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Thread: Test e tren e over 40

  1. #1

    Test e tren e over 40

    Hey guys looking for a little advise. This wI'll be my 4th cycle first with tren.
    I have the Tren e wish it was A but it's what I have.

    Test E 250 / wk 1-12
    Tren E 500 / wk 1- 6
    Adex .5 e3 d 1-10

    Pct nova and clomid or may just stay on test e at 200 bper week

    41yrs, 205, 18%
    Trying to get some good size and strength back
    I see a lot of debate on weather to have more tren or more test.....thou g ts??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Im new and have no good advise but I like to see guys my age on here. Good on you. How old were you when you did your first cycle? How often do you cycle?

  3. #3
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    couple really simple points for you

    if your stuck running Tren e as your first tren cycle (ace is way better) then start the dosage lower to start and then ramp it up after week 5. don't start with 500 , start with 300 and go up from there. if your tren sensitive the sides won't be near as bad at 300 as they would be at 500

    another thing, I preach it post after post -- if your using Tren to grow, then you need higher amounts of estrogen. you need to run high test or some other wet compound . if your using Tren to cut, then you need the test to be very low and use no other wet compounds .

    so if you want growth , then simply bump your test up to 500-800mg, run the tren like I said, and possibly add something like Dbol to the mix.

    if you want to cut and get full and lean at the same time , then your cycle is fine

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by TRTdrew View Post
    Im new and have no good advise but I like to see guys my age on here. Good on you. How old were you when you did your first cycle? How often do you cycle?
    I've been doing about 2 cycles a year....mainly test e only...happy with the cycles but looking for a little more kick in the ass. I've heard a lot of mixed reviews about tren.
    I just started cycles about a year and a half and have been amazed how great test makes you feel!!
    Would recommend to anyone

  5. #5
    Thanks for the input, that's exactly what I was wondering. What wild you recommend for dbol, 50 ed for 4 weeks?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    couple really simple points for you

    if your stuck running Tren e as your first tren cycle (ace is way better) then start the dosage lower to start and then ramp it up after week 5. don't start with 500 , start with 300 and go up from there. if your tren sensitive the sides won't be near as bad at 300 as they would be at 500

    another thing, I preach it post after post -- if your using Tren to grow, then you need higher amounts of estrogen. you need to run high test or some other wet compound . if your using Tren to cut, then you need the test to be very low and use no other wet compounds .

    so if you want growth , then simply bump your test up to 500-800mg, run the tren like I said, and possibly add something like Dbol to the mix.

    if you want to cut and get full and lean at the same time , then your cycle is fine

    Thanks for the input, that's exactly what I was wondering. What wild you recommend for dbol , 50 ed for 4 weeks?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blockhead76 View Post
    Thanks for the input, that's exactly what I was wondering. What wild you recommend for dbol , 50 ed for 4 weeks?
    I generally suggest guys use the taper method when running Dbol. blasting it for only 4 weeks will result in you pissing away the water gains quickly. running it for longer duration will help you acclimate to and keep more gains.

    week 1-4 50mg
    week 5-7 30mg
    week 8-10 20mg

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Awesome info there I am 44 and doing same thing
    500 mg test e week
    Tren a I am at 100mg mwf now
    Debol 25mg ed
    About on week 6 and it is insane is all I can say I am not on any ai not having any problems there at all. If there is one thing I can add is start off eating but every week or so add more food. Eat clean and eat a lot and you will blow up. You are gonna love it when that Tren kicks in sir keep that diet plan strong and use real good clean food.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Just a few comments.. 51 yo btw
    I always run adex at .25 eod. That is usualy the rcomendation and then adjust based on bw.
    You should run the adex up to PCT and not stop at week 10. I also recommend that you do PCT and not continue.
    Natural low test sucks. Continueing may cause natural low test. I also recommend HCG 250 2x wk to keep the boys going."

