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Thread: HCG for increasing Test Levels

  1. #1

    HCG for increasing Test Levels

    Hey all.
    1) Im 33 male, Working out for 4 years, 60 kgs. My T levels are around 400 (increased from around 350 a year ago), I dont have any problems as such but its really difficult to gain muscles at that T levels. Docs refuse to prescribe TRT since i am in normal range, though he gave me androgel 5 mg for 10 days, and that didnt do anything much. I just bought HCG 2000IU (not intending to use it without proper research), I wish to bring my T to 750 - 800 range How wise would it be to use HCG in therapeutic range for few weeks or so to increase my T levels? If its a good idea, could you kindly suggest me the safe dosage and duration I should use it for, anything else to use along with it , along with precautions if any. I tried clomid but it hurts my eyes thats why I didnt continue it.

    2) I was planing for my first Low dose Test Enanthate HCG cycle and i came across this video he says that you wouldn't be able to maintain the gain. Is that true, you wouldn be able to maintain gains unless you maintain a high level of Testosterone levels, and you may have to do that throughout your life. I intended to just increase 5 pounds of muscles and then support them with nutrition.

    3) Do low doses of Androgel like 15mg for two weeks cause a shutdown? Would i need a PCT ? Not sure how much out of it would actually get into my blood.

    Thanks in Advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    You can only support what your hormone, food intake etc. can support. It probably doesn't take as much hormones to support a muscle as it does to grow it. But look at the pro's and others who quit doing all the drugs, they shrink way down.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Bad idea. If you're looking to only gain 5 lbs you should easily be able to do that without any form of meds. Visit the Nutrition Forum here and lay out your foot intake to the guys and they'll help you. It's seriously not worth the risk of shutting down your HPTA for 5 lbs. And like balin referenced above, nutrition determines whether you maintain your gains. If you don't eat enough to support the new found muscle then it will simply go away.

    Your doc giving you Androgel for a short time does more harm than good. Stupid idea by your doctor who obviously does not understand hormones. Agel takes time to shut you down. No doubt it suppressed your T levels but it's doubtful you were shut down. No, you do not need pct, just a better doctor.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  4. #4
    Thanks a ton Kelkel, you've always been a messiah for me. Keep up the good work. And one more thing, do you think SARMS could be a good option?

    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Bad idea. If you're looking to only gain 5 lbs you should easily be able to do that without any form of meds. Visit the Nutrition Forum here and lay out your foot intake to the guys and they'll help you. It's seriously not worth the risk of shutting down your HPTA for 5 lbs. And like balin referenced above, nutrition determines whether you maintain your gains. If you don't eat enough to support the new found muscle then it will simply go away.

    Your doc giving you Androgel for a short time does more harm than good. Stupid idea by your doctor who obviously does not understand hormones. Agel takes time to shut you down. No doubt it suppressed your T levels but it's doubtful you were shut down. No, you do not need pct, just a better doctor.

  5. #5
    Thank you Balin, Whats your opinion on SARMS?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by paul01090 View Post
    Thank you Balin, Whats your opinion on SARMS?
    SARMs are just steroids by another name.
    Don't believe the hype.
    They are suppressive.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Bragging to someone
    nothing wrong with just coming over to the dark side completely

  8. #8
    Thank you. Well, then can i use HCG just to boost my test levels up, like 500IU per week for three - four weeks. What is your suggestion. Will using HCG cause any supression? and is it Harmful? What are the precautions I need to use with HCG?

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    HCG over time is suppressive to your natural LH output. So yes, it will slowly decrease your endogenous T production. Precautions are to not use it unless you need it.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul01090 View Post
    Thank you Balin, Whats your opinion on SARMS?
    I have never really spent a lot of time looking into SARM's

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