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Thread: 2nd cycle: test / tren / mast

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    2nd cycle: test / tren / mast

    I'm in PCT from my first cycle and am planning my next cycle for feb or march next year. It will be a test/tren/mast cycle and I know it's a rough cycle so I want to be sure I've nailed everything down. Also, I'm unsure of the doses as they should be adapted to my weight, right?

    Age: 34
    Height: 172cm (5.6 feet)
    Weight: 80kg (176 lbs) (Started at 72kg, peaked at 85kg a month ago and now I'm stable at 80kg in PCT)
    Body fat: 12-15% (Don't have an exact number but ribs and top 4 abs are visible)

    Last cycle:
    1-16: Test-E 500mg ew
    8-14: Deca 400mg ew
    1-16: Adex
    18-22: PCT

    Upcoming cycle:
    1-12: Test-E 500mg ew, 250mg e3.5d
    1-10: Tren-E 400mg ew, 200mg e3.5d (Tren-A first 5 weeks)
    1-12: Mast 350mg ew, 100mg eod

    I'd like to run Test and Tren a bit lower, around 350, but with these vials this is the best I can do without to much time between injections.

    The reason I'm running mast is for libido.

    And of course, AI, Caber, liver sups, kidney sups, lipid sups and PCT.
    Last edited by VII; 11-22-2017 at 08:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    from an experienced Tren and Test user, I can guarantee you that you don't need to run masteron just for libidio . thats not what its for in this type of cycle . unless your super prolactin sensitive, the term 'tren dick' actually means having a raging hard on all day long that wants to fuck everything in sight !! (for you poor guys that are prolactin sensitive and you don't run caber, fine, tren can effect you sexually .. but for most guys tren makes you a sex addict)

    on the main point though . tren for a second cycle is ridiculous . thats like a virgin who just got laid for the fist time thinking he's suddenly going to become the next best male porn star cause he was able to bust a nut on some chick for the fist time.
    you got a way way ways to go there (even though you are 34 , so at that age I'd say your not that far off and hopefully have some life lessons of responsibility before running something like Tren , but geeesh man, not a second cycle)

    edit : on a side note, tren/test/mast cycle has never let me down, so I know why its appealing to you to jump into tren right away . but man I waited years and lots of cycles before running tren for the first time.
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-22-2017 at 08:55 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You didn’t even run deca properly the first time why not just run that again but correctly this time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    from an experienced Tren and Test user, I can guarantee you that you don't need to run masteron just for libidio . thats not what its for in this type of cycle . unless your super prolactin sensitive, the term 'tren dick' actually means having a raging hard on all day long that wants to fuck everything in sight !! (for you poor guys that are prolactin sensitive and you don't run caber, fine, tren can effect you sexually .. but for most guys tren makes you a sex addict)

    on the main point though . tren for a second cycle is ridiculous . thats like a virgin who just got laid for the fist time thinking he's suddenly going to become the next best male porn star cause he was able to bust a nut on some chick for the fist time.
    you got a way way ways to go there (even though you are 34 , so at that age I'd say your not that far off and hopefully have some life lessons of responsibility before running something like Tren , but geeesh man, not a second cycle)

    edit : on a side note, tren/test/mast cycle has never let me down, so I know why its appealing to you to jump into tren right away . but man I waited years and lots of cycles before running tren for the first time.
    i like your analogy!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Big Trouble, Little China
    I LOVE tren but it is just something to use every now and then. I would not suggest running tren for your 2nd cycle. The only side I really get is cardio and sweating. I can do a boxing/kick boxing class easy for 2 hours but with tren in a cycle I can not do cardio for 30 minutes.

    At your age, I would suggest that you stay away from tren for a cycle or two more. When you know your body, as far as how it acts on AAS, then get tren A. It all depends on what your goals are.

    I would also suggest waiting until after the holidays to start your next cycle with more than Test only. Even Vets know the hardest time of the year to do a cycle is around this time. Way to many things goiong on and if you are going to be around family then tren is not a wise choice. IMHO.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Hey guys, thanks for all the replies!

    I'd actually prefer to run a mass cycle of deca, but I have an important meeting in march/april where I want to look my best. No way I'm going there on deca... and I can't imagine anything better than tren to get me there.

    As for being my 2nd cycle, well, I could compensate by running a lower dose, right?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Diet. Diet is better than any compound for looking good. Why do you think deca is no good for looking good. Maybe it was the test, how do you know if you’ve never run test alone?

    Your first cycle was overkill although you didn’t run your deca long enough in any event. No HCG either? You should extend your PCT after running deca. You don’t detail your PCT but I’d recommend

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20

    Any running tren because you have an important meeting? Wow, wrong reason completely.

    Time off should be length of cycle plus PCT so, 16 weeks + wait time of 2 weeks plus PCT so so that’s around 24 weeks. Of course, blood work around 8 weeks after PCT will let you know how you are recovering if you can compare it to pre cycle bloodwork.

