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Thread: Gyno or just paranoid?

  1. #1

    Gyno or just paranoid?

    Hello everyone,

    Currently I am 4 weeks into my 10 week cycle of 500mg Test E a week.
    This is my second cycle, the first being also Test E but a lower dose and only 7 weeks.
    I've been reading a bit on gyno and lately I have been thinking my nipples have got a bit puffier.
    I've tried to feel behind the nipple if there was any glandular tissue but can't really tell if its just fat since its also on the sides of my pecs.
    I got a quite high fat percentage since I am also bulking for rugby so its hard to tell.

    It would be great if someone can help me to identify if these are early symptoms of gyno or if I am just being paranoid.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    There is fatty tissue gyno and hard lump gyno. Hard lump gyno is easily curable with 20mg of nolvadex aka tamoxifen aka tamoxifene citrate per day.

    Do it nust to be safe if you are worried.
    Generally it starts with sensitive nipples, kinda itchy feeling. Good luck

  3. #3
    Thank you for the comment.
    Are the sensitive itchy nipples just a stage of the whole process or should those symptoms still be around during the development of gyno?
    And if i chose to do the 20mg of nolvadex a day, should I keep doing this till the end of my cycle?
    And would this be a major kill to the gains I'd be making?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    for most guys 500mg of test will require at least a small dose of an AI , and if your worried about gyno you could just go with Nolva at 20mg the entire cycle like Ob suggested

    nolva will slightly down regulate IGF production , but nothing to worry about at that low of dose in regards to killing gains

  5. #5
    I agree with the other guys. I would get on some NOLVA @20MG daily immediately and that should cover you against any gyno issues.

  6. #6
    Thanks for the advice everyone.
    Started taking 20mg today and will keep doing so till the end of my cycle and after till my testosteron levels are returned back to normal.
    Did I acted early now by the way or does it look a bit like early gyno in the pictures?

  7. #7
    I kind of disagree. A lot of old school BBers never used an AI. The only time I’ll use 1 is if I’m on a lot of different Gear. I’ll tolerate the itchy, painful nips and focus on Gains. This is just my opinion, and how I go about it. Also, you should cut, and get BF down, and then Bulk.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaynz37 View Post
    I kind of disagree. A lot of old school BBers never used an AI. The only time I’ll use 1 is if I’m on a lot of different Gear. I’ll tolerate the itchy, painful nips and focus on Gains. This is just my opinion, and how I go about it. Also, you should cut, and get BF down, and then Bulk.
    running an AI is not mandatory. its just a tool, and its a really good tool for guys estrogen sensitive. another way to do it is run a cycle with no AI and a small dose of a SERM like nolva.

    its completely fine to go into a massing phase with higher body fat. as long as your work load is high (eg., cardio in the AM with 1.5 hour weight session in afternoon) your body is going to use that body fat as muscle sparing fuel to help you grow. the body fat is nothing more then stored calories, which will actually help you grow and 'get your calories in' sort of speak.

    would you be more insulin sensitive if you cut first ? sure. but being on cycle is going to make you partition nutrients in a positive manner anyways.

  9. #9
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    Aug 2005
    Pic doesn't help us much aesthetically without a before shot, and your bf is substantial.

    I partly agree with the other members, in that if you think there's something going on, paranoia or not, it's fine to take action. However, as cited above you'll notice itching, tingling, shirt chaffing, or just start to notice them in general. I said that I "partly" agreed, because the most widely preferred clinical gyno & breast cancer therapy is Letro, which is also highly recommended as a better during cycle Tx. Both compounds work well, and are employed clinically, sometimes concurrently and sometimes sequentially, but Letro is superior, and is thus considered the first line of defense. Look up Letro gyno therapy.

