What's up guys..looking for some advice and info on a cycle. I am 35 workout 5 days a week and have been doing so for many years. I feel I have done fairly good natural. I have done one cycle of test deca about 15 yrs ago, and in the following years I have done a few oral cycles of tren, tt40, mma3 by ameri labs before they were shut down. I did not like the orals as my liver function and cholesterol were dangerously high. I had my test level checked and came in at 315 total and free was like 12...seemed low but the doctor didn't do anything. Okay now to the question I am looking at doing another cycle, thinking a test, deca, or test tren, with maybe var or eq not sure on the third or even if I want a third..compound. I would like to know what you guys think, and at what dosage of each. I am wanting to put some size on and lean out, and I know diet is key to the leaning aspect. I am not looking for a bunch of water retention. Also my PCT on my last pin cycle was nolvadex and Clomid, I have taken HCGenerate and wondered if these three would be sufficient. I'm looking for someone to lay out a plan for me for around 10 weeks..thanks guys.hate to be asking so blindly but the amount of info and accronims on these forums is overwhelming...and I would like the advice of people with experience.