I’m on my 3rd cycle of test E I am running 1mg of 250 twice a week, exactly the same as the first two cycles previous cycles lasted 12 weeks.
I keep my diet clean throughout the year and train 4 days a week.
First cycle gave me the most results as I got really lean and felt amazing, although it was test E I got a tickly cough as soon as I injected every time and some ppl suggest this is a teen trait. On cycle my test was >58 on the day before next jab.
Second cycle I ballooned and gained around 1.5 stone but looked big and bulky which I didn’t really like and I didn’t have the same feel good feeling as the first cycle, although I was more confident. On cycle my test was >56 on the day before next jab.
3rd cycle I feel absolutely no different to not taking it, I feel lathargic, no sex drive, a bit heavier, no change in the gym just a back FULL of painful spots. My test was >54 on the day before next jab, done 10 days ago and I’m 7 weeks in to a 12 week cycle.
Any ideas? I’m thinking of either just coming off or trying some 400??