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Just a few comments.. 51 yo btw
    I always run adex at .25 eod. That is usualy the rcomendation and then adjust based on bw.
    You should run the adex up to PCT and not stop at week 10. I also recommend that you do PCT and not continue.
    Natural low test sucks. Continueing may cause natural low test. I also recommend HCG 250 2x wk to keep the boys going."
    I do have HCG as well was think I'll add that as well. Start week 3 or so and stop a couple weeks before last pin?
    Thanks for the advise this is all great stuff!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Medic 1 View Post
    Awesome info there I am 44 and doing same thing
    500 mg test e week
    Tren a I am at 100mg mwf now
    Debol 25mg ed
    About on week 6 and it is insane is all I can say I am not on any ai not having any problems there at all. If there is one thing I can add is start off eating but every week or so add more food. Eat clean and eat a lot and you will blow up. You are gonna love it when that Tren kicks in sir keep that diet plan strong and use real good clean food.
    Sounds like it's working well. I'm definitely looking forward to adding something to the test only cycles. Been doing pretty good on the qualot of food but I definitely need to step up the quantity!

  12. #12
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Blockhead76 View Post
    I do have HCG as well was think I'll add that as well. Start week 3 or so and stop a couple weeks before last pin?
    Thanks for the advise this is all great stuff!
    I would run it through the whole cycle. From start to finish

  13. #13
    Alright I've ordered some Tren A and will hold on the Tren E for another time. So after the awsome advise from above I'm thinking the folowing

    Week 1-12 Test E 500- 600 per week (2 shots)
    Week 1-8 Tren A 75 ed
    Adex .5 e3 d week 1-10
    Hcg throughout 250 twice a week stop two weeks before last pin
    Looking to get caber but current supplier doesn't have it so may pass.

    Any thoughts on this one? Passed on the dbol because I switched to tren a, want to see how it goes. Think this should put on some good lean mass and strength.

  14. #14
    IMHO running 500mg of tren on your first tren cycle is just plain stupid.
    run half of that.

    I am 46 and will never run anything other then test again.
    I am not a kid anymore... health implications need to be considered.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    IMHO running 500mg of tren on your first tren cycle is just plain stupid.
    run half of that.

    I am 46 and will never run anything other then test again.
    I am not a kid anymore... health implications need to be considered.

    Yeah you definitely get a love or hate on Tren that's for sure. I may knock that down atleast for the first half and see how it goes.
    I always liked the test cycles but looking for a little something more...thanks for the input!!

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    IMHO running 500mg of tren on your first tren cycle is just plain stupid.
    run half of that.

    I am 46 and will never run anything other then test again.
    I am not a kid anymore... health implications need to be considered.
    How much test do you run and what test? How long? I've heard guys running in high for 12- 16 weeks and then keeping it going at like 100-200 per week for months longer

  17. #17
    I run 500 test C or E for three months and 100 test C or E for 3 months.
    I am a powerlifter so I do believe I don't need quite as much as guys who are trying to be huge AND ripped.

    But honestly, 500 tren may kick your ass as far as sides go... we are all different.

  18. #18
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    100 mg tren ace EOD (350 per week) is all your going to need on a first run of Tren

  19. #19
    Week 1-8 Tren ace - 100 eod
    Week 1-12 Test E 500 ew(2 shots)
    Adex .5 e3 d
    Hcg week 2-10 250 twice a week
    Maybe caber if I can find it
    Thanks for your advise dog and gear ...
    Pct will be nova clomid

  20. #20
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    you may have better luck with Prami , its cheaper and it does not expire quickly like caber does

    if your not prolactin sensitive though you may not need it at 350mg per week ,, I don't. but it should be on hand

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Medic 1 View Post
    Awesome info there I am 44 and doing same thing
    500 mg test e week
    Tren a I am at 100mg mwf now
    Debol 25mg ed
    About on week 6 and it is insane is all I can say I am not on any ai not having any problems there at all. If there is one thing I can add is start off eating but every week or so add more food. Eat clean and eat a lot and you will blow up. You are gonna love it when that Tren kicks in sir keep that diet plan strong and use real good clean food.
    Im really looking forward to this cycle...hope it goes well with the Tren. How long did you run the dbol? I was thinking of passing it to see how the tren goes but maybe do a small dose

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