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Thread: B&C and accutane

  1. #1

    B&C and accutane

    Hello , i will come down to 250 mg test e / week for cruise and HCG , i am currently on accutane 20mg a week and still get some acne , do you think the drop in test and adding Hcg will give me bad acne , i am so tired of acne , its killing me , i have arimidex , 05 eod now on cruise dose i will do 0,5 e3day . Any advice on this acne on blast and cruise will be great , thx

  2. #2
    How long have you been on accutane? Generally, it's ran at a much higher dose for 5 months. However, low dose has been known to work great especially if you aren't prone to acne.

  3. #3
    im on the 6 week

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Try bumping it to 40mg. Do you feel the symtoms of it? Extreme dry skin, chapped lips, basically requiring chapstick every second of the day? Shit my hair even gets dryer.

  6. #6
    I've heard of dermatologists who prescribe higher dose of Accutane for 6 weeks to practically shutdown the sebaceous glands so they can "reboot". I took 20mg/ed for 4 weeks and acne be gone! Accutane is powerful stuff. If you have acne issues, I would say that you should seek professional advice with accutane.

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