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Thread: New cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    New cycle.

    Hey! So my stats are as followed:
    28 years old, 182cm, 210 pounds. 10%BF.

    I haven't done a cycle in 4 years. No real reason why, I was just happy and content with where I was at.

    I've previously used:
    Test E, Test P, EQ, Tren A, Anavar. And 3 weeks of Mast.
    Mast is out of the question because of the sport I play my calves become way too tight with running. Yes I tried extensive stretching and also accupuncture.

    As for this cycle I'm really leaning towards Test, EQ, Anavar although I'm still thinking of adding GHRP-6 and or LR3.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    10% bf? Is that just an estimate? Do you not have an AI, hcg and PCT? I've never heard of that issue from Masteron its normal from anavar that causes muscle Cramps.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by spiralkut View Post
    Hey! So my stats are as followed:
    28 years old, 182cm, 210 pounds. 10%BF.

    I haven't done a cycle in 4 years. No real reason why, I was just happy and content with where I was at. Then you can treat this cycle like a first cycle.

    I've previously used:
    Test E, Test P, EQ, Tren A, Anavar. And 3 weeks of Mast.
    Mast is out of the question because of the sport I play my calves become way too tight with running. Yes I tried extensive stretching and also accupuncture.
    I've run Mast a lot of times with no such side. I've run Var and gotten debilitating pumps in my calf and shin.

    As for this cycle I'm really leaning towards Test, EQ, Anavar although I'm still thinking of adding GHRP-6 and or LR3.
    Not sure what your goals are. If you're looking to cut then I would drop the EQ and go with Mast. Drop the Anavar as I think that's the stuff giving you the calf problem. I've not been a fan of peptides. I just run HGH. You're a little young for HGH so GHRP-6 should be fine. LR3 is a waste of money. If you're looking to bulk, I'd say run Test/Deca and eat a lot of good clean food.

    Any thoughts?
    If you want to dial in your cycle, you should state your cycle goal.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Thanks for the replies. My PCT, HCG and Adex on hand will all be stock standard which is the reason for leaving it out (sorry should have mentioned that)
    As for the mast, at the time I wasn't doing var when my calves were unbearable It was prop and mast and I've done prop since so I'm assuming it was the mast.

    As for my goal 220lbs @ 8%BF would be ideal. Could even go bigger but definitely aiming for no higher than 8%BF.

    Thanks for the insight on GhRP-6 and LR-3

    As for the 10%BF I test myself every week and my latest result was 10.2% BF

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