    Best to you.
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaynz37 View Post
    I kind of disagree. A lot of old school BBers never used an AI. The only time I’ll use 1 is if I’m on a lot of different Gear. I’ll tolerate the itchy, painful nips and focus on Gains. This is just my opinion, and how I go about it. Also, you should cut, and get BF down, and then Bulk.
    Wouldn't it be hard to focus on gainz knowing blood clots, stroke and edema is knocking on your door due to high E2?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    movin' to the country
    he's right. estrogen can kill you.

    i've got gyno issues. probably going to need surgery one day. i use roloxifene to hold it at bay.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32 View Post
    Pic doesn't help us much aesthetically without a before shot, and your bf is substantial.

    I partly agree with the other members, in that if you think there's something going on, paranoia or not, it's fine to take action. However, as cited above you'll notice itching, tingling, shirt chaffing, or just start to notice them in general. I said that I "partly" agreed, because the most widely preferred clinical gyno & breast cancer therapy is Letro, which is also highly recommended as a better during cycle Tx. Both compounds work well, and are employed clinically, sometimes concurrently and sometimes sequentially, but Letro is superior, and is thus considered the first line of defense. Look up Letro gyno therapy.

    Best to you.
    That is old science. Letro is famous for crashing estrogen totally and then havung a rebound effect.
    Nolva is much safer and more effective for gyno treatment.

    Not arguing or taking for granted the intelligence of a member like Magic though. Magic is much more intelligent in general on the subject of AAS than I. I had to go back an edit this in so I don't come off as a bag of...
    Last edited by Obs; 12-27-2017 at 12:07 PM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by 1moreset024 View Post
    Wouldn't it be hard to focus on gainz knowing blood clots, stroke and edema is knocking on your door due to high E2?
    I’m not Gyno sensitive. I’ve ran 1G of Test (real Test) and never ran an AI. And had no problems at all, other than the normal symptoms, and I just dealt with it. E2 was not to far out of range at the end of cycle either. Not everyone can go about it that way, but some can, and I do it all the time. If I ran 2-3 Oils, and an Oral, then I’ll run Aromasin E3D. I’ve jeber had to run an AI daily. These are my opinions, and I’ve seen it done many many times with success. To each their own. My posts are not TODOs, they are Opinions.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaynz37 View Post
    I’m not Gyno sensitive. I’ve ran 1G of Test (real Test) and never ran an AI. And had no problems at all, other than the normal symptoms, and I just dealt with it. E2 was not to far out of range at the end of cycle either. Not everyone can go about it that way, but some can, and I do it all the time. If I ran 2-3 Oils, and an Oral, then I’ll run Aromasin E3D. I’ve jeber had to run an AI daily. These are my opinions, and I’ve seen it done many many times with success. To each their own. My posts are not TODOs, they are Opinions.
    Those "normal symptoms" are signs that it is out of range.

    And unhealthy levels are present for a few weeks before they manifest in symptoms.

    Ever wonder if your arteries are hard as frozen ice?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by 1moreset024 View Post
    Those "normal symptoms" are signs that it is out of range.

    And unhealthy levels are present for a few weeks before they manifest in symptoms.

    Ever wonder if your arteries are hard as frozen ice?

    Hey Bud, I’ve been doing this shit for quit awhile. I know exactly what I am doing. You stick to your way, and I stick to mine. I’ve done plenty of these things called cycles. AI didn’t used to be around Buddy. It’s the new way to run an AI, and supposedly healthier. Ask Arnold if he ran an AI. Lmfao, move along

  16. #16
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaynz37 View Post
    Hey Bud, I’ve been doing this shit for quit awhile. I know exactly what I am doing. You stick to your way, and I stick to mine. I’ve done plenty of these things called cycles. AI didn’t used to be around Buddy. It’s the new way to run an AI, and supposedly healthier. Ask Arnold if he ran an AI. Lmfao, move along
    I have done this for a bit myself. One thing I learn more and more every day is I don't have all the answers to my own body and that the side of AAS can hit you differnt every time.

    I know the basics of AAS, which is much more than most doctors.
    I have ran cycles without AI before with no gyno issues and had serious gyno issues while running it...

