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Thread: Slingshot Training Daily Log

  1. #1

    Slingshot Training Daily Log

    Just started my "slingshot training" to get my strength up. Just keeping a daily log here to hold myself accountable. And to track my gains obviously

    7/12/2017 Day 1


    BB decline press - 95(10) 115(10) 135(10)
    BB incline press - 95(10) 95(10) 95(10)


    DB OH shoulder press - 25(10) 25(10) 25(10)
    Lateral raises - 10(10) 10(10)


    Wide grip pull down - 85(10) 85(10) 85(10)
    Close grip pull down - 100(10) 100(10)
    BB rows to lower ab - 90(10) 90(10) 90(10)
    BB rows to upper ab - 90(10) 105(10)


    Seated DB Shrugs - skipped due to time constraint


    Crunches - skipped due to time contraint

    Definitely an intense workout different from most things I've done. I feel I could have gone a bit heavier on some of these exercises but I figure this will be a good baseline for me to go off of.

  2. #2


    Seated DB curls - 25(8) 25(8) 20(8)
    Seated DB hammer curls - 20(8) 20(6)


    Lying tricep extension - 20(7) 20(4/7) 20(5/7)
    Tricep push down - 95(10) 95(10) 95(10)


    Squats - 155(10) 155(10) 155(10)
    Deadlift - 185(8)
    Leg press - 385(10) 385(10)


    Lying leg curls - 90(10) 90(10) 90(10)


    Standing calf raises - skipped due to time constraint

    Hadn't really eaten all day since I was feeling sick but I wanted to get in the gym so this was the outcome. A few things I wanted to take note of:

    My biceps were still really sore from Lats but more than that, they're weaker than I remember

    Lying tricep extensions are extremely fucking difficult with correct form

    I did an extra set of tricep push downs

    And deadlifts are still not a movement of choice for me, but I'm gonna stick with them nonetheless

  3. #3

    Decline BB Press - 115(10) 115(10) 135(10)
    Incline BB Press - 100(10) 100(10) 100(10)


    DB OH Shoulder Press - 30(10) 30(10) 30(10)
    Lateral Raises - 10(10) 10(10


    Wide grip pull down - 100(10) 100(10) 100(10)
    Close grip pull down - 100(10) 100(10)
    BB rows to lower abs - 105(10) 105(10) 105(8)
    BB rows to upper abs - 105(10) 105(8)


    Seated DB Shrugs - 50(15) 50(15)


    Crunches - 30 30 30

    Just got over some shitty food poisoning. Glad to be back in the gym

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    That's a good start keep it going keep this log going so we can see how you progress bro!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    That's a good start keep it going keep this log going so we can see how you progress bro!
    Thanks brother, I haven't had my computer for a couple weeks now but I have a couple of my workouts saved on my phone. Will post shortly!

  6. #6
    Don't have the date marked in my notes but this was around the 29th


    BB decline press - 115(10) 125(10) 135(10)
    BB incline press - 105(10) 105(10) 105(10)


    DB OH shoulder press - 35(10) 35(8) 35(7)
    Lateral raises - 10(12) 10(12) 10(12)


    Wide grip pull down - 100(10) 100(10) 100(8)
    Close grip pull down - 100(10) 100(10) 100(10)
    BB rows to lower ab - 105(10) 105(10) 105(9)
    BB rows to upper ab - 105(10) 105(10)


    Seated DB Shrugs - 50(18) 50(18)


    Crunches - 3 sets of 30

  7. #7
    Okay so I guess I don't have as many of my workouts saved to my phone notes as I thought I did, so I'm just going to post my most recent workout and continue on from there.



    BB Flat Bench

    45 x 18 (warm up)
    135 x 8
    155 x 6
    165 x 4
    170 x 3

    Tricep Pressdowns

    95 x 15
    125 x 8
    80 x 15
    110 x 8

    DB Incline Press

    45 x 8 (did this more like a db shoulder press, so I dropped the weight to focus on form)
    35 x 8
    35 x 8

    Low cable flyes

    20 x 12
    20 x 12
    20 x 12

    Workout notes:

    Felt really good today, wanted to see where I'm at with flat bench since I haven't done it in several months now. Last time I hit flat was when I was doing 155 for a 5x5 so to hit 170 felt pretty good.

    Triceps are feeling pretty gnarly lately, very happy with the progress.

    I was flaring my elbows out a little far on the incline DB press so I dropped the weight and focused on form. I felt like I was working more chest with less weight which was pretty cool. Definitely got a better feel for the exercise.

    Low cable flyes are foreign to me, so 20lbs was more than enough with strict form and controlled movement. Nonetheless, I would like to use more weight on it in the future.

    And lastly, although the stats for this workout aren't anything crazy, it felt really good. I felt like I could do a lot more but my buddy was feeling rather ill so we decided to dip out early.

    -Question for other members- Should I post pics with these posts?

  8. #8
    Hit back yesterday


    Started with some rhomboid rows to exhaust my rhomboids so I could focus on lats more

    Rhomboid Rows

    90 x 15
    100 x 120
    110 x 10

    Wide Lat Pull Down

    100 x 12
    100 x 12
    115 x 8

    EZ Bar Curls

    20 x 18
    50 x 6
    50 x 6
    50 x 6

    Close Grip Pull Down

    115 x 8
    85 x 12
    85 x 12

    Lower Back Extensions

    45 x 12
    45 x 10
    45 x 8

    Plate Shrugs

    45(45) x 15
    45(45) x 15
    45(45) x 15



    Workout Notes:

    Definitely should have eaten more throughout the day, I could feel the lack of energy.

    My biceps are weeeaaaaakkk. Gotta bring those up in the next couple weeks.

    Got some great lat activation on the pull downs.