  8. #8
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    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Diet. Diet is better than any compound for looking good. Why do you think deca is no good for looking good. Maybe it was the test, how do you know if you’ve never run test alone?
    Well, I was really puffy at the end of this cycle. When I dropped the deca I lost 5kg water in 2 weeks. After dropping the test 2 weeks after that my weight didnt move. So, I'm going to assume the deca was responsible for the bloat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Your first cycle was overkill although you didn’t run your deca long enough in any event. No HCG either? You should extend your PCT after running deca. You don’t detail your PCT but I’d recommend

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20
    Thanks for heads-up! I'm starting the 4th week of exactly that PCT-protocol today, but for 4 weeks only. I have enough clomid and nolva at hand for a 5th week. (I'm thinking to extend the clomid by one week as well, shouldnt hurt, right?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Any running tren because you have an important meeting? Wow, wrong reason completely.
    Well, it's not like a business meeting... As if I were competing, its a date when I want to look my best.

    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Time off should be length of cycle plus PCT so, 16 weeks + wait time of 2 weeks plus PCT so so that’s around 24 weeks. Of course, blood work around 8 weeks after PCT will let you know how you are recovering if you can compare it to pre cycle bloodwork.
    You are right, I'd have to see what the BW says. My natural total test level before this cycle was 350 ng/dl and free test only 8 pg/ml, so, it shouldn't be that hard to catch up to. Something tells me I have trt coming anyway. Going above 8 pg/ml for free test has been such a relief for me mentally and sexually.
    Last edited by VII; 11-23-2017 at 02:17 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by VII View Post
    Hey guys, thanks for all the replies!

    I'd actually prefer to run a mass cycle of deca, but I have an important meeting in march/april where I want to look my best. No way I'm going there on deca... and I can't imagine anything better than tren to get me there.

    As for being my 2nd cycle, well, I could compensate by running a lower dose, right?
    NO! Tren isn't something you need right now it's diet bro.

  10. #10
    human project's Avatar
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    This is my all time faveroite stack hands down. Run caber and get an extra gf or two

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Tren for a date. Are you planning on telling her off? Tren has the tendency to make people irritable.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Big Trouble, Little China
    Masteron just for libido - NO. Test and Tren will take care of your libido. Here is what you need to read about Masteron

    Run a few more cycles of test first. You will get plenty of gains with test alone.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    from an experienced Tren and Test user, I can guarantee you that you don't need to run masteron just for libidio . thats not what its for in this type of cycle . unless your super prolactin sensitive, the term 'tren dick' actually means having a raging hard on all day long that wants to fuck everything in sight !! (for you poor guys that are prolactin sensitive and you don't run caber, fine, tren can effect you sexually .. but for most guys tren makes you a sex addict)

    on the main point though . tren for a second cycle is ridiculous . thats like a virgin who just got laid for the fist time thinking he's suddenly going to become the next best male porn star cause he was able to bust a nut on some chick for the fist time.
    you got a way way ways to go there (even though you are 34 , so at that age I'd say your not that far off and hopefully have some life lessons of responsibility before running something like Tren , but geeesh man, not a second cycle)

    edit : on a side note, tren/test/mast cycle has never let me down, so I know why its appealing to you to jump into tren right away . but man I waited years and lots of cycles before running tren for the first time.
    Tren/test/mast is my personal fav cycle

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by VII View Post
    Hey guys, thanks for all the replies!

    I'd actually prefer to run a mass cycle of deca, but I have an important meeting in march/april where I want to look my best. No way I'm going there on deca... and I can't imagine anything better than tren to get me there.

    As for being my 2nd cycle, well, I could compensate by running a lower dose, right?


    Cycle to look good for an important meeting...

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post

    Cycle to look good for an important meeting...
    I thought that ha. Quite an interesting end goal there

  16. #16
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    Jul 2017
    Hahaha... I'm meeting with this old girlfriend from 4 years back. It's really messed up. I thought she dumped me and she thought I dumped her and we just stopped talking while both mourned the loss in silence. We've cleared up the misunderstanding now and are meeting next year. And, I just want to blow her away.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by VII View Post
    Hahaha... I'm meeting with this old girlfriend from 4 years back. It's really messed up. I thought she dumped me and she thought I dumped her and we just stopped talking while both mourned the loss in silence. We've cleared up the misunderstanding now and are meeting next year. And, I just want to blow her away.
    if your prolactin sensitive and your dick won't work for months from running the Tren , aint nothing going to get 'blown' .

    just stick to some test, train and diet hard

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    I have never used caber, but I can say trenbolone is the only AAS that gave me erection dysfunction issues post cycle. It is the hardest to recover from. Also you will likely sweat all over her when having sex on tren (and at night and more in the gym). Besides test, mast is probably my favorite. Why not just run test and mast?

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by VII View Post
    Hahaha... I'm meeting with this old girlfriend from 4 years back. It's really messed up. I thought she dumped me and she thought I dumped her and we just stopped talking while both mourned the loss in silence. We've cleared up the misunderstanding now and are meeting next year. And, I just want to blow her away.
    running Tren is the most idiotic thing a guy can do when trying to re kindle a relationship

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