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Thread: Test and tendons - Post surgery

  1. #1

    Test and tendons - Post surgery

    Hi all
    Earlier this year I ruptured the biceps long head tendon and went for a surgery. Everything went well and I'm 4 months into recovery now.
    I have been training for quite a while now but not pushing heavy..still giving my body the time to recover (benchpress 205lbs compared to 415lbs before the surgery)

    I was thinking of running Test P + Var (12 weeks for Test and 6 weeks for Var) while maintaining the same weights I lift today. The purpose is to build some lean mass, and by the time the cycle is over I would have been fully recovered.

    I have read somewhere that Testosterone decreases collagen synthesis, which has an adverse effect on the tendons. what are your thoughts on this?

    I have been running GH at 4IU/day, and I plan on keeping it throughout the cycle.

    Age: 32
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 210lbs 16~18% BF
    Training experience: 15 years
    Cycle experience: Ran few Test P only cycles, and a couple of Test P + Var cycles.


  2. #2
    slightly off topic, in your opinion has the hgh decreased the recovery period for you?

  3. #3
    I guess so. I don't have any proof or evidence, but it must have contributed

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I've not read that test decreases collagen synthesis. On the other hand, Var will increase it. Here's a study you may like:

    I'm recovering from a partial distal bicep tear myself. My doc scripted me var @ 20 mgs per day to help which I ran for 8 weeks. I'll be banking the rest of the 5 month script. Low dose, sure. Effective, I can only assume so as I'm healing up quite well.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I've not read that test decreases collagen synthesis. On the other hand, Var will increase it. Here's a study you may like:

    I'm recovering from a partial distal bicep tear myself. My doc scripted me var @ 20 mgs per day to help which I ran for 8 weeks. I'll be banking the rest of the 5 month script. Low dose, sure. Effective, I can only assume so as I'm healing up quite well.
    Is var commonly scripted for injury recovery? Or do you just have a really cool doctor lol. Did you run that var along trt?

  6. #6
    I'm currently working out normally except that I'm keeping my weights low and taking it easy with rep range 10~15
    My plan was to do Test P 150 EOD to increase muscle mass after going down from 240lbs..I plan on keeping weights where they are I'm not quite sure if this level of test will compromise collagen synthesis? i'm actually not sure if collagen synthesis helps at all with those kind of surgeries, since it wasn't a partial tear that is recovering..


  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    Is var commonly scripted for injury recovery? Or do you just have a really cool doctor lol. Did you run that var along trt?

    Burn patients yes. Tendon injuries no. Yes, really great doc. Ran it for 8 weeks. Banking the rest.
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  8. #8
    What you'll find as you run your cycle is that you won't be able to stay at the same weight. You're going to get stronger, maybe much stronger. You won't be able to resist the temptation to go heavier because your "regular" weights will feel light and you'll be able to lift it with ease. If you lift the same weight for the duration of your cycle, you've got discipline. LOL

    HGH totally aids in recovery. I've been running HGH for a long time. This December will be 8 years. I have notice a significant increase in my ability to heal.

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