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Thread: Injuries suck!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Angry Injuries suck!

    Mother f*r! Last night, I fu(ked my back up big time on the leg press. After warming my legs up thoroughly w/ 5 minutes on the bike, 2 light 20 rep sets of extensions and 1 20 rep set of 225 on squats, I worked my way up to squatting 365 for 6...then proceeded to my 1st set of leg presses with only 12 plates. I always go ass to ankles on squats and knees to chest on presses but this time, I took it a little too far. On my 3rd rep of presses, I brought my knees all the way down, touched my chest and my ass started rolling back a little from being scrunched up. Just as I pushed back up, I felt something pull in my lower back and the weight started heading back down. I had no spotter, so the adrenaline kicked in and I pushed it back up and racked it, only to sit there in shock, not being able to move really, in excrutiating pain. I didn't want to make a big scene so I waited about 3 minutes until I saw my wife and yelled for her to come over. I told her I couldn't move and she needed to help me up. Well, she pulled me up but when I stood up, I went white as a ghost and my mouth went dry and everything started to go black. I gathered my sh!t and made my way over to the ab mats and collapsed. After drinking some water and laying there for a half hour, I was able to get up and walk to our truck where my wife drove me home and I've been laid up ever since. Luckily, I had plenty of vikatin so I've been feeling a little better, but I still can't walk without a ****load of pain. I'm getting an MRI done tomorrow to see if I slipped a disc or just pulled a muscle (hopefully). I'll have to keep you all posted. I just never thought to wear a belt on the leg press, which I think would have really helped to prevent this. I've pulled my back like this before doing deadlifts in 98 and I was OK after a few days so I'm hoping this turns out the same. I never thought I could pull my lower back out on the leg press. Let this be a reminder....full range of motion is necessary...just know when to stop....I should of stopped the rep when my knees touched my chest but I let the weight push them back even further which took my ass off the seat...bad move.

    One question: AS helps your body repair broken down muscles but will it speed up the recovery of a torn muscle? I'm just starting the 5th week of my cycle now of 750 Cyp, 600 Eq/wk (and I just finished 4 weeks of dbol @ 40mgs/day).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Bummer bro i did something similar about 5 - 6 months ago. At the time i was on eq as well and it took me 3 months after the injury before i could get back under the squat rack.Doctor told me to wait 5 months but i felt fine i dunno if that had anything to do with the cycle (eq/test). Hopefully its just a pulled muscle in that case you will be back in no time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Nowhere, USA
    Sorry to hear about it man.. i totally know what you're going through.. i've got a mild case of spina bifida.. born with one vertabrae that looks more like a right triangle than a square.. so as a result every 6 months or so i aggravate a disk and i'm laid up for a few days. Just make sure you don't push yourself before you're ready.. best way to get a lot of unneccesary pain.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    Man back injuries suk. I just had that few months ago. I lost count on how many tubes of icyhot I went through. Laid me up in bed for couple weeks with no lifting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Oh yea have fun getting your shoes on when your old lady aint around

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    The shoes are gonna be a problem! Thanks for the support fellas. I am praying it's just a torn muscle and I am planning to be in the gym tomorrow night if that's what it is. I don't have time for pain!

  7. #7
    Swellin Guest
    I hate to hear about folks hurting their backs! That can be something you never fully get over. I broke mine in 1994, and I have unreal lowerback problems still. For those who have never had a back problem, it is difficult to understand just how debilitating it can be.
    One of the worst things is never being comfortable.

    Sorry bro, hopefully it is a pulled muscle/pinched nerve.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    you are so right swellin...a back injury makes you realize how much you can take your health for granted. thanks bro

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sorry to hear about your injury bro.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    thanks Palmy

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    Quote Originally Posted by pumpseeker
    you are so right swellin...a back injury makes you realize how much you can take your health for granted. thanks bro
    I agree that back injuries can be a humbling experience but don't rush back into the gym until you are fully healed. Hope your recovery is quick and relatively pain free.

  12. #12
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    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by chicamahomico
    I agree that back injuries can be a humbling experience but don't rush back into the gym until you are fully healed. Hope your recovery is quick and relatively pain free.
    thanks bro. I am already walking again. I just can't bend over too well. I hope I am 100% within a few days. I may have to lay off the deads for a while though. :depressed: hopefully not squats though !

  13. #13
    Swellin Guest
    If I try and go heavy on either deads or squats, I can't walk for two days...I just hobble. Military is tough on the lower back too...primarily when it is already giving me grief from squats or deads.

