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Thread: Trt

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Doc started me on TRT on 6/20. Just got my first bloods back. Thus far I have been on 50mg twice a week. Injections are Saturday@ 1 pm and Wednesday @ 1am. These are my results. I'm pretty concerned about e2. Doc said not to worry but I believe it's having the opposite effect that TRT should be giving me. I felt great the first month now I almost feel back to how I was before I started. I mentioned an AI and he doesn't feel comfortable with it. These expenses are all out of pocket because of the excellus plan I have so doctor hopping is out of the question. Went trough 2 other docs before I finally found this one. My hematocrit is up from 45 but it's still well within range. Cholesterol looks ok he said we need to keep an eye that it doesn't change too much more. I have a bottle of erase lying around. Wondering if this will help with my e2 problem. Also though about bringing my dose down about 20mg. Forgot to add my bloodwork. This was drawn 3.5 days after my last injection just before my next one.
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  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    A doc that starts you on twice per week injections is a step above most docs already.
    Stop worrying about injecting at exact times. It makes no difference. Just inject on the days you choose. When doesn't matter.

    You don't have an E2 problem. You have a testing problem. You need to run a sensitive E2 assay. Standard estradiol testing in men is known to be way off. It tends to run high and sometimes greatly so as it's geared for women and not sensitive enough for accuracy in men. This in turn causes guys to unnecessarily add in AI's as you are now considering. Get the right test first.

    Initially when HRT is implemented many guys get a noticeable euphoric response which is normal. It then settles down. You have to give this time. It doesn't happen overnight.

    Your Hema is still just fine. Keep an eye on it and learn how this protocol effects you.

    Yes, you have room to reduce your dose slightly if you choose.

    Your cholesterol is just fine imho. A good indicator of cardiac risk is to divide your triglycerides by your HDL. If the result is around 2 or less your risk is nil. Your result is great.

    Is HCG in your future?
    Last edited by kelkel; 08-23-2017 at 10:39 PM.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016
    What kel said. That saves me the time to give the exact same advice. Your other labs look great. Regarding feeling great the fist month, some guys go through this and others don't. I did. I call it the Superman effect. It's a steroid high that is not sustainable. Your hormones are a moving target the first 4 weeks and it simply takes time for them to adjust to a new equilibrium.

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