    Lower back exts. are dope, shrugs are easy, and core is getting stronger.

    Picture attached was taken yesterday morning on no pump with some decent lighting. Feel free to critique and throw me ideas to create a more symmetrical and aesthetic look.


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	0808171539d.jpg 
Views:	122 
Size:	1.11 MB 
ID:	170238
    Last edited by trenetics; 08-17-2017 at 12:55 AM.

  9. #9

    Back Squat

    45 x 18
    225 x 2(205 x 3)
    185 x 5
    185 x 5
    185 x 5
    185 x 5

    Leg Extensions

    50 x 12
    50 x 12
    50 x 12
    50 x 12

    1 Leg-leg press

    2 plates x 12
    2 plates x 12
    2 plates x 12

    Calf Raises

    6 plates x 15
    6 plates x 15
    6 plates x 15

    fuck my legs are weak. will change
    Last edited by trenetics; 08-17-2017 at 12:56 AM.

  10. #10
    Alright I'm not exactly hitting the Slingshot Program right now, I'm just doing my workout partner's split until the start of the semester (about the end of this month). However, he agreed to try it out with me for the following 12 weeks leading up to 2018. Back to the lifts though brah



    BB Flat Bench

    45 x 18
    135 x 3
    165 x 5
    165 x 5
    165 x 3
    165 x 3
    165 x 5

    Tricep Pressdowns

    80 x 15
    110 x 8
    65 x 15
    95 x 8

    Incline DB Press

    40 x 6
    40 x 8
    40 x 8

    Low Cable Fly

    20 x 10
    20 x 10
    20 x 10
    20 x 10

    High Cable Fly

    50 x 12
    50 x 12
    80 x 10
    110 x 6 (Might have done these wrong)

    Chest is definitely getting stronger, looking forward to my next chest day
    Last edited by trenetics; 08-17-2017 at 12:57 AM.

  11. #11

    A light shoulders day to stay in the habit of going to the gym everyday

    DB Lateral Raises

    10 x 18
    15 x 12
    15 x 12
    15 x 12

    DB Shoulder Press

    35 x 12
    35 x 12
    35 x 12

    Low Cable Front Shoulder Raise

    50 x 10
    40 x 12
    40 x 12

    Seen here: -

    50 x 12
    50 x 12
    50 x 12
    50 x 12
    Last edited by trenetics; 08-17-2017 at 12:58 AM.

  12. #12


    Rhomboid Rows

    90 x 15
    100 x 15
    110 x 15


    105 x 12
    120 x 12
    120 x 12

    EZ Bar Cable Curl

    65 x 10 (standing too far from the cable at first)
    65 x 12
    65 x 12

    Wide-grip Lat Pulldowns

    75 x 12
    90 x 12
    90 x 12

    Incline DB Curls

    15 x 7
    10 x 7
    10 x 7

    Close-grip Lat Pulldowns

    100 x 10
    100 x 8
    100 x 8

    Lower Back Extensions

    25 x 12
    25 x 12
    25 x 8

    Got a decent bit of volume in today. Looking forward to leg day tomorrow and a day off on Friday. (Don't worry, I'm bulking)
    Last edited by trenetics; 08-17-2017 at 01:00 AM.

  13. #13



    45 x 18
    205 x 5
    205 x 5
    205 x 5
    205 x 5
    205 x 5

    Leg Extensions

    60 x 10
    60 x 10
    60 x 10
    60 x 10

    Leg Curls

    90 x 10
    90 x 10
    90 x 10

    One-Leg Press

    2 plates x 12
    2 plates x 12
    2 plates x 12

    Calf Raises

    8 plates x 12
    8 plates x 12
    8 plates x 10

    For the amounts that I say a certain number of plates, I'm referring to the plates from both sides combined. Just wanted to give the log more clarity.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Dallas TX area
    keeping it going.

  15. #15
    The leg workout that I said was on the 19th was actually on the 18th


    Arm day (never really did one of these but my friend is all about them so I'm giving them a shot)

    Straight bar cable curls

    30 x 18
    80 x 12
    80 x 12
    80 x 12
    80 x 12

    BB Flat Bench

    45 x 15
    135 x 3
    155 x 1
    165 x 1
    185 x 1
    205 x 1 (failed)
    200 x 1 (failed)

    Tricep press down

    95 x 12
    95 x 12
    95 x 12
    95 x 12

    Hammer curls

    20 x 10
    20 x 9
    20 x 5
    15 x 7


    55 x 10
    55 x 8
    55 x 10

    Rope curls

    80 x 10
    80 x 8
    80 x 5 65 x 3

    Weighted Dips

    25 x 9
    25 x 5
    25 x 5

    Wanted to max out bench for shits n gigs. Hit 185 easily which was cool. 205 was quite a bit heavier though haha so still got some work to do before I hit 200

    Other than that, a solid workout. Just confirmed I will be moving to another state at the start of 2018 which is exciting. Now that I have a 'deadline' of sorts, the lift goals for 1/1/2018 are:

    BB Flat Bench

    225 x 1
    205 x 3
    185 x 8


    255 x 1
    240 x 3
    225 x 8

  16. #16


    BB Flat Bench

    45 x 18
    165 x 5
    165 x 5
    165 x 5
    165 x 5
    165 x 5

    Tricep Pressdown

    95 x 12
    95 x 12
    95 x 12
    95 x 12

    DB Incline Press

    40 x 8
    40 x 8
    40 x 8
    45 x 8

    Low Cable Flyes

    20 x 10
    20 x 10
    20 x 10

    High Cable Flyes

    30 x 10
    30 x 10
    30 x 10

    Front Delt Cable Raises

    40 x 8
    40 x 8
    40 x 5 30 x 3

    Felt SOLID. Bumping up flat bench to 170 for 5x5 next workout.

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