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Thread: So why wouldn't low dosage of test be beneficial?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    So why wouldn't low dosage of test be beneficial?

    I keep reading comments from various sources that 200mg week of test isn't enough to make gains. But why not? You still would have more testosterone in your body than virtually ever natty person alive. So why wouldn't it lead to muscle growth?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    Due to the fact that when you put external testosterone is suppressive to natural testosterone. Being 23, your test levels are high enough to get all the gains that you want by eating correctly and putting in the hard work at the gym.
    Last edited by David LoPan; 12-06-2017 at 12:20 PM. Reason: Age wrong due to join date

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    If youre going to be shut down make it worth your while. Dont shut yourself down to do what could be done naturally.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    Quote Originally Posted by Divan View Post
    I keep reading comments from various sources that 200mg week of test isn't enough to make gains. But why not? You still would have more testosterone in your body than virtually ever natty person alive. So why wouldn't it lead to muscle growth?
    If it helps to understand it better think about it this way. I have been on TRT for years and my dose is 200 mg a week. So when you shut down your own natural test production 200 is going to keep you somewhere near where you are now. Hope this helps.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    more testosterone does not linearly mean more more muscle gain , i.e, as testosterone levels go up muscle building does not go up at the same amount in linear and equal fashion . 200mg of test may simply be a replacement dose for some people . so if someone has 700 ng/dl of test and they then take 200mg of test from a needle, they simply replace that 700 ng/dl natty test with 700-900 ng/dl exogenous test . that replacement is not going to promote an anabolic response.

    however take that 700 natural level and replace it with 5000+ ng/dl supra-physiological levels and all the sudden your body turns into an anabolic machine . you need enough to illicit this type of response , and for most people that have normal test levels 200mg a week is not going to do that

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