Hi all
Earlier this year I ruptured the biceps long head tendon and went for a surgery. Everything went well and I'm 4 months into recovery now.
I have been training for quite a while now but not pushing heavy..still giving my body the time to recover (benchpress 205lbs compared to 415lbs before the surgery)
I was thinking of running Test P + Var (12 weeks for Test and 6 weeks for Var) while maintaining the same weights I lift today. The purpose is to build some lean mass, and by the time the cycle is over I would have been fully recovered.
I have read somewhere that Testosterone decreases collagen synthesis, which has an adverse effect on the tendons. what are your thoughts on this?
I have been running GH at 4IU/day, and I plan on keeping it throughout the cycle.
Age: 32
Height: 5'10
Weight: 210lbs 16~18% BF
Training experience: 15 years
Cycle experience: Ran few Test P only cycles, and a couple of Test P + Var cycles.