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Thread: Help closing parabolan, tren ace or other!

  1. #1

    Help choosing parabolan, tren ace or other!

    Wondering whether anyone here has much experience with parabolan and could say what they think?

    I'm looking at either a test/dbol and tren ace stack or test/dbol/parabolan stack.

    All previous cycles have been test (blend) only, test e/dbol, test e/anavar and test e/tren ace.

    Id like to try other compounds and see how they affect me and my gains. And from what I've read the parabolan requires a long cycle 12 weeks. Which is fine as that's my test base cycle anyway 12-15 weeks.

    Any other suggestions though as to what might be useful to use with the test apart from the tren? I have dbol to kick it off 40mg each day. Plus all the usual suspects for on cycle and pct nolva, Clomid and arimidex and hcg.

    Thoughts, suggestions and feedback appreciated.
    Last edited by Bowden88; 07-01-2017 at 06:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Parabolin is trenblone just a larger eater it's very uncommon (at least where I am) because of the ester it'd be hard to get stable blood levels and always (in my case) unstable hormone levels lead to increased risk of side effects effects...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Surrounded by wolves
    The -hex ester in Parabolan should be comparable to enanthate or cypionate while costing as much as 3x times more, not worth it imo.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Depending on ur goals u should try deca. Extremely powerful mass builder and has great therapeutic benefit. Must safer as far as sides go and u will be very pleased as the size ull gain. I prefer npp to deca tho. But if ur set on tren, which I don't blame u, tren is fuckin amazing is every way. Just the sides keep me away most the time. Tren enanthate is my favorite tren. Even tho I prefer short ester for some reason tren e is just more potent in my body.

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