with a cadaver bone and having my bottom 3 levels in my neck fused together and to the top level of my spine I slowly worked my way back into the gym once I was able to kick the pain killers .( which was equally as terrible as the pain following the 12 hours after surgery ) I am 5"9 I walk around without weight training at about 155 lbs . Between the year prior to surgery and the 4 weeks following I was up to about 100 mg a day of Percocet and down to a frieghtning 134 lbs . As of today I'm sitting at 165 lbs . I'm now taking 1/2 ml of test 400 every fourth day and my results thankfully to muscle memory are coming on fast and strong . I'm a fan of the short cycles 4 to 8 weeks usually tops ( huge fan of less is more ) . With that being said because of the test with multipul compounds I chose to take do to the long esters I know I should at least go 8 weeks to get the most out of it as possible . So I'm going to start cutting around the 8 to 10 week mark . My diet is super clean eating every 3 hours taking in zero slop and no sugars besides my sweet potatoes and the raw honey I put in my coffee . Knowing all that about my cycle and diets I'm kind of in the air about what I want to take for my 2 to 3 week cut/hardening part of my cycle . I will be running 2 compounds for that period and am undecided on which to to take . I was thinking test prope or and or winny or var or T suspension and or winny and var . No more then 2 to of those compounds for my cutting portion . I have read a lot on suspension and that's the only compound I mentioned that I have not tried . Fire away !!! Just looking for opinions on what anybody would think to be best to help maintain muscle and harden up with of course the most Benifit and least sides . My pct is already in order .
    Are you still on the pain killers, the reason I ask is that it will mess with your Estrogen and Prolactin levels a bit. After my second knee surgery my E2 levels were all over the place from the pain meds. ?
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 04-23-2017 at 12:18 PM.

  19. #19
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MToption2 View Post

    That doesn't look good to me at all. It's just skinny and low body fat. Great for his chosen endeavor though, no doubt.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  20. #20
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    I'm sure I'll be north of 175 with a low body fat by the time I'm finished cycle because I eat so clean it should not be an Issue . My diet is in check , that's always my strong point . Maybe I am trying to go to hard in the end of my cycle . I'll have to re think my end game I guess . I may just take a short ester with the var at the end . I've always had better luck holding more muscle coming off of pct when using fast esters only prior .

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    AAS is not a magical solution or pill, it does not cause you to lose weight. Your diet and exercise is what dictates if you lose weight. The compounds used when on a "cutting" cycle preserve muscle mass while on caloric deprivation. All AAS can be used for cutting or bulking, your diet dictates if you lose or gain weight.
    I never recommend that people cycle when they are just trying to "cut". I know that it is not the answer that you want.
    I also agree with Songdog about the skinny look, but that is just a personal preference. Everyone has different likes.
    Yes abs are earned in the kitchen , I'm not new to this that much I know , I apologies if I haven't explained myself properly . Holding onto my Gaines after cycle is of course the goal .

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Are you still on the pain killers, the reason I ask is that it will mess with your Estrogen and Prolactin levels a bit. After my second knee surgery my E2 levels were all over the place from the pain meds. ?
    No way , that ship has sailed

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    That doesn't look good to me at all. It's just skinny and low body fat. Great for his chosen endeavor though, no doubt.
    To each there own . I was 191 at my strongest and it is a lot of work for me to hold that kind of weight , I looked 10x better pealed at 155 for my build then I did at that weight . I'm not competing for a stage I'm competing with myself .i lost a lot of weight by he time I was done with surgery and meds . I put some weight back on thru slow easy training clean eating and I'm at the point were I'm pushing pretty hard and I'm feeling like myself again . I was just looking for some opinions on the end of my cycle switching to fast esters to aid me in hardening up and coming off for pct . I appreciate your opinions .

  24. #24
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jphunter View Post
    To each there own
    Exactly. Body weight is not everything. You have to be comfortable with how you look and feel and that's no one else's business.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Exactly. Body weight is not everything. You have to be comfortable with how you look and feel and that's no one else's business.
    My man pots and pans ! Everybody does not have the same goals , you said a mouthful there !

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