    One thing the basics has taught me is that I really don't know shit.

    Keep an open mind man. This board is for advice.
    AI is a good thing.
    Arnold was a squirrel compared to what he would have been with modern information and compounds.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaynz37 View Post
    Hey Bud, I’ve been doing this shit for quit awhile. I know exactly what I am doing. You stick to your way, and I stick to mine. I’ve done plenty of these things called cycles. AI didn’t used to be around Buddy. It’s the new way to run an AI, and supposedly healthier. Ask Arnold if he ran an AI. Lmfao, move along
    it depends on the person and the goal of the cycle . I sometimes run plenty of 'wet' compounds and purposely don't take much of an AI at all (because I want the elevated estrogen) , there are other times I run a very dry lean cycle and run an AI eod.
    imo , an AI is nothing but a tool to use each to their own. it shouldn't be advocated as a 'must' and a be all end all , but it shouldn't be ignored as a useful tool to use when needed

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    it depends on the person and the goal of the cycle . I sometimes run plenty of 'wet' compounds and purposely don't take much of an AI at all (because I want the elevated estrogen) , there are other times I run a very dry lean cycle and run an AI eod.
    imo , an AI is nothing but a tool to use each to their own. it shouldn't be advocated as a 'must' and a be all end all , but it shouldn't be ignored as a useful tool to use when needed
    Your exactly right, that’s why I state that I do run it when I feel it’s needed, like when I’m on more than just a run of Test. It has its place for sure.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I have done this for a bit myself. One thing I learn more and more every day is I don't have all the answers to my own body and that the side of AAS can hit you differnt every time.

    I know the basics of AAS, which is much more than most doctors.
    I have ran cycles without AI before with no gyno issues and had serious gyno issues while running it...

    One thing the basics has taught me is that I really don't know shit.

    Keep an open mind man. This board is for advice.
    AI is a good thing.
    Arnold was a squirrel compared to what he would have been with modern information and compounds.
    Yeah, I’m no Pro myself. I go by what my Body tells me I suppose. If not needed, leave it be. Your body will let you know for sure.

  20. #20
    After approximately 10 days of taking 20mg Nolva a day the symptoms seem to have withdrawn.
    Nipples are a bit smaller, less puffier and lesss sensitive again.
    Thanks for the advice everyone.

  21. #21
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    Letro may hold it at bay but SERMs are the way to go for halting gyno growth or if you catch it in time ralox can reverse it.... but you are past that stage but hell worth a try it my shrink it... never know and i think taking action first is better than waiting for it to get worse etc

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Destination Peaksville
    Quote Originally Posted by Maximus96 View Post
    Hello everyone,

    Currently I am 4 weeks into my 10 week cycle of 500mg Test E a week.
    This is my second cycle, the first being also Test E but a lower dose and only 7 weeks.
    I've been reading a bit on gyno and lately I have been thinking my nipples have got a bit puffier.
    I've tried to feel behind the nipple if there was any glandular tissue but can't really tell if its just fat since its also on the sides of my pecs.
    I got a quite high fat percentage since I am also bulking for rugby so its hard to tell.

    It would be great if someone can help me to identify if these are early symptoms of gyno or if I am just being paranoid.

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    Glad the nolva worked for you. I just wanted to ask why would you run a long ester like enanthate for only 10 weeks? And 7 weeks just doesn't make any sense to lol, but even 10 weeks is way too short man you're robbing yourself of a lot of gains. If you're making the decision to jump on and all the potential risks associated with it, at least get the most out of it. Just my opinion bro, you'd be better off running at least 12 week cycles (at the very least).

  23. #23
    Before I started my first cycle I'd read the book Anabolics by William Llewellyn.
    Based upon the book I did my first and second cycle because it seemed the amount of gains would exponential decrease after 10 weeks of taking Test E.
    I am not an expert on anabolics whatsoever so I will look into extending the cycle if it seems like a good choice.

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