    Take it slow and easy. Do lots of stretching. I found that I can hang from a bar and rotate my pelvis forward, until the right angle is reached, that relieves pressure. Intense pain courses my lower body for a short while, but after several of these movements, I can walk again...for a while.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Im sorry to hear that... I have been havin slight back problems my self and it ****in sucks but i have been working through them.. Hope everything is ok...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    ive been out of the lifting room for 7 month last year...
    i was totaly freaking out...

    now i lift, but i have to lift like a gay, doctor told me ill have to deal with this messed shoulder all my life... it s*ucks big time...

    good bye goals and dream...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    good luck bro I did the exact same thing on the leg press about 5 years back. The seat was rounded so there was about 3" of space between lower back and the cushion. That was probably the worst pain I've ever felt in my back, when I lowered it down. Luckily it healed in about a week so I hope the mri goes well, and it's nothing serious

  17. #17
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    Sorry to hear it bro...good luck with the recovery...

  18. #18
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    Aug 2002
    thanks a lot guys. I got the MRI this morning. Just waiting for the results now. I'll post em up when I get my fingers crossed it's nothing. One development though. I'm hearing pain killers make you constipated...that's all I need. I'm gonna hit 230 quicker than I thought with all the food I'm shoveling in!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Yeah and you will get the runs when you stop taking them haha!

  20. #20
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    Well, I just got the word back from the doc. I've got early compression of the lumbar 5 disc in my back. At age 26, that's not good. Basically, it means the disc is slipping from all the years of heavy back work I've done. I don't need surgery, but I was advised to lay off the weights for a while! This is not an option. I'll work around the injury but I will not stop lifting. These docs can be so conservative...he told me to take up swimming! I'm seeing a neuro surgeon tomorrow to discuss what I can and can't do. I may have to stop doing squats and deads...whether that's temporary or permanent...I don't know yet. But I'll be in the gym tonight lifting, I'll just have to work around this.

  21. #21
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    No idea what "early compression" is, but conservative or not, it seems like a good idea (to me, anyway) to hold off on anything that might aggravate your condition until you learn more about what you're dealing with, and what you can and can't do without making things worse . . .
    Taking a week or two or three off shouldn't affect your progress too much . . . better to do that and learn about your problem than to risk pushing things too far and end up with surgery or something . . .

  22. #22
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    You make a good point tock. Hopefully the doc tomorrow can explain everything to me from a sympathetic view point. I was planning to start competing this spring and I need more leg size. This can't happen without...well, you all know what I'm sayin...I'll keep ya posted.

  23. #23
    Swellin Guest
    ****! Sorry to hear that bro. Hopefully, the surgeon will have a bit better word for you. I would certainly stay away from squats with that least in the very short term. Good luck.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2003
    good luck on a speedy recovery bro

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Yea bro good luck dont rush it you will be better off this way. Just do workouts to maintain your leg size if anything. I wouldnt push the limits right now if i where you ..

  26. #26
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpseeker
    Mother f*r! Last night, I fu(ked my back up big time on the leg press. After warming my legs up thoroughly w/ 5 minutes on the bike, 2 light 20 rep sets of extensions and 1 20 rep set of 225 on squats, I worked my way up to squatting 365 for 6...then proceeded to my 1st set of leg presses with only 12 plates. I always go ass to ankles on squats and knees to chest on presses but this time, I took it a little too far. On my 3rd rep of presses, I brought my knees all the way down, touched my chest and my ass started rolling back a little from being scrunched up. Just as I pushed back up, I felt something pull in my lower back and the weight started heading back down. I had no spotter, so the adrenaline kicked in and I pushed it back up and racked it, only to sit there in shock, not being able to move really, in excrutiating pain. I didn't want to make a big scene so I waited about 3 minutes until I saw my wife and yelled for her to come over. I told her I couldn't move and she needed to help me up. Well, she pulled me up but when I stood up, I went white as a ghost and my mouth went dry and everything started to go black. I gathered my sh!t and made my way over to the ab mats and collapsed. After drinking some water and laying there for a half hour, I was able to get up and walk to our truck where my wife drove me home and I've been laid up ever since. Luckily, I had plenty of vikatin so I've been feeling a little better, but I still can't walk without a ****load of pain. I'm getting an MRI done tomorrow to see if I slipped a disc or just pulled a muscle (hopefully). I'll have to keep you all posted. I just never thought to wear a belt on the leg press, which I think would have really helped to prevent this. I've pulled my back like this before doing deadlifts in 98 and I was OK after a few days so I'm hoping this turns out the same. I never thought I could pull my lower back out on the leg press. Let this be a reminder....full range of motion is necessary...just know when to stop....I should of stopped the rep when my knees touched my chest but I let the weight push them back even further which took my ass off the seat...bad move.

