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Thread: Is Water retention normal ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Is Water retention normal ?

    I am currently in my 2nd cycle, 7th week now, Test E 500 Primo 600, HGH 4 IU daily started at BF 13%
    I am taking all the supports needed Aromasin (Pharma grade), NAC 600mg, HCG ...... etc
    I gained 20 lbs nearly until now.
    Lab test done everything is fine.
    My bf is 9.6% today but I have about 20 lbs extra water on me ?
    Is this normal even if E2 is fine and my diet is fine and I lost that much BF ?
    I will also be starting Winstrol 50 mg after 2 days, is this gonna help ?
    What do u guys suggest ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Have you taken your blood pressure?... That is the most concerning thing with water retention.

  3. #3
    Water retention is a very common issue with AAS and even HGH.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    20lbs of water is a lot. Normally I would say it would settle down some after a couple weeks. It sounds like high estrogen. How much aromasin are you on?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by chab View Post
    I am currently in my 2nd cycle, 7th week now, Test E 500 Primo 600, HGH 4 IU daily started at BF 13%
    I am taking all the supports needed Aromasin (Pharma grade), NAC 600mg, HCG ...... etc
    I gained 20 lbs nearly until now.
    Lab test done everything is fine.
    My bf is 9.6% today but I have about 20 lbs extra water on me ? You started at 13% bf, gained 20lbs and now at 9.6% bf? Dude, you're doing AWESOME! I don't understand about the 20lb water. How is it possible to have that much more water when your bf had dropped by 3.4%?
    Is this normal even if E2 is fine and my diet is fine and I lost that much BF ?
    I will also be starting Winstrol 50 mg after 2 days, is this gonna help ?
    What do u guys suggest ?
    Winnie will drop water weight. Cardio will also help with fat reduction.

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