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Mother f*r! Last night, I fu(ked my back up big time on the leg press. After warming my legs up thoroughly w/ 5 minutes on the bike, 2 light 20 rep sets of extensions and 1 20 rep set of 225 on squats, I worked my way up to squatting 365 for 6...then proceeded to my 1st set of leg presses with only 12 plates. I always go ass to ankles on squats and knees to chest on presses but this time, I took it a little too far. On my 3rd rep of presses, I brought my knees all the way down, touched my chest and my ass started rolling back a little from being scrunched up. Just as I pushed back up, I felt something pull in my lower back and the weight started heading back down. I had no spotter, so the adrenaline kicked in and I pushed it back up and racked it, only to sit there in shock, not being able to move really, in excrutiating pain. I didn't want to make a big scene so I waited about 3 minutes until I saw my wife and yelled for her to come over. I told her I couldn't move and she needed to help me up. Well, she pulled me up but when I stood up, I went white as a ghost and my mouth went dry and everything started to go black. I gathered my sh!t and made my way over to the ab mats and collapsed. After drinking some water and laying there for a half hour, I was able to get up and walk to our truck where my wife drove me home and I've been laid up ever since. Luckily, I had plenty of vikatin so I've been feeling a little better, but I still can't walk without a ****load of pain. I'm getting an MRI done tomorrow to see if I slipped a disc or just pulled a muscle (hopefully). I'll have to keep you all posted. I just never thought to wear a belt on the leg press, which I think would have really helped to prevent this. I've pulled my back like this before doing deadlifts in 98 and I was OK after a few days so I'm hoping this turns out the same. I never thought I could pull my lower back out on the leg press. Let this be a reminder....full range of motion is necessary...just know when to stop....I should of stopped the rep when my knees touched my chest but I let the weight push them back even further which took my ass off the seat...bad move.
One question: AS helps your body repair broken down muscles but will it speed up the recovery of a torn muscle? I'm just starting the 5th week of my cycle now of 750 Cyp, 600 Eq/wk (and I just finished 4 weeks of dbol @ 40mgs/day).