    One question: AS helps your body repair broken down muscles but will it speed up the recovery of a torn muscle? I'm just starting the 5th week of my cycle now of 750 Cyp, 600 Eq/wk (and I just finished 4 weeks of dbol @ 40mgs/day).
    I wonder if DBol lower back pumps have anything to do with your injury. I pulled my lower back last year doing deadlifts and I was laid up for 3 days. I took 2 whole weeks off from the gym to heal and started training light the 3rd week and I was OK. Just take it easy and rest.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    **** pump, this sucks. im sorry man.

    On leg presses I usually have someone hold my shoulders down, and make sure your holding yourself down with the handles.

    My best, and speedy recovery!

  28. #28
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    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by bigol'legs
    **** pump, this sucks. im sorry man.

    On leg presses I usually have someone hold my shoulders down, and make sure your holding yourself down with the handles.

    My best, and speedy recovery!
    What that A'hole said

    because I've a big squat and a weaker back I pre-exhaust my back on the leg press. But I'm always (110%) of the time aware of rounding out my back, so I also get someone to hold down my shoulders and grab myself intight to the machine. Either way, take your time getting back into training. A week or 4 ain't gonna make F'all difference.

  29. #29
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    thanks guys...some good advice about having a friend hold down your shoulders...and watching not to round out your back. I'm also going to wear a belt next time on these too. I actually went and hit my upper back tonight and biceps and calves. I was careful not to place any stress on my lower back and I am feeling much better. I wonder if the AS had anything to do with how quickly I am feeling better. Carlos (btw, like the new avatar bro! )---I was wondering the same thing myself about the dbol lower back pumps...Saturday was my 28th day on 40mgs/Day of dbol and my back was pumped to all hell after hitting those squats. Last week, I almost felt water just collecting in my lower back. So when I started the leg press, it was tight and sore already. Makes ya wonder.

    But the most valuable thing I learned in this situation is NEVER ROUND OUT YOUR BACK ON THE LEG PRESS !

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    and pump.... you better start eating your wheaties

  31. #31
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    and with the belt... I wont use it, the thickness actually pushes your back father from the pad, and it makes you feel "safe". Just concentrate really hard on keeping your abs and back tight as you come down and push.

  32. #32
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpseeker
    thanks guys...some good advice about having a friend hold down your shoulders...and watching not to round out your back. I'm also going to wear a belt next time on these too. I actually went and hit my upper back tonight and biceps and calves. I was careful not to place any stress on my lower back and I am feeling much better. I wonder if the AS had anything to do with how quickly I am feeling better. Carlos (btw, like the new avatar bro! )---I was wondering the same thing myself about the dbol lower back pumps...Saturday was my 28th day on 40mgs/Day of dbol and my back was pumped to all hell after hitting those squats. Last week, I almost felt water just collecting in my lower back. So when I started the leg press, it was tight and sore already. Makes ya wonder.

    But the most valuable thing I learned in this situation is NEVER ROUND OUT YOUR BACK ON THE LEG PRESS !
    Thanks for the compliment.

    Personally, I don't like dbols. I got lower back pumps so bad I could barely walk. I'll never do them again.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpseeker
    Last week, I almost felt water just collecting in my lower back.
    Well, good news! Saw a neuro surgeon yesterday and he gave me a clean bill of health. I had no problem doing the twists, bends and stretches he had me perform so he was impressed at how quickly I recovered. Said I could continue squatting, deadlifts, etc. but to just use my best judgement. Funny thing was, when he was showing me my MRI Xray pics, he pointed out that I had excess water around my lower back...I was right when I said it above...dbol ain't no joke with lower back pumps and holding water. Anyway, all in all, I only had to take 1 day off from the gym and it's back to business ! And I still love dbols!

  34. #34
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpseeker
    Well, good news! Saw a neuro surgeon yesterday and he gave me a clean bill of health. I had no problem doing the twists, bends and stretches he had me perform so he was impressed at how quickly I recovered. Said I could continue squatting, deadlifts, etc. but to just use my best judgement. Funny thing was, when he was showing me my MRI Xray pics, he pointed out that I had excess water around my lower back...I was right when I said it above...dbol ain't no joke with lower back pumps and holding water. Anyway, all in all, I only had to take 1 day off from the gym and it's back to business ! And I still love dbols!
    ****, you should pay me those doctor fees. I was the first to bring up Dbols and lower back pumps being the culprit. Nice to see you back on your feet. Now go get HUGE!

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Glad to hear everything is ok with you pump it wouldnt of been cool to see you win Ar's contest with a messed up look on your face because you cant stand or sit straight when they take the winning photo.........I love dbol too....minus the back pumps of course
    Last edited by mass junkie; 12-31-2003 at 10:49 AM.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Dang im glad your alright pump...

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