Hello everyone,
so I'm into week 8 of my 12 week testosterone enanthate cycle where I inject 250 mg twice a week. I started out somewhat hypogonadic with test levels at around 300 ng/dl and many things associated with it like low libido, anxiety and general state of being miserable.
My problem is after over 7 weeks of injections I feel no different, still no morning erections, I jerk off once or twice a day but it's more out of boredom than anything else. Still can't look people in the eye, still being the same miserable person I was. Actually I might be worse off right now- disappointment has been added on top of all my other problems since what I considered the last resort doesn't seem to be working.
At this point some of you might think "well that's easy, your gear is fake/underdosed". I was thinking the same thing but my bloodwork came today and my test is at 3100 ng/dl so roughly where it should be with these dosages.
My questions are:
1) how is it possible I'm having 10x more testosterone than I used to have but feel exactly the same crappy way. Is it possible I'm such a slow responder and it's going to get better? Are there people for whom testosterone doesn't do much and I'm one of those poeple? Any other explanation perhaps?
2) should I increase the dosage for the rest of my cycle? So far I've gotten absolutely no side effects. For example I've been dealing with acne for most of my life and this cycle hasn't made my skin any worse
3) how should I approach my next cycles. Right now I'm leaning towards keeping my test low at 250-500mg/wk since it doesn't seem to do anything for me and focusing on other compounds. Test+eq with turinabol as a jumpstart is what I've been thinking for my next cycle
Some additional info that might be relevant: I'm 26y/o, 5ft9, 200lbs, around 20% bf. Even though the results of the cycle have been disappointing I've gained around 10 lbs. A lot of that can be water weight since my estrogen is considerably elevated (I will increase my arimidex dosage to combat it).
I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys have to say about all of this and I hope my little story will be somewhat interesting and/or relevant for the readers to come.