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Thread: 67yo TrT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    The Kitchen

    67yo TrT

    My dads doctor had put him on a testosterone patch. I had no idea he was on this garbage. He was on it for about a year and didn't like it and the doctor took him off and left it at that. I'm trying to help him find a good doctor in his area at the moment. For now I was thinking of starting him on 100mg Test C split in 2 50mg shots pw . I run the same and don't use any ai or hcg. Have ran both and feel better where I'm at. What do you guys think of starting him at 100mg test c no ai no hcg and get bloods and see where he's at ? Thoughts

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by GymHero View Post
    My dads doctor had put him on a testosterone patch. I had no idea he was on this garbage. He was on it for about a year and didn't like it and the doctor took him off and left it at that. I'm trying to help him find a good doctor in his area at the moment. For now I was thinking of starting him on 100mg Test C split in 2 50mg shots pw . I run the same and don't use any ai or hcg. Have ran both and feel better where I'm at. What do you guys think of starting him at 100mg test c no ai no hcg and get bloods and see where he's at ? Thoughts
    Did he have any labs to show that he was deficient to begin with? Unfortunately, being on TRT will mess up the labs for a while. Given that it's the patch, I would expect that he will return to baseline within a week or two. The patch uses non-esterized T, so it should clear quite quickly after discontinuation of treatment. I would suspect that within 2 weeks after discontinuation that his endocrine system will have stabilized. This is very different than ester-linked T supplements like T-cyp, which have a very long half life and take about 6 weeks to fully clear. Non-eterized T has a half life of just a few hours.

    I would suggest getting some new full baseline labs (TT, FT, SHBG, E2/sensitive, PSA, CBC, and CMP). You might want to consider LH and FSH too. Assuming he is deficient in FT, you might want to consider him going on TRT, but I would try to find a doctor first to supervise the treatment and write a legal script. having the labs in hand would be more convincing than simply saying he feels like he has low T. Most docs don't understand what labs to order, so doing it right yourself might speed the process up and get him on a good and stable protocol sooner.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Like 55 said, find a competent doc before self medicating him. Don't waste time with appointments. Call the docs office first and ask one of the staff how the doc normally treats TRT patients. it'll save you time and headaches.

    Take care of your dad.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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