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Thread: High Blood Pressure on Test E

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017

    High Blood Pressure on Test E

    My entire life i have always had healthy bp. 120s range over 60s range

    Im on week 3 of my first test e cycle 500 mg a week. Im running arimidex .25 mg eod. I was feeling a little light headded during my workout today so i took my blood pressure after i was done and calmed down. It was 154/75. Any advice? Im really worried. Its only week 3. I then went and saw my physician .my BP was 141/65.
    She said that was normal, but from what ive read 141 is in the hypertension stage 1 range...

    any advice ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Buy a BP monitor and measure it at home when relaxed, not after workout. Measure when you wakeup.

    Are you holding too much water? Hows your diet? Whats your body fat %?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Buy a BP monitor and measure it at home when relaxed, not after workout. Measure when you wakeup.

    Are you holding too much water? Hows your diet? Whats your body fat %?
    bf is around 12%. My diet could be better, but Im definitely not eating like garbage. Carbs are a little high, but im not boated. Ill check again tonight and update.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by hxt View Post
    bf is around 12%. My diet could be better, but Im definitely not eating like garbage. Carbs are a little high, but im not boated. Ill check again tonight and update.
    I was afraid your bf was a little higher to cycle, but at 12% thats not the case

    Everybody is different androgens influx may affect your BP more than others. It can also be the case that your body is adjusting to this new androgen level and eventually go back to lower BP levels.

    Keep measuring your BP at home, at waking up and before dinner for example, always measure twice coupl of minutes apart. There are iphone and android apps to record this measurements heheh
    If you start getting values above 140/90 then you might need to medicate. Lets us know how you're doing

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    I was afraid your bf was a little higher to cycle, but at 12% thats not the case

    Everybody is different androgens influx may affect your BP more than others. It can also be the case that your body is adjusting to this new androgen level and eventually go back to lower BP levels.

    Keep measuring your BP at home, at waking up and before dinner for example, always measure twice coupl of minutes apart. There are iphone and android apps to record this measurements heheh
    If you start getting values above 140/90 then you might need to medicate. Lets us know how you're doing
    thanks for the support mate. will do

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Home of the Braves
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    I was afraid your bf was a little higher to cycle, but at 12% thats not the case

    Everybody is different androgens influx may affect your BP more than others. It can also be the case that your body is adjusting to this new androgen level and eventually go back to lower BP levels.

    Keep measuring your BP at home, at waking up and before dinner for example, always measure twice coupl of minutes apart. There are iphone and android apps to record this measurements heheh
    If you start getting values above 140/90 then you might need to medicate. Lets us know how you're doing
    What do you think about him adding some low dose cialis to the mix for BP issues? Being he's not super high, I was thinking cialis might actually put him back in range. Of course if not, he could always seek medical help from a Dr. But cialis is not only fun, but very beneficial!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    What do you think about him adding some low dose cialis to the mix for BP issues? Being he's not super high, I was thinking cialis might actually put him back in range. Of course if not, he could always seek medical help from a Dr. But cialis is not only fun, but very beneficial!
    If I had a source Id probably get on that, any adverse side effects?
    also any bp lowering supplements you reccommend?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post

    What do you think about him adding some low dose cialis to the mix for BP issues? Being he's not super high, I was thinking cialis might actually put him back in range. Of course if not, he could always seek medical help from a Dr. But cialis is not only fun, but very beneficial!
    Omg. Cialis lol. He is not superhigh in systolic but his problem is that the other one is low and then the gap is significant and then again, not good.

    1: forget cialis.
    2: increase waterintake
    3: increase cardio
    4: increase pottasium
    5: max 5 gs of salt ed
    5: study dropping 12 gs of arginine before workouts. Some knowledgeable longtimers say its smart.
    6: google up the top 5 BPlowering vetetables and go to the shop rigth away.
    7: listen to mr BB. Maybe it will normalize when body gets used to the new hormones.

