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Thread: First Cycle Ever - Need Advice On Supplements

  1. #1

    First Cycle Ever - Need Advice On Supplements

    This is my first cycle and I am going through a fellow gym member for the gear. By gear I mean Test Cyp Injection. He has me at 400 mg. I have done my homework, by no means am I an expert, but two things have been coming up as controversial: the HCG being unneccesary and harmful to future cycles and the Adex vs Aromasin ( with the idea in mind that once adex is done that estrogen will flood in compared to Aromasin just killing it). However, there are studies that show Aromasin being too powerful. All I want to do is be able to make a decision given I have the best possible schedule and pct so that I do not harm my body. SO here is my cycle, please give me any feedback so that I can give this guy an answer. I am 21 and weigh 178 lbs currently, goal is to gain musle and lose fat and I have a diet and routine to do so ( diet and workout made by professionals ).

    Week 1-15
    Test cyp, 400 mg
    Monday 1 ml
    Thursday 1 ml
    ADEX m/w/f .2 ml

    16-17 off of everything

    nolva 20 mg
    Clomid 60 mg
    Hcg 500 iu every day for 10 days

    Week 18
    Nolva 20 mg
    Clomid 45

    Week 19
    Nolva 15
    Clomid 30

    Week 20
    Nolva 10
    Clomid 15

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Please, make sure you check this post:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by SLOT004 View Post
    This is my first cycle and I am going through a fellow gym member for the gear. By gear I mean Test Cyp Injection. He has me at 400 mg. I have done my homework, by no means am I an expert, but two things have been coming up as controversial: the HCG being unneccesary and harmful to future cycles and the Adex vs Aromasin ( with the idea in mind that once adex is done that estrogen will flood in compared to Aromasin just killing it). However, there are studies that show Aromasin being too powerful. All I want to do is be able to make a decision given I have the best possible schedule and pct so that I do not harm my body. SO here is my cycle, please give me any feedback so that I can give this guy an answer. I am 21 and weigh 178 lbs currently, goal is to gain musle and lose fat and I have a diet and routine to do so ( diet and workout made by professionals ).

    Week 1-15
    Test cyp, 400 mg
    Monday 1 ml
    Thursday 1 ml
    ADEX m/w/f .2 ml

    16-17 off of everything

    nolva 20 mg
    Clomid 60 mg
    Hcg 500 iu every day for 10 days

    Week 18
    Nolva 20 mg
    Clomid 45

    Week 19
    Nolva 15
    Clomid 30

    Week 20
    Nolva 10
    Clomid 15
    You're too young bud. Your Testosterone hasn't even peaked yet, and by cycling now, you could completely ruin your system for the rest of your life. Not something you want to experience at your age. Especially since you have a lot of life left to live, you don't want to spend it on TRT. Keep training normally. Keep your diet clean, and when you hit 25, if you still want to cycle, give 'er a try, but right now, I can't stress enough how bad of an Idea it is to cycle.

    I know it's tempting. It was for me too. I wanted to cycle at 22 SO badly. But I waited, and I'm glad I did! You will be too if you wait.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    First Cycle

    I am 61 and am on my first cycle ever lol. In week 5 and already have some good gains. Working out 6 days a week 3 hours a day and ingesting 270 grams of protein with the appropriate carbs and fats everyday. My cycle is simple, I am doing 500 mg of Bayer Test E a week and 50 mg of Bayer Proviron daily. The Proviron is keeping all the side effects at bay. My T was low when I started this cycle, the lab report was not good to me. At 21, I would have never juiced, with that being said, my research tells me that Adex may not be necessary for your cycle. My nips were a little sore the first week and I upped the dose of Proviron from 25 mg to 50mg and everything has been perfect so far. Proviron is $7.00 for 20 tabs where I live and Adex is $120 for 28 tablets and it is working for me and the erections I am getting from it are nice. I will probably stay on Proviron until well after my cycle to see if kicks starts my own T again. So I am doing 12 week bulking phase then I will be in a cutting phase swimming everyday in the Ocean for 4 weeks and will lower my dose to 250mg Test E every 8 days and Proviron to 25mg. Then I will return to the gym for another 8 weeks of 500 Test E, 50 mg Proviron, and maybe 300 mg week of Bayer Primbolan depending on how I feel.... Afterwards ( if I am still alive) wait two weeks then start Serophene (clomid) for 25 days while still taking 25mg of Proviron daily. And we will see where it all takes me and everything is subject to change.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Sounds like you are not as educated as you think. Why would you stop the Adex 2 weeks before pct? Hcg is on cycle not pct. Losing fat while gaining muscle? This a poor strategy as the first cycle yields some of the best gains and you are essentially cutting if you want to lose fat. Read up on diet I assure you that it will become a huge focus going forward as you learn many people claiming to be professionals know nothing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    As redz said, your first cycle should be a bulking one; you'll grow like weed when on first cycle while bulking ♥

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