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Thread: Advice

  1. #1


    Need some advice. I am going about this backwards for sure. But I'm 42 just did 3moths of Test Prop and Deca. Just dropped Deca and added Tren. First time I've ever used it. I was told to do 100mg of tren e 1 a week and 200mg of Test prop 2 times a week. I'm 6'1", 245lbs, been on a diet for 6 months and have lost 60lbs. My current BMI is approx 32. My diet now is 2400 cal. 45% protein 35% carbs 25% fats. I work out 5 times a week and do 6 miles of cardio a week. I want to to build lean muscle and loose fat. I've read where beginners shouldn't use tren, but I'm here now. Looking for some advice and recommendations. Starting my second week on Tren E and Test Prop. I may switch to Test cyp because I have more on hand. Thoughts and suggestions how to navigate this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    If you just ran 12 week cycle I would stop do pct and let your body recover. Save your gear for the next cycle.
    I would not run tren on your second cycle either. Tren is very harsh for some people and should not be used until you are more experienced. Just my opinion.
    I would also recommend lowering your BF before running any more cycles. I also wouldn't run deca if you are trying to lose Bf.
    Don't listen to the person that gave you the advice on how to run tren and test p they have no idea of what they are talking about.
    Are you on TRT now?
    Last edited by diesel101; 12-11-2017 at 12:02 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Cycle experience?
    Lay out what you are running now and length.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    Quote Originally Posted by EagerGains View Post
    Need some advice. I am going about this backwards for sure. But I'm 42 just did 3moths of Test Prop and Deca. Just dropped Deca and added Tren. First time I've ever used it. I was told to do 100mg of tren e 1 a week and 200mg of Test prop 2 times a week. I'm 6'1", 245lbs, been on a diet for 6 months and have lost 60lbs. My current BMI is approx 32. My diet now is 2400 cal. 45% protein 35% carbs 25% fats. I work out 5 times a week and do 6 miles of cardio a week. I want to to build lean muscle and loose fat. I've read where beginners shouldn't use tren, but I'm here now. Looking for some advice and recommendations. Starting my second week on Tren E and Test Prop. I may switch to Test cyp because I have more on hand. Thoughts and suggestions how to navigate this.
    First off, great job on losing weight. I have bolded your issues that you are going to run into. I would suggest first of all is go get your bloodwork done!Your BMI is not a good indicator of what we need as far as your stats. But a BMI of 32 is still obese. Your diet is a little low against you BMI scale. You should be eating at a 500 deficet but if what your are doing is working than keep doing it. Post your diet in the diet area and they will get your on point.

    Your testosterone is IDK what you are doing. But Test Prop is used more than twice a week and you did not put what you were taking. I assume you have high estrogen and I hope your on a aromatase inhibitor like Aromasin or Arimidex. The higher your BF % is the more estrogen you will have. I would suggest that you go to a TRT dose of your Test C, like 200 mg a week (take every 3.5 days) and work on getting that body fat off. (I say this only due to your age and I do not think you are going to stop using AAS). But go get a physical and bloodwork done. Bloodwork at the very least.

    Test have shut down your own natural testosterone. Have you been using HCG? I would keep your tren on the shelf. Your body fat is too high! Both Tren is a 19-nor steroid like Deca but is a bronbchial constrictior so there goes your running 6 miles. Have you been taking anything to combat the side of high progestogen? The effects all these AAS in your system will effect your health. Being older like I am you need to now your bloodwork. Dropping 60 pounds is amazing but what is going on inside of you? These chems will effect your Cholestrol and not in a good way. They will also effect your liver.

    I rambled on there but bottle line, you need to lose BF and get your bloodwork done. Here is a great place to start reading about using AAS.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Who ever gave you that advice about cycling does not know much give the info asked for so you can be helped.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    you've already been on a cycle for 3 months , why are you starting another one now ? after 8-12 weeks myostatin is already up-regulated and you start to de-sensitize to the anabolics .

    if you didn't get what you wanted out of the 3 month cycle you just did, then you should re evaluate your diet and training, not take more drugs

  7. #7
    I am doing 200mg of test prop. But I have not nor do I have Aromasin. I also have not run a HCG. I have nothing to combat progestogen. The results to the last cycle was great. As far as muscle gain but I def have a lot of BF. The tren I got I was told if I use it at a low dose would help me burn it off. I just went into it dumb and blind. I know that but I had stopped taking my Test C because I only get 1 vial a month of 200mg. So When I started the test prop I started at 100mg a week and 50mg a week on deca last 3 months. I didn't have any sides that I know of. I've got about 14 vials of Test C 200mg each stored up. So basically 14 shots. I was trying to get more test prop to run with the tren. So, even running the tren at 100mg a week is bad?

    I had blood work done a couple months ago with my gen Dr. and I had just started the test prop and my test level was 1500. All my other levels were fine. But I'm not sure about the estrogen.

    How many calories should I be consuming? What is your suggestion? I stop losing weight and started gaining muscle. I've been stuck at the 243-245 range for a couple of months but my body is showing major muscle gains and I'm losing inches in my waste. Even though my weight hasn't changed much. I also just added the cardio. I lost the 60lbs on diet alone.

  8. #8


    Thanks for the site info. I wish I would have consulted it before I jumped in. So is the tren going to be useless? If I shelf it. What about dbol? I also got some fo that but didn't know about any of the other things you suggested. Read my post below. I answered some of you questions.

  9. #9
    I didn't know any better honestly. Since I've taken Test c and prop in the past for extended lengths I never knew it was an issue. I'm learning the hard way I guess.

  10. #10
    The only cycle experience I've had was running test prop 100mg a week 3 months at a time. I just finished a 12 week cycle of test prop 100mg a week and 50mg of deca a week. Last week I switched to 200mg of test prop a week and 100mg Tren a week. 2 shots (100mg test prop and 50mg tren on Mon and Thurs).

  11. #11
    The guy I got the gear from says real HCG IS LIKE $650 a month! Serious?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    "real HCG" ,, come on hcg been around for years. its not costly and it works and you'll know in a week or not if its real. I spend a couple hundred dollars per year on hcg just to keep the balls full and going . not sure what 650$ a month of hcg would ever do anyone , maybe you own a zoo and got 30 elephant balls to fill back up, idk

  13. #13
    Glad to hear that. I may need to find a new source.

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