    And yeah
    Monitor your heart beat at rest. Just as important as BP. Shows how strong your heart is. Below 70 is GTG.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 05-23-2017 at 01:32 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    drink lot of water it will help reduce BP

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2017
    125/65 today. maybe I was just stressing

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by hxt View Post
    125/65 today. maybe I was just stressing
    yeah, my father has it the same way....:-)

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Asia but not Asian.
    Quote Originally Posted by hxt View Post
    My entire life i have always had healthy bp. 120s range over 60s range

    Im on week 3 of my first test e cycle 500 mg a week. Im running arimidex .25 mg eod. I was feeling a little light headded during my workout today so i took my blood pressure after i was done and calmed down. It was 154/75. Any advice? Im really worried. Its only week 3. I then went and saw my physician .my BP was 141/65.
    She said that was normal, but from what ive read 141 is in the hypertension stage 1 range...

    any advice ?
    My experience over 8 cycles. I will get some flaming I am sure but enough experience is under my belt and having walked the path....... Let's talk about blood pressure.

    1. The absolute least respected item with AAS is Estrogen. Without beating a dead horse Adex is inferior to Aromasin unless you are running over a gram of substance. Aromasin due to its Estrogen killing nature allows you to go as low as possible without worrying about bottoming out. If you are truly trying your best to control BP grab some Aromasin. 25-50 mg a day will not bottom you out and leave you as low as possible on the Estrogen level. Low estrogen = Low water retention = reduced blood pressure and reduced sides causing the blood pressure increase. I put this as the absolute number one item dealing with blood pressure.

    2. Water intake does not technically reduce blood pressure. It does play into a lot of areas that impact the vascular system. Primary one is Salt. Salt = Water retention = Blood Pressure up.

    3. If you wanted to medicate Lisinopril is the cheap and efficent path. One 10 mg pill a day will drop you 10-20 on the systolic. It works.

    The one thing I would stress is you are week 3. Test level is raising and from my experience transition of hormone level will reflect in blood pressure for anyone.

  13. #13
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    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    My experience over 8 cycles. I will get some flaming I am sure but enough experience is under my belt and having walked the path....... Let's talk about blood pressure.

    1. The absolute least respected item with AAS is Estrogen. Without beating a dead horse Adex is inferior to Aromasin unless you are running over a gram of substance. Aromasin due to its Estrogen killing nature allows you to go as low as possible without worrying about bottoming out. If you are truly trying your best to control BP grab some Aromasin. 25-50 mg a day will not bottom you out and leave you as low as possible on the Estrogen level. Low estrogen = Low water retention = reduced blood pressure and reduced sides causing the blood pressure increase. I put this as the absolute number one item dealing with blood pressure.

    2. Water intake does not technically reduce blood pressure. It does play into a lot of areas that impact the vascular system. Primary one is Salt. Salt = Water retention = Blood Pressure up.

    3. If you wanted to medicate Lisinopril is the cheap and efficent path. One 10 mg pill a day will drop you 10-20 on the systolic. It works.

    The one thing I would stress is you are week 3. Test level is raising and from my experience transition of hormone level will reflect in blood pressure for anyone.
    Most likely will switch to aromasin. Thanks for the advice. Also. Off topic but what do you think of hcg?
    Ive been researching the use of HCG to assist in test E cycles on different forums. some say that it should are run at 250 Its twice a week throughout cycle. others say that your body builds a tolerance to the LH FSH, it raises estrogen and can shut you down. I have been afraid of this happening, and Im on week 3 of my Test e cycle (500 MG a week)

    should I wait until the last 4 weeks to start or do you think I should just start now?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2017

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    What do you think about him adding some low dose cialis to the mix for BP issues? Being he's not super high, I was thinking cialis might actually put him back in range. Of course if not, he could always seek medical help from a Dr. But cialis is not only fun, but very beneficial!
    Personally dont see much use for cialis in BP control.

    If hxt was over 40, it would be good for prostate health, if he didnt have adverse effects.

    Cialis can have side effects, and priapism from cialis is not a myth.

    For BP is very weak at best.

    HXT, try to get pharmacy grade AIs, as there are many bunk ugls (or switched for other substances).

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